Private Technology

: 631 eagle catches chick

At the time of Guan Minghehe, iter (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Program) sent a survey letter to China. The content was very simple. It was to check whether these returnees had "entrained" behavior. Reasons to refuse a visa.

In simple terms, it's detaining.

"Entrainment" is a saying, nominally, to check the suitcase to see if there is a confidential document in the portable electronic device, to see if the previous call records have been leaked, spies, etc., but in many countries led by the United States, do not It is hoped that these Chinese employees will return home so lightly.

There are many reasons for this and many reasons.

To the nuclear fusion side, if China has made a major breakthrough in thermonuclear fusion, it can take advantage of the current situation and use the contract signed at the beginning to share technology and achieve common progress. After all, these employees are also veterans in nuclear fusion. Technology and vision are fine.

In terms of money, this incident can also be used to carry out a certain degree of oppression, allowing China to open up Qiming's review conditions, and let foreign companies and individuals enter, let alone who can enter, but it needs to tear open a mouth.

In terms of the international situation, there is no difference between the South China Sea and the volcanic crater that will soon erupt. Although the probability of fighting is very small, all aspects must be fully prepared.

But no matter what, this time the behavior is absolutely no problem in terms of jurisprudence.

"The current situation does not seem clear. There are three new iPhones in a suitcase, which can be said to be suspected of smuggling. It seems that we have other plans."

Late at night, the giants at home meet and meet.

"Isn't it that incumbents aren't allowed to use Apple mobile phones, why are there anyone buying these things?" The chief giant frowned, looking upset.

The door incident was vigorous, and the top was also forbidden to use the Apple mobile phone, etc. in order to prevent the second move. At the same time, this was not a just issued order. The general giant did not expect that there would still be mistakes.

"The incumbent definitely can't use it, but who hasn't got any relatives or friends yet, the question is what to do next. This year's Britain is not very good. Let's make some preparations just in case." A giant said.

Already this year, Al Qaeda has carried out terrorist propaganda on the French network, and France is also a country with frequent terrorist incidents.

"Send troops? This is not a good offer." The third giant shook his head and denied this view.

If it is during the war, sending troops is undoubted, but it has not reached that level yet. It is the main thing to return to one's own talents. The most important thing is that the country needs time to digest the science and technology it currently has. Stability is the most important.

"It's not about sending troops, I remember we have someone in France." The giant pointed his temple with his index finger, meaning the human brain chip, and he continued: "Let them observe and observe closely while keeping the cover, It's more of a task. "

"At the same time, let's think about ways here, whether it is smuggling or entrainment. When will people come back? Let's start the preliminary activities of nuclear fusion, and at the same time let Kong Yulin take some action in the market. Countries are different from us, markets will restrict their behavior. "

The general giant and the third giant glanced at each other, then slowly nodded in agreement.

After all, it's been 10 years. Some things need to get used to earlier.


Housekeeper, in the bedroom, Guan Ming was lying on the bed like a dead pig, looking at Mu Xiaoxiao with a look of calmness. There was no ripple in the heart or the outside.

A small suit, white shirt, one-step skirt, black stockings, and then a pair of glasses without lenses, a shawl, and Mu Xiaoxiao wearing high heels, standing next to Guan Ming in a beautiful, leaning forward.

Looking at the unintentionally unbuttoned button, Guan Ming faintly remembered that Mu Xiaoxiao once pulled the educational film he watched together, and it seemed that the suit was a little familiar.

"How about, I'll wear this to Zhong Qiming to work in the future ~" Mu Xiaoxiao put her hands in front of the lower abdomen, crooked her head, a smart lady, and still playful and cute.

"Huh? Go to work? This one?" Gong Ming looked a little bit up and down.

Do n’t you just change clothes to seduce Lao Tzu, why should you go to work in a blink of an eye?

Does Zhong Qiming offer food training or yoga training?

"Yeah, I thought about it when I was taking a bath. I will be a senior when the second half of the semester is over, and then I will be able to do an internship. Oh, yes, you said that when I went to Zhong Qiming, I started as a soldier. Be the boss directly? "Crooked her head, Mu Xiaoxiao thoughtful.

"Well ... become a soldier first, and then familiarize yourself with the company's business processes. It is estimated that many people will pursue me, and then I refuse, but then there are rich second generations who use tough means, and then are driven away by bodyguards. One generation brought the rich and the second generation to make an apology, but my identity was exposed, and I finally became the boss of the company. Ming that tender white belly that is not easily seen.

"You belong to a series that you want to think about a lot. Do you still pursue novels when you are a novel? I ’m afraid that when you first entered the company, everyone in the company will know your identity, and Zhong Qiming, you do n’t need to go to work, anyway. All shareholders, we are not responsible for specific things ~ ~ We rely on dividends to eat. "Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming did not want to evaluate her slightly different idea.

Compared with Zhong Qiming, future technology is a true 'family industry'. As a shareholder of future technology, she actually thought of another company to go to work.

Lao Tie, you're in trouble!

"Ah? Don't go to work? Then, that ..." After hearing Guan Ming say that, Mu Xiaoxiao froze for a while.

"Zhong Qiming didn't have so many incidents. People would approach me directly. For minor matters, I would arrange for Liu Mengmeng to deal with it. You, at home, look at the children honestly." Guan Ming looked at his wife in regret.

Mu Xiaoxiao is all right, but it is a mental retardation, which is really disturbing.

"This and this suit was worn by me for a long time, and it looks so good!" Aggrieved face, Mu Xiaoxiao said unwillingly.

"Yeah, it looks good, but this suit is not necessary to go to work ~" With a look of emotion, Guan Ming touched the smooth stockings, his heart was a little swollen, and he couldn't resist Mu Xiaoxiao's coquetry. Looks like a real headache.

With a glance, Mu Xiaoxiao flattened his mouth and slapped Xiao Guanming with his hand.

"Rely on it! Do you want a son!" Guan Mingchao distressed his little brother and jumped up to speak righteously.

After all, how terrible it is!

"Cut ~" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming up and down with a disgusted look, then took advantage of Guan Ming's inattention, slap on his butt, and fled in the bedroom with a smile.

Guan Ming gritted his teeth and played with her in the room.

ps: The data in the previous chapter is correct (in a guilty conscience). For a long time, the 10-year Sino-US exchange rate was 6.8, and then the 10-year Top 500 market capitalization was found. PetroChina's market value changed greatly in that year. A point in time like the year.

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