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Guan Ming was not a good student. He could not pose for forty-five minutes in one position. Although his hands were very soft, his elbows pressed against his thighs. He felt that the thighs were going to numb. Even if he raised his elbows now, his thighs were still numb. of.

Staring at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and found that he really wanted more.

Probably there are too many IQ seals in normal times. At this time, it suddenly erupts, and all kinds of things are thought about again.

"Oh." The tight pork belly relaxed, Mu Xiaoxiao flattened his mouth, sat next to Guan Ming, his fat left hand stretched out, Guan Mingshu held it lightly, and leaned back slowly.

The cabin is not large, but it is not small either. Official figures show that it can crowd out about ten people, but in fact few people can pull out to this extent.

The weather was very hot, with his left ankle resting on his right ankle, Mu Xiaoxiao shook his little feet, hummed the unknown song, and looked at the scenery outside.

The socks can only be seen a little, the smooth calf shaking back and forth, and Guan Guan was frightened. He didn't think much, but he heard that there was a resonance. Although he didn't know the specifics, but ...

But still alive, down to earth again, Guan Ming said that he would like to thank ccav for the party!

"Hey, let go ~" Shaking his hand, Mu Xiaoxiao pouted and said dissatisfied, probably the sun was too bright, and his face was still rosy.

It's all down, still holding hands? Shame not shame?

Although Ma Qingyun could not be seen, Mu Xiaoxiao always felt that Ma Qingyun should peep where she could not see. Mu Xiaoxiao, who had an outbreak of IQ, said that she was a smart egg.

"Wait a while, I still have dizziness, and my legs are a little soft." Guan Ming is attackable, defensive, and forward and backward, not to mention that his legs are soft now, even if he jumps two meters high, he must be soft.

Pick-ups are daring, careful, and cheeky. Guan Ming can't do the best, but at least he has been working hard.

Guan Ming said that he is now a soft ... No, warm man!

He pulled his hand hard, but he couldn't pull it out. He rubbed his teeth against Guan Ming, the braces glowed with cold light. Yu Guang glanced around and found that few people really paid attention to this side, blushing, Mu Xiaoxiao Do not want to ignore him and give him a back of the head.

Holding hands is a habit, as if you are used to using chopsticks and spoons. Unfortunately, this holding hand only lasts one morning.

Guan Ming exhausted various methods to delay projects such as merry-go-round, but lunch could not be delayed, at least Guan Ming did not develop the skills of left-handed eating.

The crisp laughter resounded, like the intoxicating tune, maybe not in the spring and the white snow, or maybe not in the Liba people, but Guan Ming felt very suitable and suitable for himself and the housekeeper he represented.

A thousand people have a thousand Hamlets, but each Hamlet ends in death.

In this world, it is estimated that only Guan Ming knows why he pursued Mu Xiaoxiao. As for the external evaluation, Guan Ming looked at it coldly and dismissed the explanation.

The dinner outside was probably a bit of activity today. Mu Xiaoxiao was very happy with the big fish and meat, and Guan Ming sent Mu Xiaoxiao home.

It was dark. On this day, Guan Ming was not disturbed in any way. On this day, Mu Xiaoxiao was not disturbed in any way.

The light in the residential building passed through the glass, dissipating a hint of darkness.

"Go up." Guan Ming looked at the person standing in front of him, Guan Ming said.

"You turn first."

The sky was dim, and the light and shadow were interlaced. Guan Ming was unable to adapt to the darkness for the time being. He could not see the five senses. He could only see Mu Xiaoxiao standing behind the door with his hands behind his back.

"What are you going to do?" Guan Ming asked with a smile and turned around.

There were footsteps behind him, followed by being hugged.

The forearm is wrapped around the elbow. If you use the scene in the anime, it is probably held as if you were holding a bear's hair, but in fact, this hair is one meter eight, higher than Mu Xiaoxiao's head.

Summer clothes are thin and light, and you can feel the girl's body, soft and warm.

"Thank you today." The voice was very light and small.

The chin, driven by the closed lips, crawls on the back like a worm.

It was so small that even the sound of speaking couldn't hide the two beating hearts, and it thundered in the ear like a drum.

Opening his mouth, Mu Xiaoxiao ran back without waiting for Guan Ming to say anything.

The palms stretched out slowly, and the tips of the hair brushed the palms, itching.

Hearing the gradual footsteps, Guan Ming grinned a little, and laughed silently.

Probably, Mu Xiaoxiao also knew that the frontal **** was not Guan Ming, so he had to sneak in from behind.


The heart was pounding, Mu Xiaoxiao panted, Mu's black question mark, Mu's black question mark, and Mu Xiaoxiao ran to the toilet to wash his feet.

After a day of walking, I was exhausted, and I was also hot. Of course, I was very happy.

Scratching the toe, Mu Xiaoxiao hummed the opening song of a cartoon with a smile on her mouth, and her toes were pumped from time to time, and it was not clear whether the cold water was too cold or to match the movements on the hands.


Mu Xiaoxiao: "I'm going to take the exam soon. Don't disturb me these days, otherwise I'll hit you!"

On the car, Guan Ming received a message ~ ~ Looking at the text above, Guan Ming seemed to see Mu Xiaoxiao raising his fists and grinning with teeth, threatening himself.

Guan Ming: "Go to the library together?"

Guan Ming did not say which library, but it is clear that it is not the city library, but the school library.

Mu Xiaoxiao: "Come less! Don't bother me before taking the test, otherwise see me once and then tell my mom you bully me!"

As if to see Mu Xiaoxiao, who was wearing a sleeve, Guan Ming smiled.

Guan Ming: "What do I do when I miss you?"

Playing with the phone in his hand, whenever the light is off, he clicks on the phone to ensure that he can see the text message at the first time, instead of knowing that the text message is coming after hearing the ringtone.

It's about a minute to come. Mu Xiaoxiao's text message is sent.

Mu Xiaoxiao: "..."

Turning a blind eye and not hearing, Zhou Wu stared at the road straight ahead.

The night was holding the earth, the moon replaced the sun, the years alternated, and the time was like a breeze. People always found out when blowing their hair.


"Specially, I'm going to smash the computer!"

"Calm down, after all, this is just computer software."

"Specially, I can't calm down. I'll graduate right away and give me this? I have studied Spanish for four years. Where can I apply for a job?"

"Speaking, we still have the advantage of speaking, don't say anything, come from another company, let's take a tour or something, can we still hold a computer to translate along the way?"

"Special, I can't bear it!"

The advent of the Double Star Assistant has facilitated many people and killed many people at the same time.

In fact, the impact of Double Star Assistant on search engines is not in the eyes of translators, because paid and free are the two markets after all, however, the door to the foreign language industry is half blocked.

This is where Guan Ming didn't expect ...

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