Private Technology

: 625 tubes 2 generations

"Uh ..." Guan Ming froze, and he didn't even notice what he had revealed.

"Developed new science and technology to ship? No, the time is too short, even if you are not possible, after all, you just applied for controlled nuclear fusion materials, and even the assembly was not completed, the time is definitely not enough." Guan Ming spoke as if to himself.

"In other words, have you upgraded the original technology again?" Staring at Guan Ming, the giant seemed to see some rare treasures.

Subconsciously leaned back, Guan Ming grinned, shook his head with a grin, and said nothing.

Perhaps it is the reason for Guan Mingtai's concern. In fact, the giant said that it is not bad. Guan Ming integrated the existing technology and actually has the conditions to extract helium 3.

But this is talking about 'mining', not 'shipping back'.

In fact, Guan Ming's approach is very simple, that is, launch a moon-synchronized network satellite, and then the artificial intelligence controls the robot to mine and process helium 3.

Although large-scale controllable fusion experiments have not yet started, if the ratio is slightly enlarged, the problem is not big.

There are two kinds of energy sources differentiated in this, one is solar energy for robots (small), and the other is a small factory (large) for initial processing of helium 3, which uses controlled nuclear fusion.

If you look at it this way, in fact, there is only one condition left to limit the application of controlled nuclear fusion, and that is how to transport the processed helium 3 from the moon back to Earth.

Considering the cost problem, the rocket recovery project that Guan Ming did in the past few years can play a huge role again.

And the whole process does not require humans to log in to the moon in person, it takes time and effort to build an artificial ecosystem, and so on. Under the condition of ensuring safety, they can 'collect vegetables' regularly, just like qq farm.

"It's amazing! I didn't expect there was really good news!" After watching Guan Ming for a while, the giant's face showed a satisfied smile and patted the sofa armrest.

Even this kind of movement could not make him express his excitement, could not help but get up and walk around the room.

"Before we talked about Xiaoxiao, you can't keep up with your ideas like this ~" He stood up, Guan Ming looked at the giant helplessly.

"Xiaoxiao? Oh, Xiaoxiao, I will study this matter when I go back, but the problem should not be too big, come on, talk about how to transport helium 3 back, although I do n’t know much technically, but usually I still I'm really happy to listen to this. "The giant face smiled, pulled Guan Ming, and sat back on the sofa.

There is no way, Guan Ming can only express his own ideas, at least from a technical point of view, there is still a certain degree of operability.

As for why ‘artificial intelligence’ is used to explain it, Guan Ming mainly wants to count things separately.

Sure enough, a sentence of "artificial intelligence" increased the share that originally belonged to Guan Ming again. The giant nodded thoughtfully, pondered it, and said, "In this case, in fact, there is one more technology for stock investment, and it is still Very critical technology ... "

This kind of words should not have been said by the giant. Even such a decision would require a detailed charter to be discussed through a meeting of the giants.

However, the giant knows more than Guan Ming, and from his perspective, he also hopes to speed up the process.

It ’s not like abandoning the company for personal reasons. Although it ’s different from the general giant ’s point of view, he values ​​the promotion of controllable fusion. It ’s not something that can be done in one day, two days, one year, or two. The layout will take several years, and a lot of preliminary work must be prepared in advance.

It is now the fourth quarter of 10 years. In the general election two years later, the position has actually been roughly assigned, and his chance of victory is relatively large.

Use shares for time, shares for technology, and shares for management.

No matter which giant, it will not refuse.

"Oh, it seems that the property under Xiaoxiao's name is going to increase again." Guan Ming joked with a smile, reminding the giant at the same time, hoping that he could help say something good.

"You, you, I really do n’t know what to say about you, but it ’s also good. At the same time that the material level rises, the mental level also needs to be raised at the same time. The divorce rate has been rising over the years. Get a model couple certificate. "The giant had a small plan in his heart and told Guan Ming by chance of joking.

"That feeling is good. I must hang it in the living room with gold rims in the future. Anyone who comes to my house will let them sting." The smile on Guan Ming's face was even stronger because he knew that the giant agreed with him!

"Your home? There are not many people who can go to your home. Right, your plane is in the city." The giant raised his glasses and said.

"Yeah, when I came, I was on my plane." Nodded, Guan Ming froze and responded.

The city here is not the Shanghai Stock Market ~ ~ but the city where Guan Ming is currently located.

"That line, I took your plane tomorrow morning and didn't go to your house for a long time. I just walked around and looked at your robot by the way." The giant said politely.

"Uh ... that's OK, but your time ..." Guan Ming hesitated.

It's not clear how busy the giants are, but he knows how busy Liu Mengmeng is, and he knows how busy the Shanghai big guys are. If you look up, he estimates that the giants are also very busy.

"It's okay. There are giants at home. You can push tomorrow's tasks. If you can't push, you can find other giants to take over." I don't know if the giants have done too much.

"That line, then I'll call the home and let them pick up the home well." Seeing the giant say so, Guan Ming couldn't possibly refuse.

"It's too late now, you should go back to rest, let's go for breakfast tomorrow morning, eh ~ the copying here tastes very good, I will take you to try it tomorrow morning." Looking at the watch, it is already nine o'clock in the evening, the giant Not ready to stay.

"Well, let's have a copyist tomorrow morning." With a bitter face, Guan Ming, who usually wakes up at 10 o'clock, really wants to catch up with normal hours for breakfast, but that's really fatal.

Then Guan Ming went out and began to contact the home, and the giant also began to contact other giants for a conference call, mainly about the meeting with Guan Ming tonight and the schedule of work.

Although the giant is only in charge of technology, his commitment to Guan Ming has been recognized by everyone, regardless of public and private, this approach is the best choice.

Just before hanging up the phone, the giant hesitated and said, "I suggest to pay attention to Guan Ming's two daughters. I heard that these two little guys are very smart. If you cultivate them well, you might be the next Guan Ming. "

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