Private Technology

: Six hundred forty-five

"This is the Junyao Sky Blue Begonia Red Slag Bucket Flowerpot. Although it looks different from the current flowerpot in terms of appearance, in ancient times, this thing was really a flowerpot and its color was pretty, but the shape was awkward. It ’s a bit like a spittoon, so I plugged it in the toilet, but we do n’t use it as a spittoon. ”In the toilet, Mu Xiaoxiao commented on an antique.

"This is the white jade carving lying in Niuzhen, don't look a little yellow on the surface, but this is really the texture of white jade. This is the jade of Tang Dynasty. In the study, Mu Xiaoxiao commented on an antique again.

"At first, I thought it was a jade box, and then I put sugar cubes in it. Later I learned that this is an ivory hollow carved box with a rectangular pattern of Ruyi pattern, but this is in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, not modern. Later, I was afraid that the child would eat sugar, so I will not put sugar cubes. "Opening the box, there are brooches and the like, Mu Xiaoxiao's expression is awkward.

Mu Xiaoxiao walked home with the host, Guan Ming followed her, and she came to introduce the whole house.

Perhaps in Xiaoxiao's opinion, she was showing off her studies, but in Guan Ming's opinion, it was him showing off her daughter-in-law.

In the eyes of the host, this is naked show off rich!

Mao porcelain tea cups are not furnishings, they are the kind being used, not what the host asked, she didn't know!

The dishes of the Yuan Dynasty were used to hold vegetables, and the ones that were being used, if it was not for the special shape, she would not pay attention to the dishes in the cupboard cabinet!

The host thought about Guan Ming's behavior of collecting antiques. After all, the golden age antiques in troubled times, but the problem is that collection and use are two concepts.

Porcelain is going to be fragile. It's depreciated at the speed of jumping cliffs.

The show also very carefully finds antique experts to measure the value of antiques on each appearance. Actually, there is no need to measure the value of antiques. But looking at the emerald ring that only introduces one sentence, a suite in Shanghai is appropriate. As for the villa with sea view The lot almost won.

After the program was broadcast, the response was very enthusiastic. A large number of them focused on the topic of 'wealth', a small part focused on Guan Ming, and about one-tenth was reflected on Mu Xiaoxiao.

"I was thinking of going out for dinner. I'm missing a bowl now, and I'll always support a broken bowl!"

"I can dance, I look good, look at me and look at me !!!"

On the Internet, Guan Ming ’s Weibo 360 ° spiral lift-off explosion, and all kinds of bowls, dishes and flower pots do not need to be intact, even those with gaps are fine!

And under Mu Xiaoxiao's Weibo, there are now mostly positive comments. The first is the character display on TV, at least in line with the image of 'Mrs. Guan' in people's hearts.

Then it is at a professional level. At least a considerable part of people think that she did not recite it beforehand. After all, it can be seen on TV. Mu Xiaoxiao was also very casual when introducing, and it would not be because an object was expensive. And intentionally introduced.

Sitting beside Guan Ming with joy, Mu Xiaoxiao was eating pickled mildly spicy squid strips while watching online comments. Since she has officially entered the society, she will also selectively interact with netizens, even if she is still logged in. On Guanming's Weibo, he used dog food to reject those glamorous and cheap goods.

As for Guan Ming's words, continue to look at the information here.

With the in-depth study of this, Guan Ming actually found the current theoretical scientific flaws. In Guan Ming's data, talking about anti-gravity, magnetic field and space alone, there are actually too many refutations. Theory, and each one seems to make sense, but it doesn't mean that everything is right.

It may be that each theory is not fully explained, and there are flaws in the formula, so it is the current situation.

Frowning, Guan Ming's speed of viewing the data slowed down, various thoughts in his mind suddenly appeared, various theories collided, or new directions were created, and perhaps new questions were generated.

The more you look at it, the more confused you are.

Basic science determines the height of applied science, but the current basic science cannot support Guan Ming's desired height, which is very painful for Guan Ming.

Regardless of whether he or Double Star is actually conducting research in applied science in basic science, Guan Ming's current achievements are largely due to standing on the shoulders of predecessors.

It's like the fog ahead, but he knows what the target is, and there are also road signs. For Guan Ming, he just keeps on following the directions to explore the fog, and finally reaches the target location, that's all.

However, Guan Ming now has a goal, but there is no road sign. It is not uncommon for Guan Ming's story to be different. Guan Ming is hesitant to decide whether his direction is correct.

"Husband? I have eaten ~" Pushing Guan Ming's shoulder, his voice sounded in his ear.

"Eh? Oh, eat." He froze for a while, Guan Ming glanced at the sky, it was darker in the winter, and one afternoon passed so hurriedly, Guan Ming twisted his waist and laughed and got up.

Work is work, life is life.

In any case, the most important thing for Guan Ming is home.


Standing at different positions and angles, there are also differences in the perspective of ~ ~ Guan Ming's fluttering words, so angry that the black and white can't wait to take the aircraft carrier Songhu City.

But some things can only be thought about, he needs to think about it now.

Just like last time, Guan Ming's highest technology award did not say what it was, but anyone with a mind knows that Guan Ming's award should be due to the military industry, or even more than the military industry.

In the field of science and technology, especially in terms of Guan Ming's usual performance, the U.S. intelligence agencies agreed that the main reason for Guan Ming's award this time should be a breakthrough in space.

The most obvious signal was that when Chang'e-2 took off last year (10 years), Guan Ming appeared at the launch base.

With reference to Guan Ming's consistent laziness, it is suggested that Chang'e 2 may be equipped with the equipment developed by Guan Ming. Of course, there are also analyses that suggest that Guan Ming is more concerned about the Moon.

However, the space field is a very comprehensive and high-end field. Many devices can be used on the earth, but they cannot be used in space. But many devices that can be used in space still perform very well on the earth.

This means that if there is new equipment and technology that can be applied to space, it will have an environment for use on the surface of the earth.

With news from the intelligence department, Okuai began to figure out how to obtain Guan Ming and his heart.

At present, Austrian Black can only be sure that Guan Ming is not concerned about fame, because the Turing Award has a very high status in the computer industry, but Guan Ming flirts away!

Fame, power, money, beauty, remove one wrong answer directly from the four options.

O'Hare thought for a long time, and his struggle was clearly visible on his face, but he was determined to pick up the phone and summon the White House staff to make a decision that made him hesitant.

ps: first update today, and then calculate the lack of change, continue to code

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