Private Technology

: 594 Dogs have no regrets!

"Huh? Xiaoxiao is not at home?" After opening the door, Guan Ming's sixth sense told him that there was no one in the family, not even a dog, and then Double Star's words also proved that Guan Ming's sixth sense was correct. .

"Yes, she took the two little princesses to the kindergarten, and went shortly after the boss went out." Shuangxing's voice echoed in the living room on the first floor.

The double star's address to Guan Ming's family is very interesting and unsystematic, but it doesn't matter. At least Guan Ming can understand.

"Isn't the kindergarten on holiday now, what are they going to do?" Guan Ming sitting on the sofa with his buttocks, and may feel uncomfortable. A TV show is playing.

"It seems to be taking two little princesses to play, or maybe I need to call in order to adapt to the environment?" Shuangxing asked.

The kindergarten is used for school-age children of the company, but the original purpose of Guan Ming's construction of this kindergarten was to get his two children, so that the two children can grow up happily under their eyelids. This purpose has not changed so far, There are also a lot of toys in it, such as swings, slides and the like, which can be regarded as a small children's playground.

Because it is on his own site, it doesn't matter if he is on vacation or not, Mu Xiaoxiao can stand in and stand out anyway.

"No, by the way, will they come back for lunch at noon?" Guan Ming casually asked, and it was almost noon. Guan Ming still had a certain pursuit of food. The most basic investigation was to eat well at noon. Full.

"It looks like it's not going to happen, because the lady boss had already ordered the menu in the company kitchen half an hour ago, and the food delivery location was kindergarten. Boss, do you need to order now?" Double Star calculated and found that Guan Ming noon It is likely to be lonely.

"Did Xiaoxiao get something delicious, tell the kitchen to get me some spicy fried clams, then steamed skinned prawns, look at the rest, um ... get some bones, the most important thing is to I brought two bottles of Island City beer. "After thinking about it, Guan Ming said.

It's not that Guan Ming eats food alone, but in front of the child, Guan Ming doesn't drink alcohol, just like Guan Dad never smokes in front of the child, Mu Xiaoxiao never drinks Coca-Cola in front of the child. It makes sense.

They are all afraid of raising their children carelessly because they are careless. There are two baby eggs in the family. In the event of an accident, it will be awkward.

"Okay, boss." Before the words of Shuangxing were finished, Guan Ming's request was automatically sent to the company kitchen. Of course, the menu was also transformed.

For example, ‘best-tasting dishes’, ‘seasonal refreshing vegetables’, ‘good seafood soup’, and more.

At noon, there was nothing good-looking on the TV, and Guan Ming didn't want to work now. He just wanted to eat and drink, so he took out an electronic eyeglasses under the coffee table and started to go online to find the news of the sovereign debt crisis.

A closer look revealed that things seemed to be really serious. In fact, it was still a problem with the economic system. Perhaps it was also inherently unsuccessful in development. There was no industry that could manage it.

After seeing the news from Greece, Guan Ming faintly remembered the future of Brexit. Later, there seemed to be evaluations saying that Germany can quickly restore the economy, in fact, it is achieved by the power of Europe. After all, German manufacturing is famous, but It's just that the manufacturing industry is famous.

Maybe it's foreign exchange, maybe it's something else, Guan Ming said he's a little aggressive, but Ziguiyu, he sees this kind of news is no different from watching entertainment gossip.

Drinking small wine alone, eating Pippi shrimp with great jealousy, although many people said that it is easy to gout, but it all depends on personal physical problems, at least the family members do not have this problem, by the way, Mu Xiaoxiao does not have this problem After all, Guan Ming also took Mu Xiaoxiao by drinking. At last, she still remembered that she took a sip on the unskinned lobster and lay down on the dining table. At that time, she was very obsessed with eating. .

Maybe it's been a long time since I drank. Just a bottle and a half here, Guan Ming was a little dizzy and simply went upstairs to rest.


In the kindergarten, the butler sisters who had just had lunch are still very spirited. Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the two baby eggs and decided to let them play for a while before taking a nap.

"Mom, why are there dumbbells here!" Holding Mu Xiaoxiao's hand, Guan Mengyu pointed ugly at a pair of small dumbbells and asked.

"My sister is so stupid, that's for exercising. I will take you to play with dumbbells at that time." On the other side of Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Mengxi poked out his head, and said it to Guan Mengyu seriously.

The ghost wants to play dumbbells with you!

Guan Mengyu groaned in her heart, and at the same time her face was even worse, because she seemed to have seen the kindergarten era of the future.

"It's not heavy at all, I'll take a look." Then, Mu Xiaoxiao took the two children to the dumbbells, and then squatted down to see the specifications of the dumbbells.

"You see ~ ~ It's not heavy at all, it's only 100 grams. Come, you try it." Then, she pushed and pushed the two little boys' **** to make them brave to exercise.

"Huh!" Guan Mengxi nodded forcefully, as if looking at a state mission.

Guan Mengyu was slow, like constipation, uncomfortable.

100 grams is not very heavy for children. Even a full bottle has more than 100 grams, but Guan Mengyu is reviewing himself at this moment, reviewing why he is exposed, or why he is exposed so fast. !!

If she is not exposed, she can play a bear instead of exercising, but not now, if she dares to play a bear and be obedient \ / If she does not exercise, it is estimated that Guan Ming will wait to pinch her buttocks Yet.

When she thought of an adult man patting her **** with a wry smile, her hair was almost erected.

Looking at the younger sister who was constantly lifting small dumbbells, Guan Mengyu felt that the gap between people was so big, even for twins, why was her own sister and sister so passionate about sports?

However, it may take many years for her to know ...

Rhubarb is lying in front of the little sister. The dog's face is excited. In its consciousness, only good health is really good. For example, in its few memories, it saw Mu Xiaoxiao control the tube with his own eyes. Ming Ming held high, and Guan Ming, who was held high, looked awkward.

Even as a dog, Rhubarb is deeply sad for his owner!

Why is Mu Xiaoxiao able to hold high? The reason is to exercise.

Seeing little people know how to exercise when they are so young, big yellow dogs have no regrets!

ps: I learned about it all morning. What ’s special is that the electricity bill is not enough. It stopped near 12 o'clock last night. I could n’t find someone to ask. I just moved to a new place. It was a bit aggressive ...

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