Private Technology

: 637 Support and Stage

"Well, then I need some equipment, after all, I can't save anything ..." Guan Ming was helpless.

Although Guan Ming came by his own plane, although he brought his own RV, he really didn't bring much ... storage equipment, you know, the living environment requirements of that thing are also relatively high.

"It's okay. You need to go back and talk about it. We will arrange for someone to send it to you." Nodded, the chief giant said there was no problem.

"The other thing is, I don't have much interest in biological genetics or even biology as a whole, and I'm used to researching things by myself. I think it's fine if I collaborate on research." Although it would be a little bit rejected by the five giants Ignorance, but in scientific research, Guan Ming also has his own pursuit.

Scientific research is an interest for him, not a burden or responsibility. When interest becomes work, it will be a tedious process.

"This way ..." The general giant took a lap, then nodded and continued: "We have said well in scientific research, we will not interfere with you, but I hope you can provide some help in this plan, if you are in If you have any good ideas or suggestions in this regard, you are welcome to come forward. I still believe in your strength and vision. "

Grin, Guan Ming nodded speechlessly.

These things are strength and vision, and the so-called help, that is, the unlimited bullet library, he does not reject this method of scientific research and exploration, but how to put it, there will be some awkwardness when it comes to himself.

Then the general giant talked with Guan Ming about Zhong Qiming, and then bombed Guan Ming away.

Someone led the way, Guan Ming didn't need to take his mind to walk, but now he was thinking about the whole process of the meeting just now. It didn't come from, he felt that Guan Mengyu seemed to have leaked.

However, the thought of Guan Mengyu has not touched the outside world since she was a child. The chance of leaks is infinitely small, and there are double stars. If there is an abnormality, Guan Ming will be actively reported, so the possibility of her exposure is very low.

But if there is no leak, why is there such a small, middle and high experimental school specially set up in Shanghai, and there is also a teacher and two children. The most important thing is that Guan Ming and his daughters both want to skip the grade.

After fighting wisdom with parents, Guan Mengyu also promised to Guan Ming that he would go to the same class with Miss Guan Mengxi to take care of this younger sister.

However, at this point of view, the giants are likely to focus on their two girls, perhaps because Guan Ming is too outstanding, or because of others.

But the stunner never knew that the source of the leak was actually himself ...


"It's great, this one really works?" Bent over, Mu Xiaoxiao watched Guan Ming fiddle with the equipment, and sent out an unknown emotion.

Guan Ming and she said what these things are for, but he did not say that these things are actually needed above, but for Mu Xiaoxiao, knowing these things is enough.

"Does this mean that you can have children when you are old?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked with a little worry, carefully poking at Guan Ming's waist.

"First of all, I'm a man. I can't give birth. Secondly, you can have children when you are not old. Finally, what do I want so many children, a football team!" Rolling her eyes at her, tube Ming really wanted a fart to knock her down to the south gate.

"Well, if you hit a hundred percent, there is no problem for a rugby team ~" Leaving a lip, Mu Xiaoxiao said blandly.

Since the birth of Guan Mengxi's younger sister, she has conducted special research on this area. After all, the Chinese still have a patriarchal mentality.

No matter how Mu Xiaoxiao usually behaves, she is actually biased towards tradition. In her opinion, having a son is the true lineage, at least she thinks so.

Small doors and small households are relatively poor, but after the assets, wealth, and fame reach a certain level, the son is the most critical existence in the family.

"Have you hit 100%? I think you've eaten too much tonight." Guan Ming tilted his head and looked up at his stupid daughter-in-law. This is no longer the IQ being pressed into the stomach and sealed, probably the whole brain All were digested in the stomach, from the perspective of this brain hole, probably my head is empty!

"Forget it, don't say that, do you need my help?" Often ridiculed by such words, Mu Xiaoxiao has now become immune, straightened up, and simply ignored these.

"Well ... I think about it, today I have extraordinarily beautiful clothes, fluffy ~" With a smile, Mu Xiaoxiao said as he went through the boxes, preparing routine cos, and assisted from the side. Role.

I took a look at the big red dress, which is similar to the New Year's red, but it is very short. The bare shoulders and skirt are fluffy white edges, a bit like the winter clothes, it looks very ...

Hehehe ~ ~ Mu Xiaoxiao is like playing a game, helping Guan Ming collect hundreds of millions of transactions. Guan Ming visually observes that these can be used for several years, without considering the shelf life.

Barely ass, Guan Ming hurriedly threw up and sealed.

Sitting on the bed, Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it and ran to the toilet to wash his hands.


The venue was large and bright, but compared to Guan Ming's lecture hall, the temperature monitoring here was not in place. Guan Ming from the suit leather shoes said that it was a little bit cold.

There are many people, but the order is very good. Listening to the No. 2 giant's speech, Guan Ming doesn't have much real feeling.

After all, the giants are no strangers to Guan Ming. Maybe when they first meet, they will have feelings of esteem and respect. However, they have seen a lot of them, and the giants have not put aside their views on Guan Ming. Guan Ming can still treat with ordinary mind.

Looking at the reporter before and after the run, Guan Ming always felt that it was more like a play.

"Congratulations, keep up the hard work!" After the photo was taken, the chief giant shook Guan Ming's hand and said a standard sentence.

"Thank you!" Guan Ming shook hands. In this case, Guan Ming could not show any other behavior.

At the venue, Mu Xiaoxiao sat in the front row and clapped his hands slamming hard. He was surrounded by father and mother, and also with a smile on his face, clapping hard.

It's just a pity that Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't bring the two baby eggs to see, there was no way for the two little guys to personally feel the power of Guan Ming, and there was no way for the two little guys to feel Guan Ming's performance.

The camera frequently swept Mu Xiaoxiao's direction. Although she didn't stop, for Mu Xiaoxiao, this was the first time she was on the horizon of people around the world, even if there was no special introduction.

As a rule, Guan Ming's scientific research results were not mentioned, but no one disputed Guan Ming's qualification for winning.

It's better to be short of lack, which is the purpose of the country's most relying on science and technology award!

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