Private Technology

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From the animation channel to the entertainment channel and the financial channel, and finally switched back to the animation channel, in fact, the reporter who has the most influence on Guan Ming and his wife.

Because only journalists will have nothing to do with the screen, and people who really come to this animation exhibition rarely pay attention to these, because there is no time, after all, the exhibition is also time-limited.

As a result, reporters who originally wanted to take coser or even have a cosser mentality suddenly changed their goals and arrogantly sought out Guan Ming's figure in the venue, in an attempt to find news, such as let Guan Ming cos once show Hideki Kiyoshi ...

Although it is conceived under the conditions of Guan Ming, it will be super spicy glasses, but relatively speaking, it is definitely an eye-catching weapon!

"Are they reporters?" Holding Xiao Ming's arm, Mu Xiaoxiao beckoned and motioned for a security officer to talk.

"Yes, for the moment, I'm not sure which part is the problem, but the problem is not big, and I have told reporters not to mess around." As a bodyguard with eight pack abs, she thinks her fighting power is no better than other male bodyguards. Poor, but unfortunately, Mu Xiaoxiao did not want to recruit bodyguards again.

But it doesn't matter, who said that bodyguards have no future, look at personal protection Ma Qingyun, people not only found her husband, even the work has been transferred, it is still young, so you can continue to protect yourself, and wait for older , Then it is proper to go to the company as senior management!

"It's not your problem. Someone took a picture of me and Xiaoxiao, and then went online." He helped his sunglasses, Guan Ming rationally took the pot, and even he found the source of Weibo through electronic glasses.

Unfortunately, this is not my sister, stupid ~

"It's a pity that there is a reporter. I wanted to stroll around ~" Mu Xiaoxiao complained unhappy.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't bother to find anyone. The moment she knew the truth, her first reaction was to reduce the impact, and the best way to reduce the impact was to retreat.

"Not so much trouble, anyway, the reporter will not yell, just continue shopping." Looking over Mu Xiaoxiao's head, Guan Ming looked at the reporter who was in shock, and the reporter was opposite the Guangzhou side. The security personnel who came were all of the same kind as public officials. They showed their documents and issued warnings.

In this regard, Guan Ming has a plan in the morning. Of the 88 types of plans predicted by Double Star, this is the most prone to happen, and the least likely is that a foreign spy who came to know Guan Ming ’s whereabouts and brought a gun and brought him over. Hang up the tube.

"Hey, you said, let's just continue shopping ~" Looking up, Mu Xiaoxiao showed a big smile, probably because she felt that there might be reporters lurking nearby. Her smile was not as stupid and honest as usual. It is sunshine a lot.

On the same day, the topic of [Technologists Going to Anime Show] in the microblog circle continued to rise. It is a pity that this time, the topic was not ranked first, but the highest was only raised to fifth.

At the same time, everyone pays more attention to Mu Xiaoxiao's face and figure. Guan Ming Zai Yanzu also couldn't reach the otaku's love for Mu Xiaoxiao.

After all, the beauties who look dignified and generous but who like anime inside are worthy of attention everywhere.

These otakus do not recognize Guan Ming to enter the anime circle!


This time when I came to Guangzhou, I did not only attend the animation exhibition, but also the press conference. Mu Xiaoxiao knew this before she came. At the same time, she also knew that she needed to bear some things.

For example, the back draft, such as attending a press conference.

However, compared with Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao's speech is relatively standard, and does not involve technical explanations. At the same time, the outside world will not ask her technical questions. The focus of everyone is on Guan Ming. .

Sitting in a chair, Mu Xiaoxiao supported both faces with both hands, looking at the speech on the table, and asked with some curiosity: "Husband, when did you start studying biology? Not all of them were physical ?"

Although not explicitly stated, Mu Xiaoxiao also knows Guan Ming's habits.

"This time it's not biological, or semi-biological and semi-mechanized." Thinking about the performance of the human brain chip, Guan Ming said.

"But through these manuscripts, I can't see what you are going to show." Rubbing his cute little face, Mu Xiaoxiao looked puzzled.

"Well, to the outside world, you can't just open up the old man in one breath." Putting down the manuscript, Guan Ming rubbed the little head petulously.

"Hey, although I don't understand what it is, I feel you are amazing ~" Reaching out, holding on to the big hand that you want to evacuate from his head, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled.

Without a response, Guan Ming smiled. In this way, she covered her head with one hand, picked up the file again with one hand, and continued to watch.

Disclosure of the human brain chip is a long-term matter, because in addition to technological leapfrog development ~ ~ actually involves changes in ethics and human beings and the environment.

If this technology can be spread and humans are not destroyed, perhaps people ten thousand years later can still find their roots and ask their ancestors, and continue to see the generation of Guan Ming. This will cause a lot of trouble in the middle.

I used to joke that grandpa didn't get a day, he started with his grandson.

However, people in the future may be gray-haired, but there are dozens and hundreds of ancestors, and each has their own ideas, and has their own ideas about different things, which is very troublesome.

China is okay. How about foreign countries? For example, different political parties abroad may be Democrats before ten generations, or Republicans after ten generations.

This is just a different perspective on the past. In fact, the human brain chip will also cause changes to the environment, but from the current point of view, Guan Ming has not been able to determine whether this change is good or bad.

After talking about thoughts and the outside world, look at yourself. From Darwin's point of view, the world is a survival of the fittest, and the evolution of animal and plant bodies has tended to avoid harm. For example, the dragonfly in the Jurassic era N times and so on.

When the human brain chip is fully popularized, will people's language ability be degraded, and whether their visual and auditory ability will be degraded? It is difficult to say.

Even when the world speaks the same language, it actually annihilates the glorious history of other languages ​​and buryes these glorious history.

Looking at the contents of the document in his hand, Guan Ming speculated on the several processes of the disclosure on the human brain chip at the same time, and at the same time considered whether the human brain chip would affect him after it was disclosed.

The fingers subconsciously touched the head, the collision between the scalp and the fingers, and the hair, making a small rustling sound, so that a warm wind was caught in the quiet room.

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