Private Technology

: 638 Turing Award (4/24)

Guan Ming has nothing to talk about with these sixty-seven-year-old scientists. Let ’s not talk about whether the scientific research fields are overlapping or overlapping. At least Guan Ming thinks that he is not as high in the ideological realm and ca n’t talk together. While saying that socialism is good, Guan Ming said in return that he went home to have a son.

"That's it? Don't have a meal together or something?" Holding Guan Ming's arm, Mu Xiaoxiao turned back three or three times, looking back with nostalgia.

Everything is new to her at the moment. She wants to watch Guan Ming cross in front of the old scientists, and then accept praise and so on.

Mu Xiaoxiao does not have a heart to be a hero, but this does not delay her thinking of her husband as a hero.

"I have eaten before, but it ’s not interesting. I mainly watch the scenes. The food is so serious. I do n’t think it ’s better than some street restaurants to have special features. Just because parents and children are here, let ’s go. I bend. "Guan Ming said indifferently.

He attended a dinner party last year, but in those occasions you ca n’t eat enough, and it ’s not easy to let go of food. An old lady at a table, just a young man, what ’s the point?

Anyway, I greeted him, and Guan Ming didn't care about his evaluation in the eyes of those old scientists.

People in this life, from the moment of birth, people are rushing to death, and earn a day more than a day, with that effort, might as well have some fun.

"Oh, okay." Bianbian mouth, but Mu Xiaoxiao did not refute anything, as long as it is the decision of Guan Ming, she rarely refutes, except for certain things.

Guan Ming left early, and did not wait for the reporter to block the door. Guan Ming slipped away, which means that there was no more information leaked from Guan Ming except for the 'big picture'.

However, the visiting reporters have also been notified that there will be new developments after Guan Ming. If the media is not in a hurry, they can wait a few days in the capital.

"From the consistency point of view, the quality is not bad, it's healthy, and I think it's good for eating." A person in a white coat and a mask said while shaking a test tube, but from the bulging chest, she was a woman.

"I'm dizzy, why do you take so much! Let the professor know that you must scold you!" A young man of the same dress next to him came over and was taken aback, which was almost 1/3 to 1 / of the total 2 or so.

If you follow the normal procedure, this is all taken with a dropper, that's all about dripping!

"Look back at Guan Ming and talk about it, man, you can't say no." The woman's voice is crisp and young, but her small eyes seem a bit indifferent.

"My sister, I am going back to Shanghai. I will not talk about the transportation from Shanghai to the capital, but I am willing to say two more." The young man said helplessly, and prepared the glass sheet at the same time. , Microscope and other equipment.

It can be seen that he can't help this woman.

"Cut ~" hummed twice. The woman shook the test tube in her hand, then took a drop with a dropper, placed it on a glass plate, and observed it with a microscope.

The man next to him also continued his work, dividing the liquid in the test tube into many parts, using various advanced equipment to observe and collect data.

If this step is done, the next step will be to compare other samples, and there are more sources of other samples, but they are basically self-produced and sold. From the gatekeeper to the scientific research staff, these groups also have A lot of men, Xiaoyi Yiqing ...

"Hello everyone, I'm Guan Xiao's wife, Mu Xiaoxiao, I ..." Sitting in a chair, Mu Xiaoxiao was interrupted by the angry Guan Mengxi before he finished speaking.

"There's Xiaoxi's mother! Xiaoyu's mother!" Patting the sofa vigorously, Guan Mengxi felt as if she felt neglected and glared.

"Don't make a noise, don't have this sentence in the text, don't delay your mother's study ~" Hearing Guan Mengxi's voice, Guan Ma quickly patted the little guy's back, the strength was not great, and the sound was more like coaxing.

"Please continue your performance, don't care about these two little guys." With Erlang's legs tilted, Guan Ming stretched out his hand to lie.

Fang the teeth toward Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath, and then started recitation again.

Mu Xiaoxiao will face the public to make his first sound tomorrow. Although he cannot control the problems of journalists, there are also routines in it, such as self-introduction.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to be embarrassed, so she prepared everything in advance, and now she just had to memorize these.

On the official website of Zhong Qiming, the original page on the "Foot Forces" page was written with "empty waiting", but this night, a report was issued.

The above first confirmed that Guan Ming will become the company's chief scientist, and then announced that the external financing has been completed. Tomorrow morning, Zhong Qiming will hold a press conference to announce everything.

This night made it difficult for many people to fall asleep.

"Mr. President, the American Computer Association (acm) has agreed to your request, but they are not sure whether Guan Ming will be invited."

China is night, and the United States is day. Standing in front of Okui, a White House staff member reports in person ~ ~ Isn't the Turing Award the highest computer award? Will he refuse? "Okuai asked.

"In fact, according to the analysis of the intelligence department, Guan Minglai's probability is very small. From his past performance, he ..." The staff member was interrupted by Austrian Hei before he finished speaking.

"The intelligence department and intelligence department, after analyzing these years, I have never seen any good news. What I need is Guan Ming to step into our country." Pointing to the staff in front, Okui ordered strongly.

"Okay Mr. President, I will urge the Computer Society." The chest yelled, and the staff went on.

There was only Okuno in the office, and he squeezed his temples with a headache.

After thinking about it, I took out a few sheets of printing paper from the drawer, and the pictures and text on them were the latest news from the intelligence department. Some complicated sentences were cut away.

In simple terms, with the cooperation of Guan Ming, China should make great achievements in certain fields of science and technology, and vigorously develop and produce in some places.

As for what it is, the intelligence department did not get more detailed and accurate information.

But these are enough. Austrian Hei does not want to talk to those politicians. He wants to talk to Guan Ming face to face and talk one-on-one, such as how good the United States is, how paradise the capitalist countries are, etc. Even if he does n’t mind if Guan Ming is looking for a little wife, he can personally make a match, let the world think that Guan Ming is a * believer, and the monogamous wife can make the negative topic into a controversial topic and continue.

As for the Turing Award or something, this is just a way for Okui to get Guan Ming over. He doesn't know what Guan Ming has achieved on the computer.

ps: Now that the code word comes out, it will be returned as an owe. I am a responsible handsome man, not only handsome on the surface, but also brilliant inside!

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