Private Technology

: 442 What do you need? Make a list!

"You are so grateful to be here at this time, and it is troublesome to say it." In the office, Zhou Wanli's smile continued.

Guan Ming ’s child was born. This is a well-known thing. Even Zhou Wanli, who is far away in the north, is very clear about it. After all, he was also a person who attended Guan Ming ’s wedding. He also heard some wind, such as Fengzi. Marriage or something.

I heard that the child was born in June this year, and the first snow in the north has not yet fallen this year. Guan Ming ran over. To be honest, when he received the phone call, he was surprised and surprised.

He thought about it, even if Guan Ming once said that he would take some time out every year, he would not be able to call Guan Ming this year, at least through the Internet and Qian Junhao. Guan Ming also handled some base scientific research projects. Problem, but because it is remote, many things are more vague concepts and ideas.

"It's nothing troublesome, after all, compared with you, I'm still too lazy." Respecting people worthy of respect, Guan Ming doesn't think he needs to be superior, even Zhou Wanli, who has switched from technology to administration, is better than lazy Guan Ming too much.

"Hey ~ I'm really lazy, and work more while I'm young. In fact, many people make achievements between 20-40. Don't keep your daughter-in-law at home every day. You are still young. There will be time in the future ~ "Zhu Xiaoguang and Guan Ming are very familiar, and also know the talent of Guan Ming, so with a little bit of regret and hatred between words.

Good steel is used on the blade to give full play to its social value. This is not only saving the country's resources, it is also responsible for itself.

Zhu Xiaoguang has seen many talented young people. However, because of these and other reasons, many of them failed to go on the right path. She also regrets this. After all, the growth of a talent is not just his efforts. It is still an opportunity in exchange for so many years of nation building.

I do not cherish, it is not my talents and energy that are wasted.

And Guan Ming's words, in her opinion, don't say that he is on the right path, he is not on the road!

The problem is, even so, Guan Ming's achievements and his performance are very dazzling.

However, this dazzling achievement should have been even more dazzling!

"Uh ... Zhu, in fact, I also do scientific research when I'm at home." Scratching his head, Guan Ming couldn't say anything, after all, people are kind and they are so old.

"By the way, Mr. Zhou and Mr. Zhu, I have some other ideas this time, and may need help from our base." Guan Ming quickly changed the topic.

With that said, open the carry-on suitcase and take out a few thick kraft paper bags from the inside.

"Oh? What's the matter? We ca n’t help if we are too busy, but there is no problem if we are small." Seeing Guan Ming say this, Zhou Wanli also followed the words, lest Zhu Xiaoguang start talking about Guan Ming again.

Although he is the administrative director of the base, but this is a state unit, it is impossible to know nothing and give a big deal of promise.

"You two take a look at this material first. This is the result of my research during this period of time, but it is limited by materials and space. In Shanghai, it's really a bit unpredictable." Guan Ming put the document in On the coffee table, it didn't move.

After all, these two are the big brothers of the rocket base. Normally, the administrative management technology, but Zhu Xiaoguang has more senior qualifications.

"Then I'll take a look first. I'm curious if you need any help from us." It was Zhu Xiaoguang who spoke. She saw Zhou Wanli didn't move, so she moved first.

No matter how senior you are, you must also respect your superiors. Scientific research personnel are not full of formulas and data. If you have done a good job, you have more room to develop your scientific research capabilities.

He and Zhou Wanli drank tea in silence, both of them could not understand each other and did not disturb Zhu Xiaoguang.

Zhou Wanli, who has been working with colleagues Zhu Xiaoguang for 20 or 30 years, can clearly see the solemn look on her face.

Paper-like materials, including abstracts, keywords, and more.

Some places where Zhu Xiaoguang read carefully, even after reading a few pages and then re-reading, some places looked quickly, almost at a glance.

Interlaced like a mountain.

If Guan Ming's information is related to the rocket, even if it is slightly related, she can barely understand it, including some space materials, etc., but if she switches to nuclear fusion, even if she knows that this information is very, very important, Also useless.

I do n’t understand many places!

Just as people look up at the stars and look for the super-Earth, even if they are found by various scientific methods, it is useless.

After a long time, Zhu Xiaoguang looked up, his mouth was a little sloppy, looked straight at Guan Ming, and said, "Small tube, is this thing true or false?"

Without waiting for Guan Ming to speak, she shook her head with a mockery and said, "Yes, since it's taken, how could it be fake ~"

"It's just a little of my thoughts. I can't guarantee the correctness. I can only say that it is my point of view. Is this not the case, will I come to the base for your help?" Guan Ming kept his voice as soft as possible, lest The old lady was agitated and had a brain congestion or a heart attack, but the guilt was too big.

"Well, I can see what it is." He said in a playful tone and tone, not only curiosity, but also attention.

Everyone has shortcomings, and so does the old lady Zhu Xiaoguang. When she was young, she was also anxious, but after reading this information, she would even have incredible performance, which is strange in itself.

There is no need for anyone to help, Zhou Wanli directly brought the information over, and glanced at it stunned.

Nuclear fusion!

To be precise, it is an idea of ​​controlled nuclear fusion!

The specific content could not be understood, but he immediately knew why Zhu Xiaoguang was so surprised, and even unbelievable.

In the field of technology ~ ~ there are too many things that can change the destiny of the country and the destiny of human beings, from trains and airplanes to screws and so on.

But controlled nuclear fusion is definitely in the top category!

The rocket base is only studying rockets and rocket-related things, which may reduce fuel consumption and speed up the rocket. Even the weapons with long-range strikes by installing bombs on the rocket heads have been studied.

But for the country, this is not a very, very important technology.

In contrast, controlled nuclear fusion is a very, very important technology. It can be said that if controlled nuclear fusion is successfully developed and can be practically applied.

So, it's not just the business sector that's changing, it's not just the energy sector, it's also changing the country's foreign policy, international status, and international landscape!

The reason why the United States fights Iraq is because Saddam does not want to use the US dollar as the currency for oil trading. This means that oil-based energy has denied the US dollar and will shake the US dollar's position in the international market.

The result was that the United States killed Iraq and killed Saddam.

But once the controlled nuclear fusion appeared, it was not only oil that was abolished, but the status of the US dollar was also abolished, and the status of the US dollar was severed from the root.

Of course, oil will not disappear in people's eyes because of this, but it will withdraw from the energy industry in a way that is visible to the naked eye.

With his left hand at Guan Ming, he kept pressing down, as if Guan Ming was screaming, and he was a comforter.

It could be five seconds or ten seconds. Suppressing the words and excitement in his heart, Zhou Wanli finally spoke.

No doubt, no perfunctory, no excuse, but very sure and solemn.

"What do you need, make a list!"

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