Private Technology

: 458 male and female tears

"Husband ~ This is so interesting, I really want to buy it home." The next morning, Mu Xiaoxiao dressed neatly squatting on the ground, looking at the strange chair in front of her.

The scientific name of this chair is Bajia ... Keke, as simple as a tube, it will only be used, but you never know what it is called!

"This thing is too big, there is no place to hide, forget it ~" Sitting next to the bed, Guan Ming leaned forward and patted Mu Xiaoxiao's brain.

Based on his understanding of Mu Xiaoxiao, at this moment Mu Xiaoxiao is definitely not thinking about something ashamed, but simply thinks it is fun.

But no matter how fun it is, there are still old and young in the family, and there are some things you can't hide, so you can't take them home.

"Well, it's a pity ~" Sighed, Mu Xiaoxiao got up in disappointment, then ran to the toilet one after another, and refreshed her hair.

Guan Ming has a bad smell. Every time I press \\ / pat Mu Xiaoxiao's head, I can't help rubbing it. It's similar to walking a cat and a dog, except that he is walking ...

This kind of thing did not return all night. If it was a person, the housekeeper would probably explode, but if the couple disappeared, the father and mother would choose to ignore it.

Maybe where should the young couple go to play? It's only been more than a year since they got married, but every now and then, everyone can understand that there are old and young in the family, and it is normal to not play.

The father and mother said more than once that they would move out, but Guan Ming has always disagreed. Although the old couple is also happy in their hearts, how do you say that in daily life, you can reduce your own existence as much as possible.

"Ooooooooooooooooo baby, lightly! Mom knows wrong!" Mu Xiaoxiao Pneumatic mountains and rivers, oh no, it was hoarse and exhausted, crying with endless grievances and remorse, as if just educated by the heirs Similarly, I deeply understand my mistakes and deficiencies.

Kick off the bottle and overturn the clothes. Compared with Meng Yu, the old man, Meng Xi, the old man, fully inherited her old lady's physique. She used both hands and feet to bite Mu Xiaoxiao and cry.

"My little baby! Tap it, it's just your old man, I borrowed it for you!" Standing next to the bed, watching Mu Xiaoxiao with two lines of tears, Guan Ming was anxious, but he didn't know Who will take it? The palms and backs are all meat. The most important thing is that the teeth are the strongest part of the human body. Forcibly holding Guan Mengxi, Mu Xiaoxiao may explode in place. After all, Guan Mengxi is so powerful ...

Interfered by Guan Mengxi, the couple ignored Guan Mengyu, who was lying on the bed holding a baby bottle. Who ever thought that this little guy also crawled over and had a posture to occupy the high ground.

"Don't come! Baby, don't come!" Mu Xiaoxiao, who was still in tears, looked at Guan Mengyu crawling with horror, but Mu Xiaoxiao said that, but she was definitely upright. Existence, He stretched out his hand, held Guan Mengyu in his arms, and then trembled as if losing the meaning of life and losing interest in everything.

When encountering this kind of Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming didn't know what to say, she always felt that there was a gene in her blood ‘remember not to eat or remember’.

I have n’t seen the child one day and one night. The first thing Mu Xiaoxiao went home was not to change clothes, but to hug the two children and go back to the house. This should be the longest time Mu Xiaoxiao left the child. But I miss the child very much, but the result is very tragic. When facing the child, she is like Guan Ming, and belongs to the one being played.


"Why are you going out again?" Guan Dian couldn't help but sat on the sofa, looking upset.

In March, this was the second time Guan Ming went out, and in February, he also went out.

To go out here means to go on a business trip and to go to a foreign country. Of course, it means not to be at home.

As a rich parent, the father and mother are very afraid that their child will suffer from some bad problems, such as going to a nightclub and staying overnight, such as going to a feast.

The family has not had a good life for a few years. The old couple should not think about them, but also think about their own granddaughter.

"It's all about work. There are records of where my plane flies. I really didn't run around. I don't believe you can check it, right." Holding the eldest daughter Guan Mengxi, Guan Ming looked helpless.

The father and mother were more rigorous in the last life than they are now. Thanks to such strict parents, Guan Ming was missed in his last life and was found to have paid for consumption. The mad old couple did not speak with Guan Ming for a week. Ming was working at the time, and the old couple felt that it was not good to hit him ...

Of course, this is not the case in this life, but the character is not something that can be easily changed.

"Dad, mom, it's okay. He must be too busy at work. My dad used to work overtime." Put Guan Mengyu on his lap. Mu Xiaoxiao persuaded the old couple while touching the little daughter's buttocks. .

"You, what a mother-in-law!" He moved his buttocks and moved to Mu Xiaoxiao's side. She took Mu Xiaoxiao's hand and patted her back with emotion.

In fact, the management mother wants to say that her daughter-in-law is a little bit shy, but how to say, the son is still closer than the daughter-in-law, and some things can't be said ...

If you are not in Shanghai, many things will be troublesome.

Guan Ming made a special call with the giant in charge of technology to discuss this matter. The result of the discussion was that Guan Ming must have personally done the operation in the early stage, because there are many things. After referring to Guan Ming's attitude, he did not want to make a large-scale exposure.

For example, the existence of robots.

This thing has been exposed in a small area, but because a series of hardware facilities such as the infrastructure on the rocket base are not available, it is impossible to let the robot go to work in the open air, otherwise, nothing else, the rocket base knows There must be no fewer people, and the security level of the rocket base is not very high, so this is a bit awkward.

Guan Ming can only be more affected. Run a few more times in the early stage, and when everything is in place, you can transport the robot and let the double star remotely control, let alone other things. At least it is difficult to hang out for safety.

The giant is not asking Guan Ming why the robot can be controlled remotely, but technically, it is not difficult for Guan Ming to flicker.

But the biggest problem is that infrastructure is too slow.

Sitting directly in the plane's car, Guan Ming did not show up all the way, and the car drove directly to the rocket base.

But the private jet is still too arrogant. For many people, Guan Ming's whereabouts are not too secret.

"This is the third batch of materials ~ ~ You look at it, there is no problem with the specifications, I also have someone to help you review the number, it is fine." Standing in a large warehouse, Zhou Wanli Handed Guan Ming a plastic-covered folder with the list of supplies this time.

Guan Ming's scientific research work is very casual. When he is carrying out various scientific research projects in the company, many materials are of sufficient reserves, and can even be wasted at will, which is definitely the existence of running out.

But it won't work here.

There are no rules and no rules. Although many things are troublesome to go through the procedures, these are necessary procedures. The ones that need to keep files are all signed by responsible persons at all levels. A system of who signs and who is responsible is implemented.

Of course, Guanming Company also has this system, but he let go of the daily management, and there are two stars in scientific research management, and Guanming need not consider too many chores.

"Okay, let me see. I'll sign it when it's done." Nodded, Guan Ming said.

The audit of these supplies is manual. Although Guan Ming believes in the people at the rocket base, this trust cannot reach the level of double stars. Guan Ming will also conduct inspections in person if conditions permit.

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