Private Technology

: Questions about author number

I never borrow money from any readers or ask for property in any way, such as starting point, Q, so if this happens, please scold, because the number is stolen.

This number was created for me to write a novel. Because of some reasons, I ca n’t comment. In desperation, I just use another number to reply to the comment.

However, just now, (a lot of eyes) this number was stolen, and in terror, I do n’t know if my author number will be stolen in the future, but there is one thing I can be very very sure, that is, no matter what No one will borrow money from readers or ask for finances. If this happens in the future, please don't believe it! !!

At the same time, I also hope that everyone can protect their account security, hacking, and so much pain, I will go and see my records of clicks and recommended tickets!

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