The press conference was held as scheduled. The venue was not small. It was not chosen in a certain hotel, but in a certain country.

Not too many people come, at least compared to the day before yesterday ’s National Highest Technology Award, this scene is a bit small.

Kong Yulin was sitting at the center, Guan Ming was first in his left hand, and Guan Ming was Mu Xiaoxiao on the other side, but the other members of the housekeeper did not come. After all, they were not involved and there was no need for exposure.

Over time, Guan Ming has no sense of expectation for such things as a press conference, and has nothing new.

He doesn't need to announce something to the public, he doesn't need the media to pay attention to himself, and he doesn't want to be blocked when he goes out. This is exactly the case.

Money is enough, and I don't want to bother to deal with the related technology of robots, why bother with so many redundant things?

Everyone is envious of the rich because they can do whatever they want with money, and Guan Ming has come to do what he wants.

Sitting on the podium a bit boring, Guan Ming took Mu Xiaoxiao's hand and put it on his knees, thinking about how much information he didn't finish reading.

At 9:30 in the morning, the emcee said a lot of things in a mess, and after a few minutes, it was Kong Yulin's turn to speak.

"Thank you very much for your attention to Zhong Qiming. At the same time, I will also be responsible to tell you that your attention will be rewarded."

"To make a long story short, today's press conference mainly leaks two news to the outside world. First, Zhong Qiming will hire Mr. Ming, the director of the National Highest Technology Award, to be the chief scientist of the company." Speaking of this, Kong Yulin paused.

The reporters at the scene were not stupid, but they also applauded scatteredly. After all, no matter whether it was Zhong Qiming's body weight or Guan Ming's identity, everyone applauded.

"Second, our company has successfully found the so-called civilian power, that is, Ms. Mu Xiaoxiao. At the same time, I also thank Ms. Mu Xiaoxiao for the trust and support of my group company. I also express my deep gratitude for the value and recognition of Zhong Qiming. "

There was another pause without the support of applause. All Chinese and foreign reporters were whispered and wanted to know who ‘Ms. Mu Xiaoxiao’ was.

Those economic journalists are all right, but the reporters in the technology circle are a little aggressive, they have never heard of any scientist named Mu, especially to say that she is still a lady.

This is not to say that gender discrimination, in fact, women have greater disadvantages in many fields. Although the status of women in the society is constantly improving, this is only a concept that has been widely recognized within a century.

To elaborate further, in the field of science and technology, in addition to gender issues, women also have considerable disadvantages. Looking at all science and technology awards, the ratio of men to women is actually quite disparate.

The slogan 'Mu Xiaoxiao' can obviously feel Chinese or Asian.

Suddenly a ‘Ms. Xiaoxiao Mu’ popped up, and everyone was a bit surprised.

However, there are some reporters who are somewhat speculative.

China and even Asia, if the name ‘Mu Xiaoxiao’ is best known, it should be Guan Ming ’s daughter-in-law.

Guan Ming has a relatively high status and is a typical intellectual (laughs). His young age has faintly led the technology of an era. At the same time, his name has created a high-tech company such as future technology. Rich list.

In terms of wealth, Guan Ming once divided the shares of Future Technology and gave it to his daughter-in-law. In terms of value alone, his daughter-in-law is also a frequent visitor to the global rich list, even when his daughter first entered the global rich list. People have said darkly that as long as Mu Xiaoxiao dares to divorce, countless people around the world will line up to marry her!

Here is not only a lofty ideal with a green tube, but also a series of zero bank deposits.

"Be quiet first, please have Mr. Guan Ming speak next." Knocked the microphone with his finger, Kong Yulin said.

The noise at the venue was a little small, but the flash frequently appeared, taking pictures of Guan Yanzu's handsome, handsome, Yushu's windy face.

"Hey, everyone knows me." Laughing, nodding to reporters, Guan Ming continued, "As usual, thank Zhong Qiming for his trust, and also thank President Kong Yulin for his trust. What about me, everyone? Everyone knows that if you just talk about some scenes, everyone is probably not interested. Let me briefly introduce Ms. Mu Xiaoxiao. "

Shrugging, Guan Ming smiled a lot more, and naturally a lot.

Crossing her legs, Mu Xiaoxiao's face showed an elegant yet embarrassing smile, sitting next to Guan Ming ~ ~ This one next to me was Ms. Mu Xiaoxiao. "Looking aside, Guan Mingxue cited, the flashlight on the stage suddenly increased and was far away, but a heat wave was also felt.

Without blinking, Mu Xiaoxiao kept smiling and nodded.

"Maybe a friend guessed that she is my wife, a young and beautiful woman, of course, she is also full of wisdom." Guan Ming smiled and gave Mu Xiaoxiao a qualitative smile.

It is not because Mu Xiaoxiao is young, beautiful and full of wisdom that he can become Guan Ming's wife.

Mu Xiaoxiao was Guan Ming's wife first, so in Guan Ming's eyes, she was a young, beautiful and intelligent woman.

It's as if the outside world cares about Ming. First, he is a scientist, then he is a handsome guy, an entrepreneur, and so on.

Order matters, and it represents a first impression.

"The more you do, the more I explain briefly about my wife becoming a shareholder of Zhong Qiming." Guan Ming didn't want Mu Xiaoxiao to bear too much pressure. After all, some things need to be gradually improved.

"Technology is the primary productive force. At the same time, technology is also the biggest demand of Zhong Qiming. Mu Xiaoxiao can become a shareholder of Zhong Qiming. In fact, she has some important technologies in her body. At the same time, these technologies are also the ones that Zhong Qiming urgently needs."

"I'm sorry for the specific technology. I can't announce it for the time being, but Zhong Qiming belongs directly to the State Council, not President Kong's private enterprise, so these are definitely scientific research results that can stand the test."

"This time, this is the first time that Mu Xiaoxiao has disclosed personal information to the public, so I hope everyone will try not to be too sharp when they ask questions, okay." After looking around, Guan Ming nodded at Kong Yulin.

At the venue, the arms were like forests, and the reporters wanted to raise their heads to ask questions, but before it was time for reporters to ask questions, Kong Yulin got together and started speaking.

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