Private Technology

: Six hundred and seventy-two

"A lot of people are guessing what technology our husbands and wives use to buy shares in Qiming. Will there be any exchange of money and power between them? It is fun to read novels."

"There has been no disclosure before, mainly because there is no further improvement in technology. There is still some distance from the application and promotion of products, but some time ago, my husband Guan Ming had some small breakthroughs in technology, so It can also release some information to the outside in a timely manner, proving that we really have no money or power transactions. After all, our husband and wife, including the housekeeper and the Mu family, are actually just ordinary people. "

With a smile on his face, dignified and reserved, Mu Xiaoxiao said unhurriedly.

Even if she has already memorized the speech, she still said it slowly, not only to bite the words more accurately, but also to eliminate stress and tension.

"Below, let me elaborate on the technical aspects. Although I also use foreign electronic products, this does not mean that their products and technologies are flawless. I can only say that I am not interested in this aspect. "Holding his little hand on the table, Guan Ming made a noise.

Reporters who had some riots also laughed out loud, and those foreign journalists were awkward.

It is a good quality to lose and not to lose, but it is very uncomfortable to be beaten in person, especially when everyone still recognizes each other's words, it is really powerful and useless!

The two most basic points of living things are survival and reproduction.

To this day, it has also been refined into money, power, fame, and so on. Questioning Guan Ming requires courage and confidence, and questioning Guan Ming with facts is probably very cool and convincing.

It ’s like pretending to beat your face. Even if your family has thousands of hectares of land and wives and concubines in dozens of people, but I am older than you, what can you do? You can't help it ~

Some things can't be pulled out in one go at the moment. As a result, there are all kinds of screams and vilifications in the media. It's because people know that Guan Ming won't take things out for everyone to see.

If you really pull it out, whoever is shameful ~

"Although I don't like the research and development capabilities of my colleagues, but because the product has not been officially completed, I will not introduce the full features of the product, but only introduce it in a small scope."

Guan Ming continued to ridicule his peers, and here mainly refers to foreign counterparts.

Because of Zhong Qiming, many foreign products are still being disclosed in the laboratory, and even many companies have announced the establishment of certain product projects, claiming to change the world and so on.

"The products currently under development will no longer be in the computer area, but will be related to the human body. They are injection-type and implantable products. There are many expected functions, for example, it can improve most paralysis except the cut-off. Symptoms such as gradual freezing. "Guan Ming did not expect to start with medical treatment at first, but since he gave an overview of this speech, there must be a reason.

In a darker way, if Hawking had this thing installed in his mind, and then used the name of "conditioning" for high-intensity hypnosis for a period of time, maybe he couldn't completely rebel, but his heart would change a bit, etc., Of course, as a result, the brain chip will be leaked.

The hypnosis of the human brain chip is not as powerful as in the novel, and it is more a hint of the heart.

"Because this is an implantable product, there are actually difficulties in research. At the same time, I also thank Zhong Qiming for his trust and support, because Mr. Kong did not require me to A phased experiment is completed in this section, and I am not used to working with others to conduct scientific research. "

Subsequently, Guan Ming briefly and briefly introduced the role of the human brain chip in medical treatment. About ten minutes later, the press conference went to the reporter's question.

"General Manager, you can see the spirit of your continuous innovation in scientific research, then you can simply say, is there a drawback to this product you are studying?"

"Everything has pros and cons. The one I am studying also has disadvantages. After all, this is a product implanted in the human body. At present, I need to consider whether the human body will produce physiological rejection of this product. After all, Individual adaptability is different. At the same time, this thing is foreign to the human body. There may be some problems that I did not expect. "

Nodded, signaled that the answer was complete.

"General Manager, you said that this product can solve most of the non-stop paralysis. Can amyotrophic lateral sclerosis be effectively improved? Are the results of the improvement expected?" A foreigner stood up and used a very standard Ask a question in Mandarin.

"I have heard of this disease. It is a physicist Hawking's disease. Do you want to ask if the product I am currently studying is effective for Hawking." Looking at this foreigner ~ ~ Guan Ming smiled hehehe Said.

"Yes, you and Hawking are both known as one of the greatest physical scientists in modern times, but he pays more attention to physics and cosmology. I think if you can improve his illness, this may become a beautiful conversation in the scientific community. "The reporter nodded and admitted, while flattering Guan Ming.

Although Guan Ming has never shown any results in the medical field, as far as the outside world is concerned, no one can despise him.

"I never thought I could be called the" Greatest. "" Shaking his head with a smile, Guan Ming continued, "Improvement is for sure, but at the moment I am not sure of the effect. After all, this is an unfinished product. I I ’m a relatively perfect person, and if I were to expect it, I hope Hawking would stand up, walk here, and tell you the answer yourself. "

After hearing Guan Ming say this, the reporters also smiled and said nothing, but they all understood that this is the "heroes and heroes" between Guan Ming and Hawking, not real product features. Already.

"Mr. Guan, can you tell me why you went to the animation exhibition yesterday? We always thought that you were only concerned with scientific research and scientific research-related things. Do you still like animation outside of scientific research? Is there a step into the animation industry next? Idea? Because from the current point of view, whether it is holographic projection, ar / vr or electronic glasses, in fact, it has a benign effect on the animation industry, but also greatly expands the industry structure and expression of animation. "An Asian reporter Ask questions.

"I don't blame Guan Ming. Yesterday I took him to the animation exhibition. Actually, I prefer animation, and he likes to do some scientific research every day, so I want to take him out for a walk. When Mu Xiaoxiao heard this, he quickly rushed over responsibility before Guan Ming's speech, so as not to let reporters make random reports, leaving Guan Ming with flaws in his reputation.

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