Private Technology

: 248 AR Glasses

Guan Ming really didn't notice the translation. When he noticed it, it was a bit late, and the channel he knew was on Weibo.

Guan Ming Weibo paid attention to Mu Xiaoxiao, a person with a long leg. As for this news, he saw the ranking of Weibo topics.

After a brief look, Guan Ming found that there were a lot of people involved in the topic, most of them were practitioners and college students, and of course there were some middle and high school students.

Different positions, different views on the same thing.

Many practitioners and college students are not very friendly with this software. They think that the dual-star assistant has blocked half of the translation, but there are only millions of domestic practitioners and foreign language college students. This is only domestic. If dialects are global, Double Star Assistant will affect more than ten million people.

Junior and high school students said that this change is commendable. First of all, foreign language learning has its own difficulties, subjective and objective. If the double-star assistant can optimize it, maybe there is no need to learn foreign languages ​​in junior and senior high schools. .

This is also a point of concern for practitioners and foreign language college students.

At present, the Double Star Assistant can only be translated, but it is limited to text. Now it can be controlled by voice, but the Double Star Assistant cannot speak.

In fact, the personal computer hardware is still lagging behind. In fact, the Double Star Assistant really has a further development trend.

Guan Ming plans to transplant the dual-star assistant on both the holographic projection and the vr headset. In Guan Ming's vision, the final vr / ar glasses can be transplanted and transplanted on the dual-star assistant, and then be translated simultaneously according to the bone-borne headset, and eventually eliminated Spoken foreign languages, based on the camera that may exist to eliminate the foreign language of the text, and finally reach different languages ​​without hindering communication.

But it doesn't matter. Since it is released, Guan Ming is not ready to get it back. The development of science and technology will itself revolutionize the industry, or create, or destroy, or improve.


Looking at the time, Guan Ming got up and pumped toilet paper to clean his bottom.

Especially, the toilet is the quietest environment.

Guan Ma can pull Guan Ming, who wears only small pants, out of the bed, but Guan Ma can't get into the toilet and pull Guan Ming. Of course, Guan Ma can knock on the door.

"You're out of the toilet. Hurry out to eat. It will be cold for a while." Duang ~ duang ~, both feet, the tube guard stood at the door of the toilet and dried up.

"Okay, that's it." Rushing into the water, Guan Ming killed with his laptop.

There is no ipad these years, and the best props to use the toilet can only be a notebook. After all, the function of the mobile phone is still monotonous, at least the number of apps is much less.

Sitting at the table, Guan Ma looked at Guan Ming with a complex look.

Guan Ming was holding a bun and was foggy. I didn't know what the old man was thinking, but the bun tasted very good, the skin was thin and pleated, the meat was big, and the soup went down in one bite. Very nice, made by the company's chef who specializes in breakfast.

It is said that there are crab stuffed buns, but Guan Ming doesn't like crabs, so I'm sorry.

"Xiaoming ... did you wash your hands?" Baoshou, who had a big fist, ate half of it, and asked the mother hesitantly for a long time.

"Cough ..." Guan Diao's soy milk came out of his nose, and he couldn't help coughing.

The action froze, watching his old mother carry her father back, Guan Ming's appetite suddenly disappeared.

In order to defend his name, Guan Ming squinted and ate the remaining half of the bun.

"I'm full and gone."

"Wait a while, how can you eat a bun, eat more and grow your body." Guan Ma said quickly, hammering his father.

"Forget it, the company is fine." Standing up, Guan Ming walked resolutely.


"Hurry off, aren't you taking the exam today?" Looking at her beautiful girl, Mu Mu wasn't angry.

"Oh." Huh agreed. Mu Xiaoxiaowo was on the sofa with a toothpick and a small mirror. She looked at her mouth, mainly to see if there was something jammed between the braces and the teeth. She remembered a small dinner What is rape? I stuck in the teeth and didn't pay attention, but when I washed it at night, I found that it was 臊 呦 ~


Mu Xiaoxiao had an exam, and Guan Ming naturally didn't bother too much during this time. There was just enough time and many things to do.

The design requirements of the aircraft over Guan Dang Guan Ma have been told to the other party, and the design requirements over Guan Ming have also been told to the other party. After the final design drawing is out, see if there are any changes.

However, Guan Ming said that he also wanted to get a private yacht, but afterwards, he said that anyway, there are also leasing companies these years, not only his own, is the best.

Three levels underground, ar glasses are a type of headset. The shape is a bit unique. There is a circle around the head like a head, and then there are transparent lenses from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose. However, the lenses are tilted, from top to bottom, from Outside-in, and lenses are not simple lenses ...

At present, there is still a connection cable to connect the computer, because most of the data processing depends on the computer, ar said that it is a technology that calculates in real time and displays it to human eyes, or it depends on the computing power of cpu.

With nothing in both hands, like controlling a holographic projection, the one in front of me can clearly be seen as a virtual thing, which has been enlarged and shrunk.

The positioning of metal gloves is achieved by Bluetooth technology. The advantage is that it will not 'channel' and has high accuracy. The disadvantage is that it is uncomfortable to wear a metal glove on your hand.

And Guan Ming's empty-hand operation now uses several cameras on ar glasses to locate the hand's position ~ ~ calculated by computer and executed.

The advantage of empty-handed operation is that it is lightweight and does not require any additional wearable devices to assist, but the disadvantages are also obvious, and it is easy to channel.

For example, if someone puts out two hands behind Guan Ming for operation, it will definitely affect Guan Ming, unless the environment is the same as the third floor underground. Except for ar glasses, there are cameras in all corners for verification. It also needs such powerful computing power as a photonic computer.

It looks very interesting. Guan Ming walks forward and looks around, and expands and shrinks. At the same time, Guan Ming is a mobile metal table. On the table is a laptop computer for data exchange. Minghe Photon Computer's Central Station.

With one hand outwards, the metal 3d printer is broken down. The thing that was only half a meter long, wide and high instantly became two or three meters long, wide and high. Seeing that the smallest screws are unscrewed, all the hardware seems to be from the inside out. The overall expansion is proportional, and it is not just an angle. Guan Ming can flip, expand and shrink by controlling these virtual images floating in the air, which is much stronger than what is on the floor plan.

Guan Ming is thinking when it will be better to launch this thing, or is it necessary to launch a few low-end AR products first.

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