Private Technology

: 644 Interview Records

Before the plane got over the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Guan Ming received a fax from the giant. Although the contents of the document were a bit messy, Guan Ming's mind was not difficult to use. He could easily follow the timeline and put everything together. together.

In fact, the contents of the documents sent by Giant Hair also have a certain order and purpose. Although the giants are not professional in intelligence, the country has specialized intelligence personnel and intelligence agencies. That omnipotent total ...

Some things are inconvenient for Mu Xiaoxiao to know. Guan Ming wears electronic glasses to communicate with Double Star. According to the information provided by Double Star, Guan Ming can also be sure that the documents on the hair actually have his credit. After all, the White House There are a lot of office workers, who can determine their identity, look, and even leave image data in one or two seconds. The human brain chip is indispensable.

According to the information given above, the person who nominated Guan Ming this time was Ivan Suzelan. He was the winner of the Turing Award in 88. His contribution was computer graphics.

Guan Ming originally thought that the American Computer Association would write articles on the Double Star Assistant, but the result was to start with virtual interaction.

In fact, Ivan Suzelan is the famous father of computer graphics and the father of virtual reality. He invented the "paintpad" function on the PC side, and he is very optimistic about Guan Ming's contribution in the virtual field.

Although Guan Ming originally developed virtual interactions (holographic projection, ar / vr, electronic glasses) either for his own convenience or to make money, at the same time, these things are actually just peripherals of the pc.

But it cannot be denied that these things are actually changing the current Internet ecosystem.

When Guan Ming did not develop these things, people's understanding of the Internet was only desktops, notebooks, and maybe mobile phones in recent years. That's all, people will move in this circle and think about whether Lenovo or HP computers are good. it is good.

However, Guan Ming's products have jumped out of this circle. Guan Ming has diversified the form of Internet operations that can only be performed by sitting on a chair. It has abandoned the mouse and keyboard and can even be operated without hands.

Whether it's drinking congee and pickles, watching the sweet and sour steaks on the holographic projection, or watching the thigh era with electronic glasses while shit, Guan Ming has added countless conveniences to people's lives.

He made the Internet ecosystem more prosperous, and also made people look forward to the Internet, whether it is hardware or software.

From this perspective, he won the Turing Award without any problems, but he was just fine.

"Husband, husband, I can't see it ~" Mu Xiaoxiao yelled sweetly, but walked in a catwalk, very reserved.

Every time Guan Ming heard that she was calling her ‘husband’, she knew it was not serious.

Looking up at Mu Xiaoxiao, he felt that he must criticize!

Too serious!

What a stewardess dresses up is too capitalist!

Have the courage to unlock another button! Is your breast big?

"Acupofmilk ~" snapped his fingers, Guan Ming leaned in his seat, leisurely.

He wrinkled his nose at Guan Ming and thought for a moment. He took the cup with half a glass of water in front of Guan Ming and put it on his chest, and his mouth made a squeak.

"Sir, your milk." With a standard smile and eight large white teeth, Mu Xiaoxiao bent a knee and squatted, and placed the cup on the low table beside Guan Ming.

Where did IQ go?

Sorry, even Guan Ming doesn't know this kind of question comparable to the mystery of the universe.

Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming clapped his hands, and opened his wide open heart. Mu Xiaoxiao also sat down in his arms with a smile, and the two started to get sticky.


The Turing Award is awarded in April every year. Actually, from the perspective of time, Guan Ming's nomination is late, but he can't stand the Austrian Hei to come forward and cut him in line.

The American Computer Association is not able to survive the northwest wind, these people will die without eating.

It only took two days to ferment the news of the Turing Award, and once again made Guan Ming on the front page headlines. Wang's ex-wife hid in the duvet and wept silently. She felt that Wang Banbi must be cursed ...

And at this time, an exclusive interview by Oriental TV told everyone that he didn't care about the Turing Award, and even about the content of the Turing Award, Guan Ming just said a few words at will, and he could see him. There is no intention of spiritual award.

Early in the afternoon on Saturday, Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao appeared on TV on an interview program of Oriental TV, and the background was in Guan Ming's home, not the TV station.

"At that time, I didn't think too much. I just felt that scientific research was expensive, I needed to buy hardware and so on. If I wanted to continue to research what I like, I could only make money and make more money." When it came to corporate reasons, Guan Ming didn't say 'start a company for the rise of the country'.

"I don't like to be restrained very much. If I enter a certain scientific research unit or research institute, I will stay up late 9 or 5 and stay up late. It ’s hard to think about it. In fact, scientific research is an interest for me. I hope I can do research when I want to do research, do some rest when I want to do research, and even research things that I want to do, not other people give me a task. "Actually, why not go to the institute? Guan Ming still has reservations on this issue.

No matter how tall the institute is, it is impossible for Guan Ming to live in such a luxurious villa in just a few years, it is also impossible for Guan Ming to buy two large planes, etc., even if Guan Ming originally entered the institute, The bonus of the National Highest Technology Award may also be passively donated by public opinion ~ ~ Although for Guan Ming, these bonuses are not much, but he felt in such a situation. Definitely unhappy.

"He, at first, he had too many eyes. At that time, I was still in high school. My math was so bad, so my mother was going to find me a math tutor. One day my mom went out and found a sticker on the doorstep. After he posted a leaflet for a tutor, he secretly posted it. Then he became my tutor. Finally, I successfully passed the exam at Fudan University. "When referring to the past, Mu Xiaoxiao covered her mouth and smiled, as if everyone was a lady The same, there is no escape and naughtiness in the past.

Sitting side by side with Guan Ming, covering his mouth and chuckling, he patted Guan Ming's knees with embarrassment, as if it were a new century female university student (not yet finished) who was gentle and intellectual.

"Mr. Guan, it's too early for you to start!" The host looked at Guan Ming with an unbelievable look. She had no idea that Guan Ming, who had already graduated from college at that time, actually stretched his claws to high school!

Your conscience!

Your face is too!

You will teach bad kids!

"This ... be famous early, and fall in love as soon as possible. After knowing that Xiaoxiao's mathematics was a little worse, I was very anxious. I don't care if she will go to Beijing University or Beijing University Jade Bird, but I think she will always A good college memory, so I went to teach at home, and the final grades were good. At least Xiaoxiao also went to the school she wanted to go to, and at the same time I also harvested love. "Guan Ming's face was awkward, this kind of Although the heart was dark when I was doing it, but it was turned out afterwards. Even his face was a bit irresistible. After all, Oriental TV was facing the public. There may be black and white fans from overseas who are looking for videos. Come and admire Guan Yanzu's prosperous beauty.

This exciting past will probably be praised and targeted by everyone ...

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