Private Technology

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The number of giants is fixed. At the same time, each has its own division of labor. Guan Ming currently only knows the specific positions of the two giants. One is the one in charge of the economy and the other is the giant in charge of technology.

The current one, Guan Ming can only say that he knows, and what kind of work the person is responsible for, Guan Ming said that he is really unclear.

"The little guy is so cute, do you remember Grandpa?" Beyond Guan Ming, the giant teased Guan Xiaoxi in Mu Xiaoxiao's arms.

The little guy looked up at the giant, first nodded, then shook his head, and finally buried his face in Mu Xiaoxiao's big breasts, maybe she felt soft enough here.

"There should be some impressions, but the children have almost remembered their memory," Guan Ming explained.

Not to mention, the giant and the two little guys really have a relationship, but in the impression of Guan Ming, they have only seen it once, maybe Guan Mengxi has seen the giant on TV.

Gently patted Meng Xi's back, she didn't care about the child's reaction. After all, the child was still young. Perhaps this was the first reaction to see a stranger.

"The Shanghai market has changed a lot. After two years, when you come to the Shanghai market again, you can see that there are obvious changes, it is getting more and more prosperous." Seeing the giant side to relax, the Prime Minister said A string of Spanish, the small translator quickly and simultaneously translated.

"Society is developing and times are advancing. Only rapid development can stand on the world's forests. Speaking of which, the economic and trade exchanges between China and the West are indispensable to each other. To a certain extent, they also promote and develop together." The giant responded with a smile With.

The opposite translator also quickly started to translate. I do n’t know if it was a problem with professional level. Guan Ming obviously felt that the translation of the last word was wrong, but the problem was not big. He just translated ‘development’ into ‘progress’.

"It is true that in recent years, the trade between China and the West has also increased year by year. The Chinese market has become a point that cannot be ignored globally. I hope we can go hand in hand together." The Prime Minister nodded and said.

China is Spain's sixth-largest trading partner, and even in 2007 there was the "Spanish-Chinese Art Festival." From the current situation, Sino-Western relations are not bad. At the same time, a considerable part of domestic Spanish companies are in the Prime Minister. Come over during your term.

"It's a certain time. It's almost time, let's go on stage to announce the banquet." Looking at his watch, it's almost eight o'clock in the evening, the giant said.

"Okay." The Prime Minister also refused.

Then they got up and walked over the podium.

"It really looks like Mr. Doudou ~" Mu Xiaoxiao, who was sitting next to Guan Ming, whispered in Guan Ming's ear, while watching the back of "Mr. Doudou".

"It looks like Guixiang, but it really isn't. Don't make any mistakes. The little translator can understand Chinese." Guan Ming also whispered to her.

When she went out today, Mu Xiaoxiao made a great decision, that is, she did n’t speak Spanish tonight, lest she betray her, and say something like “raising”, “Sawadika”, etc. I didn't realize that everyone was carrying translators with them when they went out ...

"I feel relieved and smile all the way ~" Then, Mu Xiaoxiao tilted her head and smiled slightly, revealing eight neat white teeth neatly, brushing her teeth every ten minutes in the morning and evening, her teeth were very well maintained.

"Yes, smile all the way." Under the table, Guan Ming took her little hand, and then he looked at the podium.

The content of the speech was very simple. There was no lengthy talk. It was more about the purpose and role of Rodriguez's visit to China. He also highly praised Sino-Western relations and Sino-Western economic and trade relations. Then he was optimistic about the future prospects of Sino-Western cooperation.

A bit similar to the content in "News Network", but the news network is the essence version, the live version is the full version.

Why not say "News Broadcast" is a fact-seeking content!

Listening to the whole process, Guan Ming felt that this was an expansion of a clip in the news webcast.

Only by telling the true story can people be moved. Judging from the applause at the scene, Guan Ming feels that everyone is deeply touched by the applause ...

There were not many people on the main table. After the banquet began, everyone also went to find their seats according to the instructions of the service staff. Originally, they thought Mu Xiaoxiao could be taken away, but the giants were ready to raise glasses. Mu Xiaoxiao He was still sitting in a dumbfounded position, and even Liu Mengmeng was holding here with Guan Mengyu.

There are not many people at the main table. In addition to the Guan Ming family and Liu Mengmeng, there are two business leaders.

"... Cheers." After a few words, the giant raised his glass, and the crimson wine looked particularly beautiful under the lights.

The people in the seats also raised their toasts in face, and Mu Xiaoxiao and Liu Mengmeng raised orange juice. After all, they had two children in their arms.

"Speaking of which, I really want to congratulate you, once again won the World Cup championship." Chatting and chatting, everyone talked about football, Rodriguez was very talkative, very interested, the giant smiled and complimented, After all, Spain's achievements in football are obvious to everyone ~ ~ haha, fortunately, this time is also very lucky, won a goal in overtime, do not know Guan always like football? If you have time, you might as well visit Spain. If you want to try international football in person, I can help you to contact several famous stars and clubs, such as Iniesta, Real Madrid. Turning around, Rodriguez looked at Guan Ming and said.

Hurry up, I have n’t watched this World Cup. Although I am also a fan, I am obsessed with Liu, Zhiling, and Chun ...

Uh ... the last one was crossed out. Chunchun shot in the open and she didn't take the ball.

However, if I think about it, the scene still has to say, "I can't run even if I try it myself, but if I have a chance, I really want to go to Spain. The Costa del Sol is famous and it is said to be no worse than Maldives." Guan Ming With a smile, he nodded and responded. Guan Ming had done a little homework before, and also checked some information for chatting. Otherwise, it would be embarrassing if people couldn't catch up.

"Coast of the Sun, that ’s a good place. It is estimated that over 11 million tourists will come this year. It is a well-known holiday destination in Europe and the world. At the same time, the income of the tourism industry also accounts for about half of the local GDP. Good place. "Hearing Guan Ming's words, Rodriguez's smile was even better, so he mentioned the investment.

Taking a breath, the smile on Guan Ming's face remained the same, and said, "Wow, it looks like a really nice place."

"Eat the food first, it will be cold in a while." Shanghai city boss Zhang Luo eats, and Rodriguez, who wants to say something, has to shut up, listening to the Shanghai city boss introducing the local food in Shanghai.

People at the dinner table all have smiles on their faces, but only they know what they think in their hearts, and only two baby eggs eat the most peace of mind.

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