Private Technology

: 234 Powerful Double Star Assistant!

The reporters didn't particularly feel the function of the Double Star Assistant, because they all knew that this was not all.

Protect your computer? Kill soft?

Is it a good idea to kill soft for a few years?

The answer is definitely no!

Scientific research is divided into three types: one is basic research; one is applied research; one is development research.

The outside world ’s attention to Guan Ming is more focused on applied research and development research.

Although Guan Ming has not published any important academic papers, the successful application of a technology itself represents an understanding of theoretical research. Of course, here is more at the level of applied research and development research.

No one knows how high the wise quotient is, but everyone thinks he is a master in applied research and developable research.

It is not worthwhile for Guan Ming to spend a few years on his eyes. No matter at home or abroad, everyone thinks that Guan Ming will put his vision at a more advanced position.

In simple terms, he is a pioneer, a leader in creating stranger areas!

"Of course, the dual-star assistant cannot have only this one function, it also has full voice control and intelligence."

"So, everyone may not have a deep understanding, let's experiment." With that said, the table rises from a transparent glass table with an open notebook on it, and the display wall behind the tube displays the notebook interface.

The desktop is very clean. In addition to some things that come with the system, there is only ‘Double Star Assistant’.

Guan Ming walked to the computer and opened the Double Star Assistant with the mouse. However, it is not a browser, but is similar to the input method and is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.

Pick up an external microphone and say, "Double Star, create a brand new text document on the D drive." Suddenly, the notebook interface pops up the "My Computer" interface and enters the D drive to create a text document.

"Uh ... no, delete this text document, create a new text document on the desktop and open it."

Double Star Assistant faithfully executed Guan Ming's command, deleted the newly created text document, and then closed 'My Computer', created a new text document on the desktop and opened it.

"Enter what I said below." Guan Ming said, glancing at the notebook interface.

"I heard that Fran? Ois-Fillon became the French president, and he likes literature. The UEFA-Champions-League final was held in Athens, but unfortunately I didn't watch it because I was a pseudo-fan." After that, Guan Ming raised one With one hand, about every second, hold down one finger until Hua Zhang turns into a fist, Guan Ming turns his head to look at the display wall.

"OK, what I just said has nothing to do with this press conference, but did anyone notice that I just spoke in Chinese, French and English." Looking at the reporter in front, Guan Ming said.

These words have nothing to do with the half-money of this press conference. If you have to say something, you can only say that the news was a few days ago.

On May 17, 2007, Francois Fillon became President of France.

On May 23, 2007, the UEFA Champions League final was held in Athens.

Guan Ming said that this is just to show the degree of language discrimination of the Double Star Assistant, and of course to gather hot spots, otherwise it is no problem to talk about George W. Bush and French wine.

The reporter from the audience took a breath of air, and looked at Guan Ming on the stage inconceivably.

Although they are just journalists, they are also somewhat professional, not to mention professionals, but at least they know more than ordinary people. They can easily recognize the three languages ​​in Guan Ming's mouth. Does that mean they can identify more languages?

And from the previous performance point of view, this 'Double Star Assistant' has strong intelligence and has reached a certain level in logical judgment. At least it will analyze the user's words to find the key points.

They instantly think of a term-artificial intelligence.

But in a flash, I felt impossible, because the computer supported by artificial intelligence is at least a supercomputer, not a laptop!

"After opening the Double Star Assistant, if you want to order him to do something, you must have a keyword to start. Now the default keyword of this software is the Chinese word" Double Star ", and when the user stops for five seconds without speaking, This software will stop receiving external voice commands unless there is a keyword to start it, and the dual-star assistant does more than that. "

"Double Star, open the browser, I want to find Guan Ming from Future Technology Co., Ltd., I want to see his information." Guan Ming took his own example, save and close the text file, open the webpage, it takes about two seconds. , The search results on the page of Du Niang appears, and at the same time, a link with the most complete information is opened.

"Double Star, open Facebook. I want to see who is the hottest person on it."

The page jump failed. A website that originally controlled the information has now become a dead website.

Subsequently, Guan Ming looked at the reporter and continued, "I am a person who observes the law and abides by the law. It is the basic responsibility of everyone to abide by local laws and regulations. It is not allowed to cross the wall in China, so computer users in China cannot use it. Double Star Assistant comes to the wall. Similarly, if you are in a foreign country where guns are banned, you cannot use Double Star to retrieve information about gun sales ~ ~ It is the basic responsibility of everyone to comply with local laws and regulations, but to strengthen The strength of itself and its own country is the obligation of every citizen.

Guan Ming sees this very well, which is why he can stand here to introduce the Assistant Assistant.

You know, the above also knows Guan Ming's behavior.


"Wow, this thing is so powerful?" Li Minghui looked at the computer with a look of amazement. The above is a graphic introduction. Although it is called instant, there is still a delay, but the delay is only five minutes at most.

"Probably, his words should be fairly reliable." Mu Xiaoxiao gave a conclusion after thinking about it.

Although not very comfortable with the change of Guan Ming's attitude, at least he is still technically reliable, let alone, Mu Xiaoxiao said that 'Double Star Assistant' is too easy to use, as long as it is available on the Internet and is public Resources can be found.

Not to mention entertainment, even professional courses are very helpful.

For example, the teacher left homework, and from a certain ceramic to analyze the social class at that time and the comprehensive national strength of the time, etc. These things are either known by serious people or they can only find them online.

For example, during the reign of Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Yongzheng, the three emperors had different performances in porcelain due to their personalities and comprehensive national strength. For example, the quiet Emperor Kangxi, the elegant Emperor Yongzheng, and the strong Qianlong.

"It's great, if only I could meet this Guan Ming." Li Minghui said.

"Haha, how can Guanming have so much time?" Mu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, and at the same time he cast off Guan Ming.

"But it's not bad, at least you also have a Guan Ming." Li Minghui poked Mu Xiaoxiao's ribs and said lightly.

"How can it be?" Mu Xiaoxiao was unwilling to be humiliated and laughed with Li Minghui.

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