Private Technology

: 619 accumulation

In Guan Ming's research sequence, there is a technology that is more important to him, second only to the human brain chip, which is flush with controlled nuclear fusion, and higher than products like ar / vr.

That's anti-gravity.

In fact, from a macro perspective, anti-gravity has long been applied, such as aircraft, such as gliders.

The so-called anti-gravity can be literally called anti-gravity. For human beings, gravity is a vertical downward force. Anti-gravity is just a force exerted on the body, so as to offset the downward force.

From a performance point of view, universal gravitation makes it impossible for people to escape from the surface of the earth. As long as it can release people from the surface, in a sense, this is antigravity.

For the earth, the first cosmic velocity is also an anti-gravity manifestation, because aircraft can fly away from the ground for a long time, and common aircraft, even bullets and artillery shells that are fired and landed, are also anti-gravity. Performing.

As for the second, third, and even fifth cosmic velocities, the antigravity is not dominated by the earth. In deeper terms, the answer should probably be found in the "relativity theory".

For example, the concept and principle of the word 'gravity', Guan Ming said that he agrees with Einstein's theory that the space without matter is flat, the space-time with matter becomes curved, and the distance between two points depends on matter. It is stretched or squeezed by the existence of material, and the closer it is to the material, the easier it is to be attracted by the 'grooves' created by the material. The 'gravity' on the planet is actually a phenomenon of time and space being bent.

And Newton ’s gravitation can be a little simpler from the point of view of course. Of course, Newton and Einstein are in two epochs. Even if it is theoretical technology, it also pays attention to the study of the predecessors and subsequent expansion and conjecture And experiment.

Guan Ming didn't want to make a simple ejector, similar to the “anti-gravity” of an airplane. He wanted to use “inductive magnetic field” to achieve anti-gravity. Although this was a bit “sci-fi” for Guan Ming, he still had his Ambition.

Technology has developed to the modern age. Actually, people's vision has already crossed the solar system. Even if it is covered by the Kuiper belt, people are still curious about extraterrestrial galaxies.

Guan Ming wants to find an anti-gravity device that can be universally used in the universe. With Guan Ming's brain, he can think of the best way to design an anti-gravity device through a magnetic field, as if the magnets have the same pole repulsion.

Most cosmic celestial bodies have a magnetic field. If the anti-gravity device developed using the magnetic field can be successful, it will represent that this device has a wide range of versatility in the entire universe!

As for why not all, the simplest example is the moon. The magnetic field strength of the moon is one thousandth of that of the earth, which is almost nothing.

Unless Guan Ming can develop an anti-gravity device that is very sensitive to magnetic field capture.

However, speaking of 1,000 to 10,000, what Guan Ming has to do now is to read books, and even astronomical books need to be hunted, not to mention the expanded and detailed information, literature, and so on. Guan Ming conservatively estimates him Can see New Year's Day this year.

"Dad, I don't want to go to kindergarten." Sitting on the bed, Guan Mengyu kicked Guan Ming's waist with his little feet.

"Huh? Why?" The little feet were almost fleshy, but the socks were a bit too hairy, Guan Ming scratched his waist and got up, putting the electronic glasses on the bedside table.

Today, on Saturday, Mu Xiaoxiao is having a parent committee meeting with those parents in kindergarten.

As the mother of two working kindergarten classmates, Mu Xiaoxiao reeled to become the chairman of the family committee of the small class, even if she didn't list any outstanding resumes, just a 'Guanming's wife', In this campaign family committee, no parent is blind enough to fill in the post of "President" on the campaign column.

So today, the two children were brought by Guan Ming.

As for the way of strapping, it is also very simple, close the door and enlarge the yellow.

"Those little guys are so stupid, I know every day that I need to pick up rhubarb pants, sing some naive songs, and learn one, two, three, four. Even too many little guys are talking badly!"

"You know, I don't need to go through kindergarten at all, and at the same time I'm pretty sure that I don't need such an excessive part of kindergarten in my life!" Looking up, looking at Guan Ming who sat up, Guan Mengyu's face was sincere.

No, that's your pants!

Although Guan Ming wanted to say so, considering that he was his own daughter, Guan Ming still held down his vomiting soul.

"Then? Have you thought about what you have to do in the past few years? For example, if you do n’t go to kindergarten, you will play at home after that? Or skip directly to elementary school? I wo n’t say anything else, as my daughter, your life There are many choices, but only one is unavailable, that is, you must go to college or a domestic college. Even if you are terribly bad at studying scum, I will send you to college. On the bed, he looked solemnly at his second daughter.

By the way, I mentioned the big pants that slipped down because of friction. After all, red and green underwear are a bit spicy, at least Mu Xiaoxiao said that this underwear helps her refresh ...

Guan Mengyu grinned, although she could see her thoughts of suppressing vomiting ~ ~ However, her expression blew everything out.

Despise comes from the scorn of the soul!

"If you are a university student, I have no problem. If you can, skipping is the best choice. If you do n’t consider the age, I can take the next college entrance examination and have the confidence to be admitted to a school such as Tsinghua University." Guan Mengyu, proud of his small breast, said proudly.

Although from Guan Ming's point of view, it is completely the body of a bucket ...

"Do n’t make trouble, skip the grade? I ’m just talking about it, not everyone is like you dad and I leave you alone, not to mention the annual college entrance exam, if you dare to do this, the next day you will Will be sent to the operating table for cutting sashimi! "

"Moreover, what would your sister do if you jumped? Although I don't care about some trivial issues, the outside world will always compare the two of you. Do you want her to live a lifetime in your shadow?"

"Finally, what is that star university in the global star university, your father, me and your mother did not pass the exam, okay, who gave you the courage to say this, Liang Jingru?"

In the end, Guan Ming couldn't help but pinch her head. If it wasn't for her skull not fully developed, Guan Ming really wanted to slap according to the spirit cover that day.

You know, although Guan Ming had already decided to take the old road of his life in the time of rebirth, so that he could spend more time during college, but he did not dare to say that he must go to Tsinghua University.

And Mu Xiaoxiao's words, no more talk, no longer talked about, at the time Guanming taught for a school year, at most is touching the arm, that time itching.

ps: If you update, every day 2 is the bottom line, if you ca n’t finish it, it will be automatically converted into owe ...

By the way, I usually complete the update before 12 o'clock. If it is not special, I rarely post a new chapter after 12 o'clock ...

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