Private Technology

: 441 inside help

Mu Xiaoxiao is supportive of Guan Ming's behavior. She believes in how big a stomach and how many bowls of rice to eat. Mu Xiaoxiao considers herself an ordinary person and cannot understand the genius of Guan Ming's level. Therefore, her choice of Guan Ming is natural. She chose to support it, but she still supported it unconditionally. She wanted to be a virtuous supporter, not a wife in three days and a dozen in five days.

But this does not mean that the father and mother support it.

Some couples are hard to say. After all, couples still have divorce, but there are some words that father and son, mother and son can say, at least not many have broken off the relationship this year.

"It's all the weather back to the north, you are not afraid of freezing, you have to go before the baby is breast-feeding, and live for a while? You just live in the north directly! Wait for the children to call their mothers, grandparents instead When he will be called Dad, see if you cry or not! "Sui Sui Nian, the mother holding the young daughter Guan Mengyu in both hands, her face was upset.

The child is like blowing a balloon. The management mother does not have the physical strength of Mu Xiaoxiao. In this way, she can't hold the stroller for a long time, but she can't hold the elderly like it.

"Mom, she is for work too ~ if the child, I will take care of it ~" Mu Xiaoxiao hugged the child with one hand and persuaded.

It may be that the child is developing quickly. Guan Mengxi's upper and lower incisors are a bit white. It seems that he needs to open his teeth. Guan Mengyu may be a little later. At least there is no sign.

"I told them over there, and it won't take long, just a business trip, and it won't take me long to come back. Besides, these little babies are my girls, I'm so smart, and they must be Will understand me, is n’t Xiao Xi, Xiao Yu ~ "Guan Ming accompanied the smiley face, and at the same time came over, teasing the eldest daughter on the left and touching the little daughter on the right.

Although he had plans, before leaving, he still wanted to stay with the children for a while, and he couldn't see the little guy for many days, and Guan Ming felt a little uncomfortable.

Not a masochist, but Guan Ming always smiles even when he sees these two little guys even if he is spit.

"Oh ~ oh ~" I don't know what Guan Mengxi thought of, he made a sound in his mouth, then clapped his hands, then giggled, and hid in the arms of Mu Xiaoxiao, turning his head vigorously in the pair of kitchens.

The younger daughter Guan Mengyu was very safe. She was holding Guan's neck. She might want to sleep.

Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's words like this, the management mother couldn't say anything. She also knew that Guan Ming of this house could not go out easily. She was still afraid that Mu Xiaoxiao was uncomfortable.

It's okay to train one more sentence. After all, he's a son, but he doesn't say a word, which means that his daughter-in-law will be upset.

The granddaughter is as good as his granddaughter. In the future, it is not that he has no chance to ask his grandson. The management mother still likes Mu Xiaoxiao very much.


The plane was soaring in the sky, Guan Ming drank hot tea and looked through the window to watch the changing sky.

It is also interesting to say that when I did n’t think about it, I bought an airplane. As a result, the airplane flew a few times a year. It was a bit wasteful, but it did n’t matter. At least he had such a scourge of capital.


"I thought the weather would be much cooler, but the weather here is still very good." Guan Ming looked out of the window and said, Guan Ming is not sensitive to temperature, but after wearing a coat, he actually feels a bit heat.

This is not a big city in the north, but people on the road are busy.

No girl with thighs can be seen on the street, but the curve of the jeans is still very touching. At least in front of the traffic light just now, Guan Ming saw a killer in the back.

"It's better during the day, and it will be cooler in the morning and at night." The one sitting next to Guan Ming was the young secretary / correspondent who Guan Ming was at the Rocket Base last time. By the way, he was a man, aged It should be bigger than Guan Ming.

"But I didn't expect to see unmanned cars here." There was a lot of traffic, and Guan Ming naturally saw that special-shaped car, and the number was quite large, indicating that at least in this city, the sales volume was still considerable.

Higher than ordinary cars, but as a city car, the site is very low, it is difficult to pay attention, Guan Ming hastily glanced, I feel that one or two of the 20 cars are driverless cars, of course This estimate must not be counted.

"Oh, speaking of driverless cars, in fact, there are more people in the rocket base. There are a lot of old men in the base who have bad legs and feet. They are older and do n’t worry about driving by themselves. , You can send people to the place, the previous buses have been reduced to one trip. "This little secretary also praised Guan Ming with a smile. All Chinese know that this driverless car was made by Guan Ming because he The cross-industry of the previous few technologies has made people realize that Guan Ming is not a person confined to a certain field.

"Oh? Did you start making your own maps?" Guan Ming didn't expect this.

Compared to the earth, it may take hundreds or thousands of years for the land to change significantly, but for humans, the surface architecture changes every minute, including self-built houses, urban expansion, old city transformation, Wars and so on, and even some places are not allowed to make detailed maps, such as the one at the heart of domestic politics.

Guan Ming once considered this point and also made a little self-innovation in the software, that is, users can customize the map, and this custom map can be uploaded to the double star database for sharing.

But every shared user who wants to use ~ ~ needs to authorize the creator of the map.

In short, this is a private order and a semi-secret folk plugin.

But please note that Guan Ming made some announcements in the software, such as custom maps will be uploaded to the terminal database, while ensuring the security and privacy of user information, but security and privacy are only relative, At least you can see it.

Although the level of confidentiality of the Rocket Base is not high, it is not low. He did not expect that people here would trust him.

Guan Ming estimated that such a matter was not determined by Zhou Wanli and Zhu Xiaoguang, but should be approved by a higher level.

"Yeah, the map was finished last month. Unfortunately, the car site is too low, and some roads need to be bypassed, but it doesn't matter. I heard that this year the base is going to invite someone to come and survey and map. Road repairs will start next year. Not everyone lives in the base, too many old people live in the city. "The voice was a little excited, and he also patted Guan Ming a little ass, after all, the work place is getting better and better It also means that the unit is valued above, which means a better future.

From cars to road construction, trust here isn't all.

Nodded, Guan Ming stopped talking and looked at the city quietly.


The rocket base was the same as last time he visited. Zhou Wu drove very steadily. He did not need to stop for inspection and was released directly.

The vast land, which is rare in the south, is at least rare in Shanghai.

The weather turned cold and the grass was a little yellow. Guan Ming got out of the car, looked at the two people in front of him, and laughed and shook hands and shivered.

Zhou Wanli is still the executive boss here, and Zhu Xiaoguang, although a very old lady, has also survived into the ranks of the boss.

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