Private Technology

: 417 Home Delivery

The plane was flying proudly in the sky. Although Guan Ma complained on the phone that Guan Ming did not return home, there was something wrong with Guan Ming, so there was nothing she could do.

Fortunately, Mu Xiaoxiao said that it didn't matter. After all, Guan Ming had such a house and was so anxious to go out, there must be something.

Some things are not easy to explain. Guan Ming, this 10,000-year-old mansion, is actually in a hurry to deliver things this time.

Can be abbreviated as: Home delivery ...


The boss did not comment on Guan Ming's plane, but talked with Guan Ming about the earthquake-related matters from time to time.

People always put natural disasters and human disasters side by side. Although it is really human and nature to some extent, the problem is that some things are controllable and some things are uncontrollable.

How to summarize and analyze data is a very particular thing in modern times.

Guan Ming's analysis of geological data is not very proficient. At best, it is a layman's glance. In the eyes of experts, Guan Ming can have eight loopholes in one sentence, like a sieve.

However, this does not mean that the information submitted by Guan Ming is wrong. On the contrary, many calculations and analysis based on the existing data in Double Star are predictable and are in line with scientific reasons.

The plane is just a means of transportation, and there is no need to control the cars in the plane. A car will drive directly to the airport to wait.

As one of the big names in the country, as one of the reserve giants, privilege means security, and security means stability.

Guan Ming rarely tried to arrive on time, and today he enjoyed it.

The car drove to the designated location, Guan Ming met several giants, and said everything that should be said. As for the experts asked, how did Guan Ming analyze all the data for a short time, Guan Ming was silent.

The four-color theorem was proposed in 1852, but it was only in 1976 that people used computers to solve this problem.

It's not that humans are too stupid, but that a lot of data cannot be calculated and deduced by human pen and paper. Of course, processing big data requires a powerful supercomputer.

For Guan Ming, super calculation is nothing, even for a photon computer, but Guan Ming rejects this kind of inquiry because he has extravagant hope when there is an inquiry. Pandora's Box is a stomach that cannot be filled.

Guan Ming is a very complicated person, he can turn in a metal printer, he can turn in a simple version of Double Star, and even if he orders in batches above, he will help to deal with it under conditions.

However, Guan Ming hoped that he would give it instead of asking for it.

Beijing's late spring and early summer are pretty good. At least it's not cold. When the wind is not strong, it will only feel cool.

Standing in front of Shu Huayu, Guan Ming looked at the corpse 200 million years ago, also feeling vicissitudes over the years.

Guan Ming was not interested in jade, but Guan Ming felt that Guan's mother seemed to be awakening in this aspect, but just when she was about to wake up, Mu Xiaoxiao was pregnant and married, and then she looked at Mu Xiaoxiao at home.

You know, Guan Ming's family still has a few beautiful jade stones. I heard that it is a ring of emperor green. Anyway, Guan Ming can't understand, it feels good, after all, the green is very meaningful.

There is a security officer nearby, and this is not an attraction, nor can anyone walk around casually.

"I heard that this is a thing 200 million years ago. It has been kept until now. It's very beautiful." Suddenly, the voice of the last Shanghai city big man was beside Guan Ming.

"Ah, yeah, it's beautiful. It's not easy to keep it like that for 200 million years." Guan Ming glanced sideways, and the big guy looked at him side by side.

"After the meeting?" Guan Ming asked immediately.

There was a snowstorm last time. This time, everyone paid great attention to Guan Ming ’s prediction, because the expected time is next month 10-15, there is quite a long preparation time, some domestic and international state affairs arrangements, they also Make quick adjustments.

The most important thing is that the meeting decided to do its utmost to verify the accuracy of the information submitted by Guan Ming with the least amount of time. Both manpower and material resources are given priority to guarantee. At the same time, the information given by Guan Ming is deployed. Each department needs to make an emergency plan first, and then fine-tune it based on the subsequent data.

"Yeah, after the meeting, thank you so much, whether it's true or not, very good, really good!" She patted Guan Ming's shoulder and nodded.

Pleased? Feeling? Solemn?

Guan Ming couldn't tell what it meant, but he knew that he should be humble at this time.

"Fortunately, all I should do." Thoughts such as electricity, Guan Ming opened his mouth.

"Different, you haven't experienced it, you don't know the horror of the magnitude 8 earthquake." Shaking his head, the big brother didn't explain it carefully.

In his opinion, regardless of whether Guan Ming's statement is true or false, at least it represents Guan Ming's attitude. Although he expects this time to be false, Guan Ming's dare to report also shows that he really has some material in his hand.

Maybe the 'Civil Seismological Bureau' like Guan Ming will make the official very embarrassed, but Guan Ming did not disseminate the information, but chose to report it at the first time and deal with it.

For example, in the last snow disaster, Guan Ming never said anything in the news reports, but the arrangements before and after the event, whether it was chartered or donated, are reflected in action, not verbal.

The pressure of public opinion is two-sided, whether it is up or down, it is a very horrifying force. Of course, after the snow disaster, there is no media report that Guan Ming knew the news early. .

However, this voice faded quickly, first of all, what should be done, and secondly, the above-mentioned bombardment of the news.

"It's a rare trip. I wanted to invite you to my house for dinner, but things are going to be busy. It seems that there is no chance." The big brother said kindly.

"That's a pity, but coming to Japan, the work is important." Guan Ming doesn't like to be restrained. Even if some things are good, but can be avoided, Guan Ming still wants to avoid it.

"I heard that you just finished the press conference in the morning, how about it, and what are you going to do after that?" The big man asked casually, walking along the road and walking forward.

Guan Ming followed him and said, "I want to take a break recently, and Xiaoxiao will be born in a few months. I have no other thoughts recently."

Guan Ming struck a sloppy eye. Although the security personnel were a little far away, who knew whether the voice could be overheard.

"Ha, yes, Xiaoxiao's words, um ... June?" He paused, the big brother asked.

"Yes, the due date from June to July, specifically, it depends on the situation." Guan Ming did not expect the other party to know so carefully, apparently after asking, but Guan Ming did not have much conflict, after all, his family It is pretty good to be in a high position to remember when your daughter-in-law was born.

Nodded, the gang did not say anything more on this, but switched the topic and said, "This time I invite you, and I also want to ask for your help. At present, the country's human and material resources are ready to go up. In terms of technology, we are still I believe you very much. "

If it ’s just for reporting, there is not much difference between Guan Minglai and Bulai, but if Guan Ming's warnings are successful twice in a row, it means that Guan Ming is to a certain extent ~ ~ no less inferior to domestic experts Already.

Such things as disaster preparedness may be transformed into commodities, but it is very important for the country. This technology cannot be abandoned. The sooner you get it, the better. Even the big brothers have to take the initiative to explore the management. Bright tone.

"Actually, my personal ability is very limited in this matter, and the information I submit now is actually calculated from ... my company's thing." In the last sentence, Guan Ming approached and said softly .

Double Star, on Guan Ming's side, is a confidential thing.

The double star, on the national side, is also a secret.

Although the former is a complete body and the latter is a simple version, it is undeniable that there is no defective product given by Guan Ming!

"It's ... really so powerful?" The big man stopped, turned around in surprise, and looked at Guan Ming and asked.

Smiling nodded, Guan Ming said nothing.

Obviously, the big guy also knew what Guan Ming was talking about.

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