Private Technology

: 632 Hang Girl

The next morning, Shuangxing sent a briefing to Guan Ming about the latest developments and instructions of the installers of overseas human brain chips. These messages were all kept to Guan Ming separately.

After looking casually, Guan Ming threw the electronic glasses on the table.

He doesn't have much interest in these things. At present, Guan Ming still only pays attention to his acre of three-point land, how he arranges and arranges it, and it has nothing to do with Guan Ming.

Guan Ming had seen a report about robots in his lifetime, saying that they were robotic cooking, and the taste was very good. Of course, before watching this paragraph, Guan Ming saw someone opening the beer bottle cap with an excavator.

However, the robot I watched in my last life was specially developed for cooking. Guan Ming really planned to use the robot for cooking this time, not a robot specially developed for cooking.

At the same time, his purpose is not to liberate labor, but to record a video and show it to him.

As a result, the patents on the robot are all attached to Mu Xiaoxiao, and they are about to be licensed to Zhong Qiming. Let them see what it means to lift weights lightly, strengthen their confidence, and let them put more Attention is focused on how to ship back and forth in large quantities.

It's about Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming wants to make things more beautiful.

"Okay, I can't do it." Holding Xiaowa, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the robot with a puzzled look.

Although she also knows that this thing is controlled by dual stars, there will not be any problems in theory, but the problem is that these dishes processed by dual stars have good nutrition, but she doesn't like it.

Take a look at the prepared dishes, cabbage tofu soup, shredded yam, stir-fried zucchini, sweet and sour ravioli.

Aren't you afraid of the quilt when eating ravioli?

Mu Xiaoxiao is a typical meatless person. After all, yoga during the day and at night requires a lot of protein supplements. If it is all vegetarian, let alone have no energy activities, she doubts that her **** will be hungry and thin. .

"Forget it, let's go out and play with the children." Holding the hand-held camera, Guan Ming incarnates Mr. Chen and shoots every movement of the robot.

The robotic arm rotates and changes from the original single-knife mode to the double-knife mode. After a choppy meal on the cutting board, the cold light rises. In just ten seconds, a peeled carrot is cut into small pieces shape.

During this period, the Double Star did not have any other assistance, and it was completely controlled by the magnitude and direction of the force.

To put it simply, the first knife is not only cut into pieces of the right size, but also allows the carrot slices to fall just in one place, so that the next knife can be cut next time without regular fixation.

It involves not only powerful computing capabilities, but also a series of issues such as the robot's acceptance and feedback of information.

It can be said that this choppy chop not only reflects the advanced robot, but also reflects the strength of Double Star!

As for the subsequent scoop and accurate seasoning weight, the technical content involved is relatively low.

"But there is no meat, meat!" Mu Xiaoxiao said aggrievedly. As soon as she showed this look, Guan Ming would drop IQ to -250. Basically, she would agree to whatever she asked.

Unfortunately, although Guan Ming heard her voice, she didn't see her expression, which eventually caused Guan Ming's IQ to stay above zero.

"According to the recipe, this is the meat, the chicken is in the palace." Guan Ming didn't look at Mu Xiaoxiao, but subconsciously stretched his hand backwards, trying to pinch her head.

However, the position is not good. Based on Guan Ming's wingspan and height, he actually achieved the ‘manual praise’ achievement ...

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little aggressive. She didn't expect Guan Ming to play hooligan in front of the two children, and she was so precise. From the picture, Mu Xiaoxiao kept watching the place where she was pressing and pressing, but she did n’t Any reflection.

Guan Mengyu's face was clinging to that soft big breast, and as a result, she saw her father's paw turning left and right next to her face, and it was still the kind that he did not turn back.

Eyelids fluttered, Guan Mengyu felt that her cheap dad must be conditioned reflex. No, it should be practice to make perfect!

I don't know what kind of mentality, opened his mouth, and Guan Mengyu took a sip according to that hand.

"Fuck! It hurts!" A shudder, Guan Ming didn't dare to backhand a slap, but he jumped sorely. He knew immediately that this was being conspired by one of his daughters, but he wasn't sure if he was active Regarding Meng Xi, I didn't dare to come.

"Hahaha, deserve it!" Seeing Guan Ming jumping, Mu Xiaoxiao laughed heartily and three times, looking at Guan Ming gloatingly.

Guan Mengyu Songkou was very fast. Facing the eyes of her dad, she wiped her mouth with her back on her hands, as if she was annoying something.

"You ... if it was in the old society, you must be beaten to the rhythm. Fortunately! Socialism has saved you!" Guan Ming looked at Guan Mengyu, rubbing his teeth for a while.

Want to pack her up, but considering that the father and mother are still at home and Mu Xiaoxiao is still in front of him, he really has no good way.

Mmp, should I forgive you forever!

Seeing Guan Mengyu's disdainful eyes, Guan Ming sadly found that if the other party controlled the situation every time, he could only forgive her for life.

"Ha? Xiaoyu is so cute ~ ~ Can you punish her? Be careful and tell my parents!" Mu Xiaoxiao tightened the two baby eggs in her arms and watched Guan Ming vigilantly.

"Your girl!" Guan Ming, referring to the fighting power of the male butler for many years, can only help but mourn.

"Dad, Xiaoyu likes to eat vegetables. If you want to punish her, then make all the meat today!" Guan Mengxi Guijing Guiling put forward a 'punishment opinion'.

"No, you want balanced nutrition!" When Guan Mengyu heard his younger sister opening, she knew there was nothing good, and sure enough, her younger sister had to pit herself again!

"Mom said what to eat and make up for, you can grow up by eating meat!" Guan Mengxi shouted.

"You will grow into a fat man!" Guan Mengyu issued the strongest curse in her life, but her expression was hopeless, because the smile on Guan Ming's face was a little meaningful, and her aging mother was born a carnivorous animal.

"No, I'll scratch my bones, I'll grow tall!" Guan Mengxi countered.

"The meat on the dinner table is pork butt, your **** will be very fat!" Guan Mengyu said, but she had no hope anymore, because Yu Guang found that Guan Mingzheng gave the fried vegetarian dishes Discard!

"No, mother also eats **** meat, but she has long breasts!" Guan Mengxi pinched the ball and retorted loudly.

I twitched at the corner of my mouth. I don't know if it hurts Mu Xiaoxiao or Guan Mengxi's Wuzhishan is too strong. Guan Ming is feeling in his heart, or his eldest daughter is reliable!

"And Dad also ate, and he didn't have a long butt, he had a belly!" Grumpy little hands, pointing at Guan Ming's belly, Guan Mengxi looked angry.

Damn, who said that seven-year-old and eight-year-old dogs were coming here, and I was too disgusted at the age of two!

ps: ... It was really wrong. That chapter was missing a ‘million’ character. It ’s changed. Sorry.

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