No matter the incredible result, that is the result.

Just like the Chinese Dynasty, so many wise emperors were deceived by the alchemists at the end of their lives. Even in New China, there are reincarnation and reincarnation to cheat money.

Belief and unbelief often rely on people's subjective consciousness rather than objective existence.

The time difference between China and the United States is about 13 hours, and China is 13 hours faster than the United States.

After dinner, Guan Ming had two computers. One computer held the US Secretary of State's real-time press conference on the Prism Gate incident, and one computer was dota.

The Dota version is updated relatively quickly in this time period. At least at the end of the ice doll, I did not update a version after more than a year, and finally issued the update right. Compared to the update, the update is now too fast.

In today's version, there is no blue staff in the Druid 12 divine costume. At the same time, this hero is probably the most procrastinating one in the entire hero pool.

After all, there is a big gap between the 12 God costume and the 6 God costume in the accumulation of resources and time.

In the insult of 4 teammates, Guan Ming still chose this super late stage, and the tumor was to the end.

"I don't know who actually made this video, but I want to say that this is completely non-existent, completely framed, and also a provocation to the United States ..."

"You know, the United States has been one of the core forces in fighting terrorism since 9/11, and we have reason to suspect that this is a conspiracy orchestrated by terrorism ..."

"The United States has always been centered on freedom and democracy. We will not trample on the law. We have never listened to any country, business, or individual ..."

Barabara, the US Secretary of State started all kinds of lies.

Powell is the first black secretary of state in the United States. At the same time, his reputation is very good in today's society. Of course, there is a reason for his good reputation.

First of all, he is a descendant of immigrants, relying on honesty and hard work to become the first mixed-race admiral in the United States, participated in the Korean War, and finally took the position of Secretary of State. At the same time, when he was in office, his support rate was over 80%. It can be said that The group of people who have the highest support among successive Secretary of State is also in line with the American Dream.

The Secretary of State is one of the powers of the United States, including the preservation and use of the Great Seal of the United States.

It can be said that Powell endorsed Bush Jr. this time and used his past experience to endorse the United States.

"Specially, these idiots, don't you know X Eye?" Seeing his own person was rubbed to death on the ground, the bear screamed miserably, hanged down, Guan Mingqi wanted to lift the table.

Dota hit a teammate less than once a year!

What a special, teammates are too watery! Before they had time to pit them, they would not be able to find the north!

What does this mean for the party and the people? What did Guan Ming do?

What a ...

"Double Star, put a second video on Facebook." Listening to Powell wow, Guan Ming said angrily.

Face-to-face is the best way to beat your face. Guan Ming was beaten in the game, and you must find it somewhere else.

The video that made Shuangxing stop all the projects is not without reason.

First of all, you need to find the injustice, that is, the company employee who has the opportunity to contact the defense contractor, then find the screenshot through the camera and intentionally leave the hand and tail at a specific time, and then determine the identity of the person in the screenshot.

Without Snowden, only video, the United States can use video fraud and so on to justify, but this can only be effective for the people.

However, between nations is itself full of interest exchanges, and ensuring the attitude in the eyes of the American people is very important for George W. Bush. The dialogue between nations can be compensated by interests. After all, the major electoral districts now have Began to pay attention to the next presidential election.

In the next election of the Republican Party where Bush Jr. is located, the current advantage is not obvious, and this advantage is still based on race. You must know that the Democratic Party's next election is actually a black person!

This is an unbelievable thing for white supreme America, and it can be described by disaster!

The reason Powell was called the 'American Dream' was because he became the first Black (Mixed Blood) Secretary of State and was at the center of American power. You know, the appointment was very rough.

"Okay, boss." Shuangxing is not surprised, because it has several videos on hand, including Microsoft, Google, and so on.

Double Star has analyzed Guan Ming ’s behavior, and the calculation results show that the reason why he did not release all the videos about the prism door company at one time, it is probably that Guan Ming wanted to “torture” the United States, and the impact of one-time release and one by one The gap cannot be calculated for the double stars for the time being. After all, the country is an organization and an organization composed of many people.

Guan Ming made persistent efforts and continued to choose the late big Naga, commonly known as a sister, to continue his lonely and lonely late journey.

When dealing with reporters, Powell was very experienced. First of all, he would say hello to the good media, and explain what should be asked, what should not be asked, and what are the key issues.

If you can answer it, Powell will answer it naturally, and you will answer it carefully. If you ca n’t answer it, you will pass it in a few words.

The United States, now the United States, does not need to look at anyone, except people in its own country.

Even the EU, in Powell's view, is just a follower of the United States. Although the status is higher than Japan and South Korea, it is not much higher.

Western countries have technological bastions for China, and the United States does not give their full support to the European Union. Otherwise, why does the European Union develop Galileo navigation systems? Why look for China as a money bag?

"... A user uploaded a video on youtube ~ ~ The video content is similar to the previous video, but the main content is located on facebook. I would like to ask if facebook is also involved in this prism door event Company? "A reporter asked, looking at the text message on his mobile phone.

The video is very long, but you can get a rough idea of ​​the video content by fast-forwarding. This time, the incident was serious, and there were live broadcasts and rebroadcasts. But there is one thing that is sure. Official US attitude.

Similar to the previous video, except that the personal talk was changed in the video, and the photos were also changed to facebook.

The first video did not last long on the Internet, and it was subsequently deleted on the entire network. Except for the network that the United States can control, the rest were intimidated by Bush Jr., stating that it was the result of terrorist extreme activities. Looking at this issue from the perspective, it also guarantees that everyone will give a satisfactory explanation afterwards.

As a result, the second video was released during a Powell press conference.

At the same time, Powell was also stuck with this problem.

"Sorry, I don't know what's happening yet, so I can't answer this question." Powell had a black face, and even if he was a mixed-race black, everyone could feel his unhappiness.

Only a small number of people on the Internet have seen the first video, so many people are skeptical of the news on the Internet, but the US side is too decisive and tough, resulting in many folk discriminators have no material to identify, Discriminate whether it is a composite or a real shot.

The incident was significant, and many people chose to watch Powell's press conference on the Internet.

As a result, the second video was widely spread, and among ordinary people, it was widely spread!

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