Private Technology

: 618 Missions and The Theory of Relativity

This choice is quite willful, but Guan Ming can afford to play, and at the same time.

No one threatened Guan Mingfei to let him play according to the rules of who he was. If he was great, he would n’t play. If he was great, he would lift the table. Guan Ming could not only lift the black table. In fact, he also turned Bush ’s chair. Lifted up.

It was only that Bush Jr. pressed the chair again, and incidentally buried a bomb for Otto Hei.

"I really don't pass. The time has been tight recently, and it's just infrastructure. It doesn't make much sense whether I go or not." Guan Ming was in the toilet squatting pit, but the phone from the rocket base called him, hoping that Guan Ming would inspect the past.

Perhaps Guan Ming's contact with the second rocket base caused Zhou Wanli to panic. Because the current rocket base has changed in nature a long time ago, it may have originated from Guan Ming, or perhaps finally Guan Ming.

"You can't say that, after all, you rented the land in name." Zhou Wanli said on the phone.

"Hmm ... Huh ~ Rest assured, after all, I'm also in our base in name." His face flushed, and then Changshu breathed out, Guan Ming said briskly.

On the phone, Zhou Wanli seemed to know something, and his speed increased. "That way, if you have time in the future, you can come and walk around, and the north is better than the north."

After speaking, Zhou Wanli hung up the phone without waiting for Guan Ming to say anything.

"There is heating in the north, but the problem is that I have an air conditioner ~" Crab stepped aside, Guan Ming began to sweep the tail.


One by one, precise parts were forged, and solid bricks were transported to the rocket base, and a paper file was controlled, causing domestic vibration.

"Total giant, this kind of thing is a little early, we have to first observe the moon, then determine the landing point, and then take a little sample, and then we can transport helium 3 back in small quantities, and we need to do preliminary processing in the middle, etc. Only two years, there is no way to complete it. "An old man standing in front of the chief giant complained.

Even if it is not deep space exploration, or even just transportation between the earth and the moon, it is also a very big problem.

Two years, what is enough for two years? Can't do anything!

However, this old man couldn't talk to the chief giant like this. Even if he refused, he should try to use detailed data to make it as convenient as possible, proving that it was not ‘we do n’t support the army’, but the conditions were not allowed.

It wasn't until this old man finished talking, the chief giant nodded, as if agreeing with the other person, and then he opened his mouth and exposed everything.

"I know it's difficult, and I know it will put a lot of manpower and material resources, but I know that helium 3 is more important. For us, time is really important. We need helium 3, we need a lot of helium 3, we need With massive amounts of helium 3, only the moon can meet our needs. "Ten crisscrossed, supporting the chin, as if a commander.

The general giant continued to say, "I give money, people, and I also give it. I only have one request, and that is two years, and I want to see results."

The total giant speaks slowly, but it is powerful.

Two years, now 10 years, and another 2 years is 12 years. This is the last time of the giants. More specifically, the giants step down after 2 years.

Although as the general giant of a country, history textbooks will always leave a name, however, everyone has his own pursuit, he wants to make himself greater, and make his label a little more.

After all, judging from Guan Ming's previous record, Guan Ming's controllable nuclear fusion may really succeed.

If it succeeds, it will inevitably be commercialization, specifically the application of state-owned enterprises.

This thing is not like a human brain chip, as long as it is disguised externally, it can lie for a long time.

Controllable nuclear fusion is an energy source and a strategic energy source. Once a country implements the application of controllable nuclear fusion, the country ’s demand for oil will become very low, and the role of oil as a strategic material will decrease indefinitely. At present, internationally, oil is linked to the US dollar, which will shake the hegemony of the US dollar, and then affect the US's international status, as well as the US economy.

World War I and World War II are opportunities for salted fish to turn around in many countries. In the eyes of the general giants, controlled nuclear fusion is also an opportunity for salted fish to turn around. At the same time, this opportunity is controlled by the state.

But the most important thing is to have enough helium 3, and the perfect situation is to transport enough helium 3 from the moon in 2 years.

"I know the role of helium 3, but as far as I know, controllable nuclear fusion in the world is only in the experimental stage, and it is not ready for application. It is too early to accumulate helium 3 as a reserve." Eyebrows, the cause of automatic brain replacement, said with some worry.

Many strategic resources have national reserves, such as rare earths, such as oil.

"This is not important, what is important is the task I gave you, two years, only two years ~ ~ what you want, what I give, I just hope to see helium 3 can be transported from the moon back to China. The body leaned forward slightly, and through the glasses, the chief giant looked at the old man in front of him.

The person on the opposite side did not have to say whether it was character or professionalism. It was a very reliable think tank, but ...

Seeing such a strong and rare underground mission of the total giant, the old man nodded hard.

Therefore, before Chang'e-2 was launched, the country has begun to study how to extract helium 3 from the moon and cross the lunar landing point, from the initial processing of helium 3 to the return to earth. There are too many places, all of which require the establishment of specialized scientific research teams to overcome them.

Wearing big pants, Guan Ming was sitting in the study, looking at the data that Shuangxing had sorted out, and started reading for a long time.

Out of self-confidence, Guan Ming didn't consider his drawing of controllable fusion to be problematic, and was also convinced that it would be successful.

So, in his eyes, controllable fusion is done, and for him, it is the node to start the next scientific research project.

The domestic economy is steadily improving. Although Guan Ming has not updated the hardware of its products, the prices of these products have not changed. At present, it is developing in a state of "one manpower", so Guan Ming is not short of money.

From the human brain chip to the near completion of controlled nuclear fusion, Guan Ming does not need to do anything else to prove his talent, whether it is domestic or foreign, so he does not need to successfully develop a scientific research product in the short term as himself still exists. Proof.

For him, at this point in time, he is free to play. At the same time, he is also preparing to do something he has long wanted to do. Perhaps, this thing is too 'sci-fi' for him.

First, he needs to look at the theory of relativity.

ps: My computer is too scum. I'm about to graduate from elementary school ...

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