Private Technology

: 265 Incredible

After sending Qian Junhao away, Guan Ming took the elevator directly to the underground to see the situation of the navigation satellite.

None of the things floating in space is simple, and most of them cannot be printed with metal printers.

Not to mention the difference in strength between metal printed parts and normal production parts. Just talking about daily common parts, not many can be used in space.

High temperature from direct sunlight, low temperature without light, various radiation outside, etc.

The last satellite was made by Guan Ming who purchased most of the parts and then assembled it by himself, but even so, most of them were customized by the manufacturer and then installed by themselves. From the aspect of materials, the one floating in the sky The satellite is at most a personal assembly machine, or the one with an average price of about 3000, that is, there is a photon computer and a double star on it, otherwise the use of this satellite is really narrow.

Of course, the last satellite itself was launched for the safety of the double star.

On the second floor, Guan Ming looked through the glass. There are three satellites already installed. The fourth satellite is currently being rebuilt and installed.

Guan Ming values ​​both technology and value.

He can hand over the metal printer and the simple version of the double star, but sometimes he hides it.

For example, the satellites currently being installed have the core of photonic computers. However, when buying materials, they will buy more or less other things, and the metal parts are not ordered exactly according to the drawings. There are variants. Looking back at the double stars, they can separate them to the greatest extent. From the raw materials, it is impossible to determine what Guan Ming wants to do.

As for the issue of material waste, Guan Ming said that it doesn't matter if the materials are not available or stored or discarded, anyway, there is a schedule on the side of Double Star, which is not bad money.

On the last satellite, Guan Ming was very worried whether the base would be demolished for research and then sent to the sky. He also had to install some unnecessary programs in it.

But for now, Guan Ming doesn't need to worry about this.

Because the 30 satellites this time are large enough, Guan Ming can optimize the structure. If he wants non-violent dismantling, it will take less than a month, but Guan Ming will not let the satellites out for a month God.

Unless the state and Guan Ming tear their faces, the violence will be torn apart, and everyone's face will not be unbearable.

Because Guan Ming welded directly to most places, it broke anyway. Guan Ming shoots up again. He is not bad for the satellite money. Besides, the satellite is broken. In fact, it is a trouble to repair. .

The probability of refueling in the air is very high, not to mention satellites, and there is no way to replace materials.

"Double Star, when will the remaining satellites be ready?" Looking at the fully automated machinery in front, Guan Ming was also a little bit enthusiastic.

"Boss, on average, one satellite can be assembled every five days, and it is estimated that there will be 133 days before the end of this target." Shuangxing said immediately.

In the past, double stars would be accurate to minutes and even seconds.

Guan Ming feels very interesting. Double Star actually uses the word ‘left and right’ to describe it. Of course, it ’s just interesting.

As the binary database becomes more and more abundant, and as the amount of binary computing becomes larger and larger, it will become more and more human.

The photon computer below the company is experimenting with biological enzymes, and the calculation of the photon computer floating in the sky is getting richer.

"By the way, you have the decoration plans of my two private jets here." Guan Ming suddenly remembered that his two small planes would be delivered over a period of time, but Guan Ming still needs to make some modifications. .

"Yes, boss," Shuangxing said.

With Guan Ming's order, the double star, like the ancient historian, recorded Guan Ming's words and deeds, and even everything related to Guan Ming.

Interior decoration of the aircraft, the double star naturally.

"Well, first help me check some aircraft systems to see if there are loopholes, and then you design ..." Guan Ming was a persuasion, this time provoked the United States, although the prism door incident the United States should not know and Guan Ming Related, but the lawsuit of Double Star Assistant has caused the other party to suffer a bit. In the event of pressing the back door on the aircraft system or deducting the aircraft material, or even using the opportunity of decoration, placing positioning equipment or radio equipment, it will control the aircraft. There is no difference between buying and not buying.

No, it hurts more than buying it.

Guan Ming doesn't feel that he needs to be different, but as a recognized "technologist", his plane must be reflected.

In Guan Ming's assumption, if there is a special situation, the aircraft can have a double star to control the flight for unmanned operation. If the aircraft cannot be remotely controlled by signal interference, the aircraft needs to have a program to fly to a safe place automatically.

Including Guan Ming's dynamic projection, VR headset and ar being studied, all should be reflected on the aircraft.

"Okay, boss." Shuangxing replied, although there was no change in tone from the previous, Guan Ming felt that the photon computer floating in the sky should allocate computing power, and Shuangxing's humanoid level should drop by one level.

Of course, this is just Guan Ming's feelings.

But when there are more and more satellites in the sky, the double stars will only become more and more human.

Even beyond the limits of human imagination ...


"30 navigation satellites? I remember the country has invested in this."

"Is this suitable for personal involvement?"

"Did he let him participate in the Beidou project?"

"forget it."

"But launching the rocket multiple times can verify previous designs and theories."

"This year's funding has already been issued. How can there be so much funding to make rockets?"

"National rockets are all numbered, and they are all arranged by projects."

30 satellites, whether it is a star, a star, or a star, is a big burden for the country. The satellite that Guanming was able to lift off last time, in addition to the technology, background, and high payment of Guanming In addition to money, it is more the country's first test of recyclable rockets.

It has not yet reached the second test stage. In theory, there is no need to launch a rocket.

Although the country is the number one country in the global rocket launch, each rocket has its own mission and responsibility. There are more places for the country to use rockets, and the queues can be queued to next year. They are all departments and units directly under the State.


If the video of the prism door incident was just sent out, it was like a high-pressure water gun, spraying a stream of information that could drown the White House.

Then after less than 20 hours, the high-pressure water gun has become an assault rifle. Although it is a rubber bullet, it can also shred everything.

If public opinion in our country is directional, then foreign public opinion is not so easy, especially around 2000, when Europe, the United States and the United States shared data.

From the video of the prism door incident, Bush Jr.'s phone has not stopped, and even a few more radical EU leaders have stated directly on the phone that they will consider stopping data sharing and re-reviewing the issues related to YouTube, Facebook, etc. To the company's security.

"... You mean, a video uploaded by a YouTube employee on his own computer? And the main picture inside is YouTube?" Bush Jr. looked unbelievable, as if he saw that Teddy had a strong use of the lion. What a success.

"Yes, this is indeed the case from the present point of view, and afterwards we checked the monitoring video on YouTube and found that the video of several time periods was changed, and the changed video was directed to that station. We analyzed, It should be that something important happened during these time periods. For the time being, we are not sure if there are other associates inside youtube ~ ~ and no other questions have been asked. "

Although he was the reporter, when he first heard the news, he was incredible.

Because this YouTube employee didn't run away, even when he was arrested, he was still aggressive. Even during the interrogation, the employee denied it, saying that he knew nothing and was innocent.

However, after investigation, this YouTube employee did have the opportunity to contact the employees of the defense outsourcer. At the same time, he is also a blond Los Angeles man, at least more suitable for the person in the video, regardless of appearance, location and some parts of the body.

Incredible coincidence, incredible results.


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