Private Technology

: 459 give me face!

There are many materials delivered, because the data submitted by Guan Ming has stated the specifications of each part, so Guan Ming does not have to face the semi-finished products like iron ingots. X

仓库 This warehouse is very large. I heard that it was established as an air-raid shelter in the early years. Later, with the development of the times and the decline of the status of the rocket base, the air-raid shelter was closed.

It is difficult to find a suitable storage place for a while, so the area of ​​the entrance to the bomb shelter has become a storage place.

Guan Ming needs a lot of materials, but considering that this experiment is only to collect data, Guan Ming did not require multiple sets of spare equipment, only more points on some high-loss parts.

But this does not mean that there are fewer things to check, even if there is only one set of equipment, there are too many things to check.

总 The total weight of the star simulator designed by Guan Ming is calculated in tons. Fortunately, it is the country that can build it in such a short time, accurately and quickly according to the requirements of Guan Ming, and it can be completed with quality and quantity.

Superconducting coils are more expensive than copper coils, and liquid nitrogen is more expensive than superconducting coils!

想要 If superconducting materials want superconductivity, they must reach a certain temperature, or lower to a certain temperature, such as 20k, 40k, and so on.

K is Kelvin, and the relationship between the two is: t = 273.15 + t, that is, 0c = 273.15k!

液 Liquid nitrogen is also a consumable. It is not easy to produce this product, which is expensive.

For Guan Ming, this experiment is to collect data, and the next experiment is best based on theory.

实验 For the country, this experiment is also collecting data, but it is preparing for national development.

In this experiment, Guan Ming did not need to take a pen to calculate. He also knew that it was a loss, and it was a blood loss. However, Guan Ming pulled out the technology for miniaturization and to make technology better serve him. .

国家 The state pays for the development of the country, in order to be a step ahead in science and technology, and realize the prosperity of the country through science and technology.

No matter from a national perspective or a personal perspective, the experimental data is more valuable than all the human and material resources invested before.

Guan Ming first reviewed the number and type of parts, and then used the equipment to check the samples. The work was simple, but also cumbersome. Most importantly, without the help of Double Star, he was always insecure, but not solid and transparent. Lazy.

Uh ...

"Finance Summit? I don't understand this. If I let it go, I might all fall asleep at the conference." Shaking his head and shaking his hands, Guan Ming quickly quit.

After each visit to the north to check the materials, Guan Ming will meet with the giants. The regular meeting is with the giants in charge of science and technology. He came to Beijing three times in February and March this year and met with the last Shanghai Stock Exchange.

And this time they met, the giant in charge of technology, but the giant made an invitation that made him unconscious.

This month, a lot of things happened at home and abroad. Guan Ming's concern was that the Chang'e-1 satellite hit the moon in early March. Guan Ming, the other major domestic and international event, really didn't notice.

Oh, by the way, Mu Xiaoxiao was pulling Guan Ming to watch the new theater version released in March at home, and she put on the same elementary school uniform of Yuan Shixiang, which she made specially. As a result, she finished watching the animated Guan Ming incarnation. For Nobita Nobita, she began to tell her what is called the "bear power", um, this time was not lifted up! !!

"The subprime crisis is sweeping the globe, and the country ’s economic growth is highly correlated with internationally. Your company ’s domestic revenue and tax revenue are among the top ranks, especially for high-tech private companies. I wanted to talk to you, but he happened to be in the imperial capital, so he asked me to talk to you. "Although it is in charge of science and technology, there are only a few national giants. Any one who comes out is also a generalist. He also has many things. Very knowledgeable.

"You're welcome, uh ..." Touching his head, Guan Ming wiped away the non-existent sweat, thinking about it, and said, "In terms of economy, I'm really out of business. You also know that I'm lazy. And my hobbies are not in economics, and at the financial summit, that ’s where the leaders go. I do n’t know whether to go or not, and the most important thing is to waste time, things on the rocket base. It's a whole lot. "

This is the second financial summit. However, Guan Ming said that he really didn't want to go. It was useless to go. How much say he could have.

"Before I came to the Rocket Base this time, my dad complained about me and always ran out and stayed at home restlessly. I almost thought that I would go out and do something bad."

Guan Guanming jokingly said, it can be regarded as a small complaint.

解放 Zhao Jiefang, who died of firefighting despite his life, still moved Guan Ming, but in work and family, he still tends to family in his heart.

I haven't gone through the years of war, and I don't know the preciousness of peace and prosperity.

The vision of a lifetime is the accumulation of time and the accumulation of events in order to break from quantity to quality ~ ~ You are not a professional, so what you see or discuss is just the aspect you are good at For example, the development and promotion of technology to society and the future of human life in your mind, and then use this to explain the context of your future economic development, such as what emerging industries will emerge and what will be sunset industries Decline and so on. "

"The work on the Rocket Base is not done every day. I heard that you have traveled to the Maldives before or before your marriage. This time you follow along, it is a supplement to your honeymoon trip with your wife. The meeting time is not long. Just three days, and after that I will allow you a half-month holiday to let you have fun in London. How about relaxing before starting work? "

The giant giant waved his hand and said with a smile.

Guan Ming opened his mouth. I do n’t know what to say. It ’s okay to go to London. Anyway, if you have money and a wife, you can find a shop anywhere. But the problem is that Mu Xiaoxiao left for 24 hours last month Then, when he turned back, he was sobbed by his girlfriends. This time, if you brought a child, it was not good at night, which meant you had to take care of your parents, but everyone had parents. Mu Da Mu Mu's side ...

"Exactly, I will go to the Shanghai Stock Exchange to review it in a few days. I just go to your house to sit and talk with your parents. When the child is old, he should be proud to fly alone. The tiger is always kept in the zoo and will lose his struggle. The heart. "

When he saw Guan Ming hesitated, the giant thought that Guan Ming took care of his parents' thoughts, so he arranged one more item in the original itinerary. It was a great meal.

The giant has seen the father and mother, he thinks that his face is still very useful. rw

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