The press conference continues, and there is a lot of content involved here, including the simultaneous binding of account and voice, including when the dual star assistant cannot be used.

Because the current computer board Double Star Assistant is itself a PC-side software. To be more realistic, if anyone steals this computer and does not restrict the permissions of the Double Star Assistant, then you can use the Double Star Assistant to find all kinds of locals in this computer. Files, not to mention the hidden files of college students' "Ma Zhe", enterprise-level business files alone can scare many users.

Therefore, Guan Ming set the account password and sound binding to the computer to further protect the security of the personal computer. If the account password and sound do not match, you cannot use the Double Star Assistant.

For some games, bank card passwords, and other things that require a password, the Double Star Assistant can't do it for you, so as not to lose the user's password.

It's not that Guan Ming has no confidence in himself. After all, the voice itself is sound, and it lacks a certain degree of confidentiality.

One stone provoked a thousand-layer wave. With Guan Ming's explanation to Assistant Assistant of Double Stars, it was originally just a lively network spreading rapidly.

Countless domestic netizens have expressed concern. After all, they have reached the product launch, which means that the product will go online, but will this high-tech product affect the country? To be more straightforward, if foreign organizations analyze it with the country first, What about this double star assistant?

Although the country is composed of people, the country and the people have two meanings. Even if it is as strong as control, it cannot stop people from thinking in this regard. No, the conference is not over yet. The main authors have issued articles in the hope that Guan Ming will hand over this technology to the country and not let the country lag behind foreign countries in science and technology competition.

Of course, the domestic official media has not heard of it, and no heavyweight public officials have talked about it.

Relative to the concerns of domestic netizens, foreign netizens are also worried about whether this software will have a problem of restricted sales, and even foreign officials also attach great importance to this matter.

The press conference went to the questioning session, raising his arms like a forest, for fear that there would be no opportunity to ask questions.

"Hello, President Guan, I would like to ask you about this double-star assistant, which is not artificial intelligence." It is still in accordance with the order of the questions. Although it is the first question, the position is very remote.

"It doesn't count in my opinion, of course. In the future, artificial intelligence may be developed, because the dual-star assistant is the intermediate product or the incidental product of my research on artificial intelligence." Regarding artificial intelligence, Guan Ming has his own Regardless of the idea of ​​the simple version of the double star over the country, Guan Ming said that the less people know the better, and the later the better.

As for the dual-star assistant, it is really a by-product, a voice assistant with a certain logical judgment. In Guan Ming's view, it is more like a dual-star retriever applied to a personal computer and accessing the dual-star database through the Internet for data retrieval.

"General Manager, I would like to ask, how much does this software sell for? At the same time, will this product impact the search engines, such as Google, such as your mother in China?" The question is still a foreigner .

"I don't think it will cause an impact, because this software is firstly paid software, not free to use. At the same time, this software can also be denied access to certain websites. I believe that many websites do not want to be accessed by the Double Star Assistant. Then the owners of these websites can submit an application report to our company online. After the company determines the owners, we will block the website. As for the cost, we have no clear idea for the time being, which requires us to further study the market. "Guan Ming said .

The function of the Double Star Assistant still covers the search engine to a certain extent, but not everyone will pay for it, so the impact is only certain.

Compared to Google, Du Niang's impact should be even smaller, because the country is accustomed to free software, or pirated software, but Guan Ming said that his software is not so easy to crack.

Of course, as a shareholder of BAT, Guan Ming would not be so reckless to wash out B, but in the business, it will definitely be affected. The most obvious is probably the stock price fell.

Guan Ming's press conference here hasn't finished yet, and the stock prices of Google and Du Niang started to collapse.

I went to my grandma's house before, and then went to my grandma's house.


"I rely on it, it's too big for me. I will write a dissertation or something in the future, and use this assistant directly. It should not be too easy to write!"

At lunch, the canteen, Mu Xiaoxiao was eating with a sullen head, and a few male students not far away said loudly.

The cafeteria itself, the environment is relatively noisy, and the sound is normal, but Mu Xiaoxiao feels that when writing a dissertation or something, it is necessary to think carefully about it. Of course, if it is a citation, it does not matter if you look for it on the Internet ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Come on, haven't you read the above, old iron for a fee, you buy a software for a thesis? You must have a computer first, otherwise it would be a waste to buy it. "Retorted another.

The press conference was done in the morning, and Guan Ming naturally did not give all reporters the opportunity to ask questions. At first, he was energetic and could call each other. When he was a little tired, he began to call blindly.

Of course, at 12:00 Wang Zuxian, things that came out like flowers are not without them, and not all good reporters can ask harmonious questions, but the problem is that Guan Ming has the right to refuse to answer questions.

Guan Ming demonstrated ‘Everyone has the right to know the truth’, but he also showed that ‘Personal privacy is protected by law’.

"What's up today? What do the gangs say?" Liu Chunmei is a more free-spirited person. After eavesdropping for a while, he looked at his roommate in a haze, whispered to show that he was a little aggressive. .

"It's not the Guan Ming yet, and another new product was launched this morning, which is said to be very powerful." Li Minghui answered with a smile.

"I'm still the best at Guandan University ~" Li Feifei said with emotion, she admired Guanming from the heart. Although she couldn't do without luck, she couldn't ignore her own efforts.

"That Guan Ming is yours. This Guan Ming is Xiao Xiao. If you do n’t understand next time, I will destroy you and hum ~" Liu Chunmei said with a wink, and the girls giggled.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up, pursed his lips, and said he didn't want to talk to them, and tried to chew the food in his mouth.

This Guan Ming?

That Guan Ming?

Two Guan Ming are one person, okay!

Suddenly, Mu Xiaoxiao was looking forward to the expression of his roommate after knowing the news. It might be very interesting!

Mu Xiaoxiao thought very darkly ...

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