Private Technology

: 647 God says there is light (7/24)

Hearing the change of the voice of Double Star, Guan Mengxi kicked in Mu Xiaoxiao's arms excitedly, Guan Ming saw several shots, and the four emperors were in front of him. Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't complain, but could only hurt his mouth. Pump straight.

Seeing the active daughter, Guan Ming always thinks that this lively energy must be inherited from Mu Xiaoxiao, probably she was more skinny than Guan Mengxi when she was a child.

"Mom, mum, rhubarb is like a piglet, it doesn't look good at all, let it have long hair ~" It may be because his words have been valued, Guan Mengxi persisted and put his eyes on Rhubarb.

Wearing the underwear of Guan Mengyu, the big yellow dog looked at Guan Mengxi with a sad face. It was so smooth because of the two little ones, and it turned out that the young people were so miserable!

"Uh ... it would be uglier if you have long hair ~" Bend over and hug the fat Rhubarb, Guan Ming touched the dog's head, and then made up for the corgi with long hair only.


There is no ugliest, only more ugly!

Is Rhubarb all his life looking for ways to make himself more ugly?

"Woo ~" Rhubarb wailed, and the hairless dog's face moved into Guan Mengxi's face.

"Hee hee, no, long hair here, here, and here. Rhubarb without hair is not good-looking." Little flesh hands kept touching Rhubarb, and Rhubarb squinted, his dog's face enjoyed the air.

"But it will lose hair, what should we do?" Mu Xiaoxiao teased Guan Mengxi, after all, the main reason for shaving rhubarb was health.

Later, rhubarb can guarantee to take a bath every day, and it doesn't matter if you shave or not, but at that time, rhubarb was used to being light and smooth. After going to wash it every morning, she would actively find a double star to shave, and continue this habit until now ...

Hearing the mistress said, the sad rhubarb pointed his **** at the damsel, and he didn't want to see the two guys who made him sad anymore.

Obviously I took you to catch a ghost ...

"Does my hair fall like a mother?" Lie on Mu Xiaoxiao's lap, Guan Mengxi stretched his small hand and tried to grab Mu Xiaoxiao's hair. Unfortunately, Mu Xiaoxiao's hairstyle is a meatball head and can't hold it at all. .

"Hey hey, yeah, if you are not afraid of rhubarb hair loss, you can make rhubarb not shave." Scratching Rhubarb's chin, Guan Ming can obviously feel its frustration.

Mu Xiaoxiao over there was so speechless by her daughter-in-law that she shrugged helplessly.

"Uh huh, I said, rhubarb must have hair!" He stood up, Guan Mengxi stood on Mu Xiaoxiao's leg, holding her shoulders, and pointedly pointed at the hairless rhubarb, using a soft waxy child Yin officially announced.

"Wang ~" turned the dog's head, Rhubarb shook the small electric buttocks, put his front legs on Mu Xiaoxiao's knees, and looked at Guan Mengxi like a Buddhist.

I do n’t know why, Guan Ming suddenly felt strange, there was a sense of sight that ‘God said there should be light’.

But in an instant, Guan Mengxi fluttered on Rhubarb with a smile, one person and one dog rolling around on the sofa.

The New Year does not have much anticipation for Guan Ming. It may be a certain age. At this time, he always remembers something.

Looking at his older elders and looking at the cousin playing with his two children, Guan Ming always felt that time was fragile.

He didn't want to think about what changes his family had brought to his family, as long as it was benign, it would be fine.

"Don't you all have a holiday? The Spring Festival holiday is not over yet ~" Sitting on a rattan chair, Guan Ming reached out and invited the other person to sit down.

"Boss, the Chinese New Year holiday has passed." He spread his hands and Liu Mengmeng said that he was innocent.

"Huh? Isn't it the fifteenth day of the first month?" After a moment's glance, Guan Ming was a little bit aggressive. In his impression, the Spring Festival holiday should be held from the two days before the Spring Festival to the 16th day of the first month.

On the ninth day of the first month, Liu Mengmeng came to the door again, and went to visit the New Year on the fifth day of the first month. This is the second time this year (in the lunar calendar) to come to the housekeeper.

"Fifteen is fifteen, and the Spring Festival is the Spring Festival. In this case, the boss, am I not considering that the boss is out of the mountain? Why do n’t we have some activities in the company? You and the boss will join you to give you morale. The employees of the company know what the boss looks like, but the problem is that some people have never seen your real person, including the boss lady. "Liu Mengmeng, who is good at making ass, knows Guan Ming's emotional history, and he doesn't let go of her who can make **** Just after Mu Xiaoxiao got on the TV, he realized that this was an opportunity.

If it hadn't been for the annual meeting too early, she would have invited her boss and the wife's wife to play.

"Activity ..." repeated the word in a low voice, Guan Ming was somewhat hesitant.

The company's collective activities Guan Ming rarely participated, because for him, the company is just a tonic for his life, not a must-have, so he didn't care much about the company's existence.

It is true that Guan Ming has not formally participated in the company's annual meeting and tourism for several years. Although he doesn't care about his image among the company's employees, if it involves Mu Xiaoxiao, he really has to think carefully ~ www ~ After all, Mu Xiaoxiao is also one of the two shareholders of the company. She is a real boss.

"It won't waste much time. I think about it this way. Let's make a cocktail party, and then there will be lotteries and other activities to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm and atmosphere. It can be regarded as a reduced version of the annual meeting. It just happened to be the New Year. The company is not too busy in business, nor will it delay the company's operation. "Liu Mengmeng bemused.

"Is it held in the company, or in which hotel?" Guan Ming thought for a moment and asked.

"Internally and externally, it depends on your boss's mood. If it is internal, I suggest it is in the lecture hall. The chair itself can be moved and can be used with a little layout. If it is external, there are more Shanghai hotels. The whole company is only a few hundred people, and it is easy to find a place. If the boss has special requirements, I can coordinate it here. "Liu Mengmeng said his thoughts.

"Then ... it's inside the company. Go back and let Shuangxing clean up the lecture hall. Today, the reception will start on the 9th, the day after tomorrow, and the 11th. Before noon tomorrow, you will form this event process into a document, and then Show me. "Once a decision was made, Guan Ming simply came to such a reception, which was regarded as a meeting for Mu Xiaoxiao's belated company.

"That's it ~" Liu Meng nodded joyfully, and various wonderful ideas kept flashing in his mind.

In the room, a beautiful backless dress was worn on the body, and a string of beautiful pearls hung on the white neck.

Turned around in front of the mirror, the skirt fluttered, even in the cold of February, could not hide the cheerful mood and beauty.

ps: Thank you Pharaoh for your report and Red Sword reward. Thank you for your support.

I ’m here today for the update. I ’m going to wash it. I can add some more before bed, but it should n’t come out.

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