Private Technology

: Six hundred twenty four

In the evening, Guan Ming managed to eat and drink again. In addition, Guan Ming was in a single dormitory.

Following the giant, Guan Ming didn't need to think about personal arrangements and so on. As long as the giant said a word, Guan Ming's all treatments went straight up and expanded two more times. He could go around the earth several times.

"What do you think about the new company?" After the little secretary brought up the tea and closed the door outside, the giant looked at Guan Ming solemnly and asked.

The major state-owned enterprises in the three major industries are all delisted this time, and they are ready to be integrated into a very large state-owned company. This will not only affect the domestic economy, but also the international situation.

It ’s very easy to say that even if this company is not yet integrated, the price paid by the country is very high. You know, when you delisted from the market, you were not hacked. .

Helpless abroad, after all, people are 'normal' business dealings, but there are actually gangsters in the country, but they have been involved in various names afterwards.

But I have to say that this company has a name in the hearts of all the giants. At the same time, these giants also know that the formation of this company actually needs to manage this person.

Everyone is dispensable, but Guan Ming is not, he is the only motivation to promote this company!

The country needs these technologies of Guan Ming. At the same time, they also want to give Guan Ming a great wealth, to make Guan Ming's sense of belonging stronger.

Although Guan Ming said today that this is probably not bad news, in addition to the bad news, there are actually good news and bad news.

Judging from Guan Ming's words at that time, the giant felt that this should be a troublesome thing.

"There are no other ideas. I have read the documents before. In fact, I just want to change the shareholders and directors of the new company. I was originally intended to be a shareholder of the new company. I just wanted Xiaoxiao To replace me, she and I are husband and wife. Personally, I also hope that her reputation will be better. Although I have been blocked on the Internet, in fact, the external evaluation of Xiaoxiao is not high. Backstage You also have the authority, and if you take a look, you'll know. "Guan Ming looked sad.

Everyone's existence will lead to criticism, even if Guan Ming, there are still people who hate it, including Chinese and foreigners.

And Mu Xiaoxiao's words, in fact, people's evaluation is not high, but Guan Ming wants to reverse this evaluation.

Everyone's money, Guan Ming didn't expect too much in his life, his hope is simple, his wife and children, parents, clothing and food, and nothing more.

Therefore, Future Technology Co., Ltd. once divided and gave a part of Mu Xiaoxiao's shares. As a result, at least Mu Xiaoxiao's performance is good, at least there is a record of making fun of Guan Ming at night, and even relying on his own youth Win 'and suppress Guan Ming instead of obediently obeying and so on.

It's not Guan Mingqiu, at least he thinks that this is the real form of Mu Xiaoxiao, without the difference and distance caused by his identity.

However, Guan Ming wants more.

At least, in his opinion, making Mu Xiaoxiao's reputation better is a very good way. Even if this is useless, it doesn't matter. Guan Ming didn't expect a divorce anyway, and Mu Xiaoxiao didn't see it. There are signs looking for a small white face.

Now that the marriage is strong, why bother you and me?

However, the main reason for Guan Ming's generosity is that he can create more value.

He created a futuristic technology with his empty hands. If he needs it in the years to come, he can create another futuristic technology!

Money is no longer Guan Ming's pursuit.

At the same time, money is not a shackle that limits Guan Ming's imagination.

"Xiaoxiao ... can she do it?" The giant couldn't help scratching his head, looking very headache.

"Although I have too many shortcomings, but I think I'm fair enough emotionally, Xiaoxiao and I have no difference." Guan Ming said earnestly.

"The point is that this kind of news can't be hidden. Xiaoxiao is still in school now, junior, isn't she going to continue studying?" The giant scratched his head, although Guan Ming gave a very personal reason Faced with Guanming, but mainly with Guan Huai's attitude, not high pressure.

If Guan Ming is replaced with Liu Xi, the giants can guarantee that there is absolutely no such thing as shit!

But Guan Ming is Guan Ming, there is only one Guan Ming in the country and even in the world!

In the future, I dare not say that in the past few thousand years, in scientific research, Guan Ming existed on a par with those great scientists!

There are times when the general giants change elections, and Hua Mulan returns to the field, but as long as Guan Ming still has a day to live, maybe he can create any shocking science and technology theory. As long as Guan Ming is still a year, maybe he can develop What is the emerging technology product of the country ~ ~ For Guan Ming, the tolerance level is very high. Even if I heard Guan Ming suddenly, the first reaction of the giant is how to persuade with a euphemistic tone. Second, The response is how to push Mu Xiaoxiao smoothly and smoothly.

"Well, it is now a junior, but the first product to be launched externally should be controlled nuclear fusion, but you also know that before the moon has not settled, there is actually no large-scale promotion. I expected that before Xiaoxiao ’s senior year, her identity would not have to be leaked out. After her senior year, she would be able to go to the company for “internship”, and she could now formally enter the society, so it does not exist. It is necessary to keep her identity secret, anyway, she wo n’t go for a doctorate or master ’s degree. ”Guan Ming said earnestly, as if his and Mu Xiaoxiao ’s children had not been born, as if university marriage was a Very normal.

However, seeing such a cheeky Guan Ming, the giant's attention was elsewhere, and he keenly seized a point in time.

"You mean, when Xiaoxiao was a senior, the country was able to transport helium 3 back from the moon? Or could it support the widespread promotion of helium 3?" Looking at Guan Ming, although it was a question, the giant's expression was very Sure, at the same time, he was shocked.

The giants came to the launch site of Chang'e-2, not to mix up with "News Broadcast", but more to the mission of Chang'e-2, but also to give a warning at home and abroad.

However, even the specific situation of the moon was not clear, Guan Ming could actually give a time limit.

What does that mean?

Does it mean that Guan Ming has the ability, or that he has the technology to get a large amount of helium 3 on the moon back to Earth?

And it is now and now that this condition exists, but Mu Xiaoxiao is not a senior yet, so did not say it before?

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