Private Technology

: Six hundred forty-six

Probably the children can talk, this year's New Year is much more lively than usual, at least in the clumsy language of Guan Mengxi, everyone is enjoying the hustle and bustle of happiness.

I don't know when Mu Xiaoxiao started to prepare. She went up to the Fourth Emperor to Guan Ming and down to two dolls, and the festive Chinese clothes were all sewn out a little.

She is full of tailoring skills and is very good at this aspect, at least Guan Ming thinks so.

Mu Damu Mu only had a girl like Mu Xiaoxiao at her knees, so she came to the housekeeper during the Chinese New Year. After all, the two were not far away, and at the same time, no one was here to visit themselves.

"Good New Year ~" Tongyin was soft, holding a few long sounds, holding the little yellow duck hard plastic toy in both hands, Guan Mengxi looked up and looked at Guan Ming innocently.

"Red envelopes, red envelopes, red envelopes for your daughter-in-law ~" Sitting on the carpet, Mu Xiaoxiao hugged Guan Mengxi's bucket waist with a smile, afraid she might accidentally fall.

"Come and come, scratch your head, a thousand yuan a head, save 100,000 yuan first ~" Guan Ming sat cross-legged on the sofa, Guan Ming took out a dozen dozen banknotes, laughed and laughed.

However, this kind of ridicule is mainly aimed at Mu Xiaoxiao. After all, a child less than 3 years old, no matter how wise he can not understand the concept of money, because Guan Mengxi has not bought anything, and Guan Ming believes that spending money and I can't recognize the value of money. Only when I work to earn the first salary in life can I realize the concept of money.

As for this banknote, it is the emergency money prepared by the family at all. In case of loss of the bank card or something, it is convenient to have cash in hand.

"One hundred thousand? I was so scared that I sat on the ground ~" Mu Xiaoxiao expressed disdain for this.

Now she is also a big one. Don't talk about gimmicks if you are a girl, and say a soft word, she can obey the bank card obediently.

"Nothing is going on for Chinese New Year!" Guan Ming pushed a handful of cakes, and Guan Ma took a small cake and shook it in front of Guan Mengyu to see if she could eat, and if she did n’t eat, she would change something else.

When the Chinese New Year is normal, peanut seeds, tobacco candies, and dried fruits are indispensable, but there are many things that cannot be taken out, such as cigarettes and sugar, which do not appear on the coffee table at all.

For the sake of children, the pipe father can run outside to smoke.

For the sake of children, Mu Xiaoxiao can run to the toilet to drink Coca-Cola.

For the sake of children, I didn't buy sugar cubes at all this year.

On TV, festive news and reports are broadcast. During the Chinese New Year, a lot of painful news is banned, and an atmosphere of family reunion is needed on it.

Originally this year, Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao were invited to the Spring Festival Gala, but Guan Ming refused, too far to say, and too tired. At the scene, it didn't look good.

It's like watching a movie and making a movie, those are the two concepts. Last time when I went to the Spring Festival Gala, Guan Ming said that the experience was really bad.

In the thirtieth year of the New Year, the meal is supposed to be the most abundant in the evening, but considering that the two little guys are too young, everyone mainly eats the meal at noon. If you slowly eat, you can eat one afternoon.

"Happy New Year ~" Everyone cheered and exchanged gifts.

This year's New Year's Day Guan Ming received an obsidian belt (Mu Xiaoxiao), a Rolex watch (Mu Mu Mu Mu) and a dark red tie (Guan Da Guan Guan Ma).

Of course, Guan Mingyou also sends out.

But the thing that Guan Ming didn't expect is that Double Star actually gave things, but it sent two little guys, and only two little guys.

"Happy New Year." The voice was still dull, as if pouring a bowl of cold water in this festive festival, it was the killer of the atmosphere.

"Thank you Double Star ~" Touching the clothes like a suit, but started with soft, because the silicone is underneath, to ensure no injuries after the collision.

"Mom opened it for you to see what Double Star gave you." After a moment of surprise, Mu Xiaoxiao was attracted to the small box.

When I opened the box, it was just a simple metal hair clip, but the surface should be electroplated, showing a metallic reflective light pink.

The same language and action, the same small box, Guan Ming helped Guan Mengyu open, and found that the same hairpin inside.

However, Double Star later explained that this thing has a positioning module and a sound receiving module. Although it can't play sound, it can alert and search in a certain degree, which is very good in security.

"Double Star, why don't you speak in a tone?" Touching the hairpin on his head, lying on Guan Mengxi in Mu Xiaoxiao's arms, looking at the robot and asking.

Probably the double star didn't think about this problem. For a moment, even the double star with huge calculation amount was stuck.

For two or three seconds, Double Star did not write a word, and Guan Ming was a little worried. After all, crashes are more common on the PC side, but if Double Stars crash, then the fun will be great, although the data is real-time Saved, there is no danger of losing data, but between the crash and restart, all the information directly controlled by the dual star will be halted, and even the human brain chip will become a single machine, because the lack of the dual star as a data transfer.

"Xiao Xi ~ ~ Then what tone do you want Double Star to speak?" He pinched a hand of Guan Mengxi's head, and Guan Mingshun put on his electronic glasses.

"Sweet voice, OK, sounds like a light rain ~" Guan Mengxi smiled at his father with a smile, and the soft and soft voice hit Guan Ming's small heart.

"Do n’t, Double Star is obviously a boy and can't use my voice!" Guan Mengyu looked at his elder sister angrily.

Mmp, the big new year will not let me stop, can you not pit other people except pit me!

Keep your eyes wide open and look at your aging mother. Isn't it a lot more fun to pit her than pit me!

On the electronic glasses, Double Star uses big data to analyze information about its own tone and intonation, all the data from the moment it was developed to the present, through data analysis and so on.

After taking the time, Double Star thanked Guan Ming and thanked Guan Mengxi for her concern!

The complexity of the emotional logic of Double Star has long exceeded Guan Ming's imagination. Seeing the feedback from Double Star, Guan Ming just nodded subconsciously and said nothing.

As if at this moment, it was a real human being communicating with Guan Ming, not a virtual artificial intelligence!

"Miss, what's this voice?" The bass of the bartender, full of magnetism, rumbling inside the robot like a subwoofer.

Standard Mandarin is full of emotions, and it is not just to distinguish between tongues and tongues. The speed of speech is also different. It is like a glass of old wine.

Even as a man, Guan Ming thinks this voice is very good!

Everyone who was originally laughing and joking, became quiet for a moment, as if they were reminiscing about the words of the double star just now. In the living room, only the sound of the television kept echoing.

"It sounds good ~" Xiaorou hand patted the robot, Guan Mengxi's tone was full of pride.

ps: I'm sorry for the difficulty of coding in the last chapter. I used the wrong word ~

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