Private Technology

: Six hundred temptations and rejections (3/25)

What this chapter contains: It is also clear that these are two ways for the Spanish government to save itself. From the commercial field, they can help more idle people to work to earn money to support their families, and to make the state treasury richer faster. If there are no other factors, Guan Ming really doesn't mind playing a "Foxconn" abroad. Unfortunately, the timing is not right, he ...

As an international metropolis, Shanghai has a lot of special foods, but not many, and national and global foods can be found in Shanghai.

However, relatively speaking, raw fried buns are really a native of Shanghai and are passed down.

However, compared to raw fried buns, Guan Ming prefers to eat sweet and sour steak, which is sweet and sour and delicious. The main thing is meat, and it is convenient to eat small pieces.

Don't look at a table with Chinese-style dishes, but foreigners can eat it smoothly with a fork, but it looks awkward, such as eating a sweet and sour steak, watching the bones pouring back and forth in the mouth. Ming thought it was fun, especially the other person looked like Mr. Bean.

Mu Xiaoxiao and Liu Mengmeng sandwiched light and digestible dishes to feed the two children. At the dining table, Guan Ming sometimes chatted with several politicians, and sometimes talked with two other businessmen. They ate at a meal. For more than an hour, Guan Mingte didn't get any support, which was ashamed of the title of "Mu Xiaoxiao? Husband".

After the meal, Mu Xiaoxiao went home to sleep with the two guys in the trapped circle, while Liu Mengmeng stayed, taking advantage of this opportunity to communicate with the business people present. As for Guan Ming, then He was taken to a lounge and began to formally talk to Spanish Prime Minister Rodriguez.

Only the giants, the big names in Shanghai and the Chinese and Western translators and secretaries attended the meeting.

"On behalf of my country, I sincerely hope that Guan will be able to invest. Regardless of taxation or policies, we have prepared great concessions. Even before this trip, I have started to investigate the domestic industry. These are China's sunrise industry has very good prospects. At the same time, the government has plans to support or increase support in the next few years. "Then, Rodriguez passed the documents handed over by the little secretary to Guan Ming.

"You also know my previous business experience. To be honest, it is difficult for me to trust any guarantees abroad. This includes the European Union. Perhaps during your tenure, everything you say can be guaranteed. It can be implemented smoothly, but if your next post gives an opposite order, even if it is just a verbal complaint in private, it will be a great trauma to me. "That being said, Guan Ming still turned After reading the document, after all, it is two attitudes to see and not to see. Who doesn't want to lose face, especially the other party is also the prime minister of a country.

There is a distinction between "you" and "you" in Spanish. Guan Ming naturally does not make mistakes in this.

The contents of the file are quite a lot. After a brief look, Guan Ming found that the contents on the file looked different from what he thought.

In simple terms, the items and benefits mentioned above are divided into two types.

One is a labor-intensive industry with the most preferential treatment. Regardless of whether taxes are met or land is used preferentially, Guan Ming is given the best treatment, but this is not for nothing. The above stipulates the proportion of local Spanish employees in the enterprise and the minimum wage, including Fare cannot be paid for several years, employee benefits and so on.

It can be said that this is to use national taxes in exchange for a large number of local Spanish employees' job opportunities, to create more stable jobs for the Spanish society, and reduce social unemployed people.

The second type is investment. It doesn't matter whether it is investment in real estate or Spanish companies and industries, but relatively speaking, the preferential treatment is smaller, and more of it is a large amount of funds. The document states that as long as it does not touch the core For a company or a company / company / industry of strategic importance, the Spanish Ministry of Commerce will basically release it, provided that it does not violate local laws and customs.

Even Guan Ming, who has no understanding of the people ’s livelihood in Spain, is also clear. These are two ways for the Spanish government to save itself. From the commercial field, more idle people can work to earn money to support their families, and the state treasury can be richer faster.

If there are no other factors, Guan Ming really doesn't mind playing a "Foxconn" abroad, but unfortunately the timing is not right, and he can't help frowning. What reason is he thinking of rejecting the invitation.

"Spain is a contract country. It is a country that operates according to contracts. There is no situation of people taking political action, so you don't have to worry about this. At the dinner, didn't you say you want to go to the Costa del Sol, in fact there are many Opportunities for investment. In the next few years, China will continue to increase its investment in the Costa del Sol, including infrastructure and other aspects. At the same time, the number of tourists there each year is also rising. If you have time, you may wish to take a look. Seeing Guan Ming frown, Rodriguez said quickly.

In terms of status, Rodriguez is no worse than Guan Ming, and even much higher than Guan Ming in the international community, but status belongs to status and money belongs to money.

If anyone in the world is going to bank and country, whoever has the most money, it must be Guan Ming!

Although Guan Ming's products have withdrawn from the international market, they are still very popular in the domestic market, especially the recent electronic glasses, and even many foreign tourists who come to domestic tourism can't help buying them, even if they are only used in China.

At the same time, Guan Ming does not have high personal requirements. In recent years, Guan Ming and the Guan Ming family have rarely seen any luxury conferences, and it is rare for Guan Ming to purchase some expensive things and control all his money. They all lay in the bank, and Rodriguez's think tank told him that even if he now ate bank interest, Guan Ming could eat safely for a lifetime and even live a more luxurious life than he does now.

It can be seen that Guan Ming has a lot of spare money, very much!

If you can invest from Guan Ming, it will really reduce too much pressure. More importantly, Guan Ming also has a certain star effect ~ ~ If Guan Ming is based in an industry, Na Luo Driggs is bound to make Guan Ming make money and make him make a lot of money, so that he can drive more investors and let investors with a small amount but a large number see the hope of making money!

"Sorry, although you said that, I am still very worried. After all, the ruler of the rules has the right to change the rules of the game." Guan Ming thought for a while and shook his head.

Australia is overwhelming, and wants to seduce China to develop its own country, but rejects China because of fear. Perhaps this is a typical way of thinking in Western countries.

After the amount of money reaches Guan Ming, making money is not his first purpose. Instead of entering a strange and crisis-filled market, it is better to stick to the previous market. With Guan Ming ’s small head, he does n’t think his Technology products will be eliminated from the market.

Even if eliminated, it can only be his own!

In the field of science and technology, Guan Ming is not afraid of anyone!

PS: Hahaha, it ’s 600 chapters. The first time I wrote it, it took me more than a hundred chapters to publish it. I was afraid that I did n’t have enough time.

Later, I was worried, because I was **** off because of various factors.

Now that it has reached 600 chapters, it can be regarded as a small drop victory, at least to a certain extent protecting the vital parts.

The first one, try to finish it normally!

By the way, please subscribe, please subscribe for a genuine subscription, only one cent is a chapter, you can see ten chapters and 5 days for the price of a bun, but I can earn half a bun for 5 days, I ’m so miserable ~~

Ah, Chapter 8 was updated 3 days from this month, last month owed 24, the beginning of the month owed 1, and yesterday owed 2, but the header forgot to write yesterday ...

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