Private Technology

: 636 The Genius Plan

Although the age of next year is not big, but he has a lot of knowledge, which he can call ‘exaggerated’, that really means it ’s a bit exaggerated.

Today's meeting, through the whole process, Guan Ming is actually a little bit in the mind, but this document represents more meaning.

Let him who has the spectrum become unreliable!

The document header is "Genius Project" and it is divided into two parts.

The first part is the "mass production of genius". Regarding the determination of the human gene map, this part has already obtained the accurate map of the human gene map as early as 2003, which is precisely the gene map of the Chinese.

From a medical point of view, this map can be used to interpret a single human condition from the genetic level, and then perform 'private order' gene medicine for precise treatment.

However, in this document, it is more about how to inherit the gene from the previous generation to the next generation.

This is not to say that “external expression” such as handsomeness and height of one meter eighth, but more depends on whether it can inherit vague concepts such as IQ.

In view of the superiority of the human brain chip, the giants feel that Guan Ming must have a lot of insights in biogenetics, so I hope Guan Ming can join this plan so that genius can be inherited and genius can be mass-produced.

OK, if it ’s just these, there is no problem, even if Guan Ming does n’t like scientific research in this area, but he can only say that for every country, biological research is essential, and he does n’t think Such research projects are exaggerated.

His exaggeration is the end of the first part and the whole of the second part.

How to determine what is an excellent genetic gene, including the fuzzy concept of IQ, actually requires experimental materials. Unfortunately, the giants agree that Guan Ming's IQ is relatively high, so I hope he can contribute some essence. Used for scientific research.

Seeing this, Guan Ming felt very hurt ...

The second part is 'cultivation of genius'. Talent will not be buried. Veteran Huang Zhong came out of the mountain on the occasion of Baiji and is still famous. But if Huang Zhong was dug out at a young age, he was at the peak of his physical fitness. May change history.

If the genius of mass production is a wild idea, it is congenital.

That day's training is a relatively reliable behavior, and it is acquired.

But after seeing the contents of the document, Guan Ming felt that this was not reliable than the mass production genius.

If it is said that the genius of mass production is only a scientific research act, it is only the essence of Guan Ming's contribution points. The training of that genius is a huge manpower and material resource. Whether it will succeed in the end is uncertain. At least in terms of probability, it is not high. No probability.

"I ... don't object to my children having this kind of education, but ..." waved their hands, Guan Ming didn't know what to say for a while, "I don't want them to install human brain chips in adulthood because people The brain chip is in my expectation. It should be installed when the person is dying, and then leave the image information, and then let future generations worship. In fact, I originally because the family had an old man, and the old man ’s body was not good. It ’s so good that such an idea was born and realized, not specifically for everyone to use the human brain chip, especially young people. ”Guan Ming shook his head, explaining.

Arrange a group of young people with high loyalty and high execution ability to install human brain chips, and then set up a small, medium, and high-level experimental school in Shanghai, teaching in small classes, each class guarantees one teacher and two Student mechanism, responsible for 12 years of teaching.

The most personal teaching, the most intimate way of teaching.

Because of the existence of a human brain chip, the teacher will not have any defects in knowledge. At the same time, because of the existence of a human brain chip, the teacher can also assume the responsibilities of various interest class teachers.

Peer-to-peer, comprehensive training for children.

After graduating from high school, if the age permits, install a human brain chip, and finally go to college and so on.

Guan Ming doesn't want to make the brain chip an excuse for human laziness. At least he doesn't want his children to be like this, and the one-to-one teaching mode is still the one of 12 years. Guan Ming feels it is too exaggerated, especially he knows Xiao Xi When light rain will enter this school.

You have to know that even if you take a country as the unit and make a human brain chip smaller than the size of a fingernail, the unit price must be at least 500,000 yuan, and this is not even counting the selection and installation of human brain chips. If the education industry also has luxury Then, this is definitely the most extravagant educational concept.

"Don't want your child to install a human brain chip? The idea is unique." The chief giant shook his head, a bit puzzling, but these are minor issues.

"However, we still advocate the establishment of a school. After all, this is also an experimental school. You are not too old and you have experienced the current educational model of the country. It is undeniable that this educational model has greatly improved the literacy rate, but This model is too mechanized and too formal. We hope to cultivate more thoughtful genius through personalized teaching. Whether it is scientific research, or an artist, etc., the country needs all-round talent, but it also needs a certain aspect. Very outstanding genius, "said the giant.

The giants have a report on the scientific research report of the scientists who install the human brain chip. If the average person is the benchmark, the people who install the human brain chip are geniuses and talents, and they can lead the ordinary people in all aspects. The presence.

But if the benchmark is adjusted to scientists ~ ~ or even genius scientists, the role of the human brain chip will be infinitely reduced, at least in the scientific research field.

The three generations of old, young and middle-aged researchers have a total installation of more than one hundred people. However, these people have not become figures such as Guan Ming, Einstein, or even the scientific researchers connected to Guan Ming. Big data shows that people Brain chips will not greatly increase human creativity.

If you use the wooden barrel principle to describe it, the human brain chip can make up all the shortcomings of the human, but it cannot make the advantages longer, as if everyone has its own upper limit, and the human brain chip will not help Humans break through this limit, at least in the field of scientific research, a genius leader is necessary.

In a more fashionable word, poverty limits imagination, but it is not just poverty that limits imagination. Perhaps appearance is also a very important factor.

Human brain chips will definitely be promoted in the end, but it is very important for the country to plan the future one step ahead. Combining too many reasons, giants at home have come to meet, eat, and take photos with housekeepers.

"Well, after all, it wasn't me who paid for it. I would be very happy if my child could have this kind of education, but that would be fine." Although Guan Ming had already studied which Shanghai primary and secondary school has a better teaching quality , But if his child can attend such a school, Guan Ming will not refuse.

However, in the field of mass production genius, the genes must be measured first. The words written on black and white papers hope to obtain some of the essence of Guan Ming. As for how to obtain this essence, it can only be hehe.

"You stupid boy, don't give you an injection, what are you afraid of? I have to take care of this matter in the past two days, otherwise I will block your door in Shanghai market!" The tech giant in charge scolded, but felt that The occasion was not right, and some things were not straightforward.

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