Private Technology

: 595 Material is king!

After playing in the kindergarten for a while, I took the two baby eggs home and took a nap. I saw the shoes at the door, but I didn't see anyone in the living room.

Mu Xiaoxiao was not in a hurry to find Guan Ming, but was ready to coax the two guys asleep first.

At this time, Mu Xiaoxiao had the most milk pain, and Guan Mengxi was okay. Mu Xiaoxiao once said that taking a nap can make people grow up and grow beautiful at the same time. As a result, Guan Mengxi lay down in a small bed and closed her eyes in vain. Use your willpower to make yourself fall asleep faster, while Guan Mengyu is half-opened, and seems to sleep instead of sleeping.

But Mu Xiaoxiao, who has taken care of the child for two years, knows that the two little guys are not asleep!

After finally falling asleep, Mu Xiaoxiao found Guan Ming in the room, and finally found him in the bedroom.

There was a faint smell of alcohol around his body. Mu Xiaoxiao knew that he should have had two drinks at noon. When he saw the sleeping Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it, put a glass of water on the bedside table, and ran to the living room to do yoga. .


"The voltage and current were successfully converted, and the conversion was stable, and the energy loss was less than 1%." Sitting on a chair, Guan Ming listened to what Shuang Xing said while watching the processed live image broadcast.

The transformer has been transported to the north and installed. There are also robots over there. Guan Ming can remotely control the experiment of controlled nuclear fusion. Because it is a small equivalent experiment, the inventory of helium 3 is still sufficient.

"It looks pretty good. How about the hardware loss?" Guan Ming asked for a moment, thinking about it.

Energy is energy, hardware is hardware, and the high temperature, high voltage, and high current generated during controlled nuclear fusion are not small in terms of hardware loss, and nuclear fusion itself is a high-risk behavior, even if there is a slight change, you must pay great attention, otherwise It's so easy to take off.

"The equipment has not cooled down yet, and there is no way to test the hardware. Based on the data from the last controlled fusion experiment, it can be inferred that the shortest-lived parts in the equipment have about 800 working hours and the average working time is more than 1 year." Double Star passed internal logic Judge, give a relatively accurate number.

"800 hours, more than a month, is this still without any accidents?" Guan Ming frowned, asking in return.

"Yes, the boss." Double Star's toneless tone always reminds people of the word "indifferent".

"The time is too short. Are there newer materials?" Guan Ming asked, shaking his head.

800 working hours are continuous for people. According to the calculation of 8 hours of working hours per day, 800 hours are enough for 100 days, and they are in their early three months. However, for a device, especially a power supply device, the time It's still too short, just in his early a month.

If the entire set of controllable nuclear fusion and its related configuration are regarded as a power supply station, the shortest service life of the internal hardware of this power supply station should also be more than six months, and frequent replacement of parts is impossible.

In particular, the hardware in controllable nuclear fusion is highly accurate, difficult to make and expensive. If you replace some parts on a monthly basis, the final electricity price must be very expensive.

Some people can use the Rolls-Royce Phantom as a moving car, but ordinary people cannot. The cost determines the market.

Judging from the current situation, controlled nuclear fusion still needs a long way to really enter the civilian market.

"There are new materials, but they are not easy to make. We have graphene coatings, and we can even make full graphene hardware. At the same time, we also have materials that are resistant to high temperature and high pressure. The wires also have alloys, but they can only be produced in small batches. Too much supply. "Double Star paused for a second, said.

"Graphene ..." Fingers tapped twice on the table. Guan Ming always has a few things he doesn't like to study. Graphene is one of them, and it can't be said that he doesn't like it. It can only be said that he doesn't want it. Maybe It's the reputation of this thing that made him feel less surprised.

"Don't worry about making controlled nuclear fusion hardware first, you have graphene in your task list." Guan Ming thought for a moment and asked.

"Yes, boss," Shuangxing replied.

"Then continue to study, and work more on materials." Nodded, Guan Ming didn't say anything else.

As for the reason why Double Star is not allowed to make replaceable hardware at present, the reason is very simple, that is, the current controllable fusion experiment has not been completed as a whole, and the efficiency of the current upgrade is not high.

The most important thing is that it is not easy to make graphene hardware. It is more cost-effective to replace the hardware when everything is ready. Maybe there will be more excellent materials after the controlled nuclear fusion experiment is completed.

"Okay, boss." Shuangxing did not refute, but obeyed Guan Ming's order.

In fact, even if Guan Ming does not say, Double Star will work on the material. Although Double Star has its own emotional logic judgment, it does not control the serious emotions like disgust and aversion. For it, all useful things are It is within the scope of study.

The study of materials is actually an update on the hardware ~ ~ For dual stars, the hardware is very important, even if there are dozens of network satellites floating in the sky, it is not enough for it. If only the global people reach the level of 'soul' immortality, hundreds of network satellites will not be enough.

More powerful hardware is king!

More powerful materials are king!

Looking at a few pieces of data in his hand, Guan Ming was thinking about how to transfer a small part of the converted electrical energy back to the stellarator to provide energy for nuclear fusion and make helium 3 continue to react.

Guan Ming has several ideas. The most tedious thing is to change the structure of the star simulator and add a structure. The easiest way is to add a structure.

However, there is a difference between the structure and the structure. Guan Ming decided to add a structure to the stellar and then control it externally. This method is the one with the smallest changes to the structure of the stellar and it is also the most convenient and quick. Correspondingly, a "peripheral" has been added to the star simulator.

Just like a laptop, you can choose to connect an external keyboard or use the built-in keyboard, but the two are connected by a USB interface and related accessories.

In my mind, there are various ideas constantly colliding, or annihilating, or deforming. The blue light is an electric current, which shuttles between the wires. The bright current and the dim current. Different colors form a dense group in Guan Ming's mind. The stereo image is like the 3d human blood vessel distribution, but fortunately, this color will not cause Guan Ming to have dense phobia.

The pen on your hand inadvertently writes and draws on the paper, or a set of data, or a few simple lines and text, recording the essence of Guan Ming's thoughts.

ps: I'm working hard to update today. I don't know how much I can update, anyway, now it's the second one.

I swear to Deng that there is a ‘writer ’s assistant’ app at the starting point. Last night, I used the app ’s leave note ...

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