Private Technology

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The second generation, praised by the giants, did not perform as perfect as the giants imagined.

"I'm an older sister! Younger sister, you must listen to me!" Holding the bucket waist, watching Guan Mengyu, Guan Mengxi said milkily.

"Don't, I don't!" Shaking his head quickly, his fleshy little hand was covering his mouth, and Meng Yu looked rather unyielding.

"I'm going to sleep, I can't eat anything, I'll be fat!" Looking at his stupid old woman is carrying a bowl of eggs to scoop up, Guan Mengyu aggrieved.

"Five minutes a day! Do it with me! It won't be fat!" Taking two steps aside, Guan Mengxi hugged Mu Xiaoxiao's thigh and successfully hung on Mu Xiaoxiao's body.

Although her image was not good, she raised her thumb and cheered up.

You idiot, you will become a muscular woman! !!

Although Meng Yu's heart collapsed, Shente exercised her body for five minutes. Shentian used to eat less and exercise less in her lifetime. I am very experienced in losing weight!

"Obviously I ate this bowl of egg scoops, we are still good mothers and daughters ~" Bending over, Mu Xiaoxiao dug a spoon like jelly eggs scooping, and slowly poked in the direction of Guan Mengyu.

Grandpa and grandma weren't around, the door was closed. Guan Mengyu took a look at the fighting strength of the enemy and us, and he could only take it down with a grudge, and reluctantly accepted the feeding.

"Well, this is my good sister!" After seeing Guan Mengyu eating eggs, Guan Mengxi nodded heavily and made a victory speech.

Put your lips away, Guan Mengyu doesn't want to explain anything to this idiot. After all, he can't beat each other. This is really a sad story ...

Before meeting anyone who was more spicy than himself, Guan Ming always thought he could eat spicy food, but the red oil for breakfast taught Guan Ming to be a new man.

Taking off from Sichuan Province, the plane was soaring in the sky and finally landed in Shanghai.

Although I have met before, but when I saw the giant again, the father and mother were still a little nervous. Even the Shanghai market leader who came with them was enough for the old couple to ‘should be prepared.’

However, to the surprise of the old couple, it seems that the giants are more 'homely' than before. They also talked to the old couple about how to raise their grandchildren. While chatting, they also teased the little ones in their arms. It looked very harmonious. .

Even though Guan Ming got up early for breakfast with a steel-like will, he actually just caught up with the last train, and it was almost noon when he arrived at the housekeeper.

After lunch, Guan Ming took the giant and the big names in Shanghai to see the robot.

"Although there is no specific model now, there is not much problem in the modification of the robot. The most important thing is that there is absolutely no problem with the remote control. After all, I have also used it for a long time. On the north side, I have always been remotely controlled. Applying it to now, there has been no accident. "Pointing at the robot two meters and five meters high, Guan Ming introduced.

At the moment, the development and application of robots is not a rare topic. There were even robot competitions more than a decade ago. People continue to explore in this field, but from the perspective of results, they are all blindly touching the image. , And Guan Ming felt the essence ...

In addition to briefly introducing the hardware part of the robot, Guan Ming mainly introduces the control system of the robot, including remote control and so on.

Quick response and precise movements are what Guan Ming values, and at the same time, this is what he values.

Previously, I had asked Guan Ming for a robot, but I did not make much progress in this aspect, mainly because of remote control.

All robots in Guan Ming are actually ordered by Double Star. Just like the line puppet, there are not a lot of data processing functions inside the robot.

Today's mainstream robots are equipped with processing functions inside the robot. The essential difference lets everyone know that this thing is very high-end, but there is no way.

Later, he paid more and more attention to Guan Ming, so it was hard to say anything about the robots that he had previously obtained at no cost. He could never let Guan Ming pull out even more detailed drawings, which was too hurtful after all.

"This big guy is not very light. If it is transported to the moon, how many can be transported at one time? And the small factory you said, it may take several trips." He patted the robot's shell, the giant asked.

"Small factories are good at saying that it is good to transport the parts up and then assemble the robot. Anyway, the robotic arms are replaceable, but I think it needs to be transported at least twice. Small robots can be maintained and assembled, but at least there are several A large robot can go to mining. The mining truck is too "Red Police". I don't have any particularly good ideas for now. "Guan Ming is proficient in various games and often mixes in fish ponds. His talent is to learn from each other. ~ ~ two trips, and then count the network satellite, this only has mining capabilities, not including the ability to return. The giant mumbled to himself.

The last time Guan Ming had the right to remain silent, but the giant didn't care about Guan Ming's performance, because he could ask directly, he had the right to do whatever he wanted ...

"Do you have any thoughts on shipping back? Let me tell you what you think and develop your ideas." The giant looked at Guan Ming and asked.

"No, this time is really gone. There is no way to ship it back." Guan Ming quickly shook his head. In fact, he really had no good way. Perhaps the oldest method can be used, like the Apollo series, but transportation. The amount is very touching.

At present, the successful landing and return to the moon are actually only the Apollo series. Other countries have a variety of factors. From China's Chang'e One, in fact, there has been determination to go to the moon, whether it is Chang'e 1 or The second is to find a landing point, and then the real moon landing.

But this is not a one-way ticket, and return is a big problem.

"It seems that this aspect is indeed a difficult problem. You need to think about it carefully, and then arrange it a bit." She patted Guan Ming's arm, and the giant face smiled, and did not blame Guan Ming.

Guan Ming's ability to achieve this level is quite interesting. Although the money has nine thousand talents, the money is really not a panacea. At least the money is really difficult to exchange for technology.

Standing next to the giant, the big boss in Shanghai has never said anything, but just watching the communication between the giant and Guan Ming, he suddenly found a very interesting place.

Shooting the arms and shoulders are two concepts. People in the workplace, the Shanghai big bosses pay great attention to these details. Although only one step away from the power center, he keenly found that Guan Ming's treatment in the power center seems not to be low. .

Taller than he thought, much taller.

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