Private Technology

: Seven hundred and twenty-nine

"Sister, eat meat!" At the dinner table, Guan Mengxi's voice was still cute, and she still stuffed her sister.

In the past, when I saw Guan Ming in this scene, there was always a smile on his face, and watching Meng Yu was bullied.

Today, however, he looks at Guan Mengxi with a complex expression, and will even pause for a few seconds.

"Husband? What's wrong? Work isn't going well?" Mu Xiaoxiao soon felt strange about Guan Ming, and asked with some anxiety.

Although the family did not say anything, she knew that her family hoped that the "Recruitment Office" would open again, and she was also mentally prepared in this regard.

Mu Xiaoxiao has no research on science. She is not sure if her mood will affect genes, but she is superstitious that everything is best in this period. At least from the perspective of feudal superstition, a good mood can produce a better gene. Used to inherit.

"Oh, it's nothing, but suddenly I think of work." After being called back to his mind, Guan Mingshun scratched his wife's head.

Can't help but take another look at Guan Mengxi, and then continue to eat.

I'm not sure if it's a work matter, but Guan Ming has continued to eat, Mu Xiaoxiao naturally will not say anything, but busy wiping his mouth.

Feeding is not only the result, but also the process, but the process is rough and bold.


At night, Mu Xiaoxiao with a crimson complexion clinging to Guan Minghuai, did not know whether it was the residual aftertaste or was inspired by the steam.

Afterwards, she liked to use her feet manually, but the sage Guan Ming did not fight back with much energy today.

Self-entertainment and self-entertainment are always less fun than interaction. After playing for a while, Mu Xiaoxiao also finds it boring.

"Hey ~ what's the matter with you today? It feels like you have been in a bad mood since dinner. Is there any problem in your work?" Looking at the thoughtful Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help asking again.

In Mu Xiaoxiao's point of view, husband and wife should support each other. Similarly, she has been working on this.

"Oh, it's nothing, but suddenly I feel that Xiao Xi's IQ is so high that she feels no problem in elementary school now." He subconsciously clenched his bright shoulders, Guan Ming smiled, and looked at his wife.

"You are so amused ~ Xiao Xi has been in elementary school, and Xiao Yu is very smart ~" Mu Mingxiao shook his head proudly when he heard Guan Ming say so.

Unfortunately, there is not enough space to attack Guan Ming's big face with his hair.

"Okay, it's very good." Guan Ming nodded her little nose.

"That's, after all, it's our children. Smartness is a must ~" She did not care about Guan Ming's "disrespectful" behavior, but she was proud.

Everyone has a flaunting mentality, showing off spouses and showing off children.

For Mu Xiaoxiao, her sky has only the family in front of her, and her brightness comes from her family.

"Yeah, our child ..." Guan Ming said inexplicably, repeating this sentence.

"What's wrong with you today? I feel weird." Mu Xiaoxiao is not a purebred mental retard. As a pillow person, she can naturally hear Guan Ming's abnormal tone.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just feel that I have inherited my wisdom and your beauty. Our girlfriends must be very powerful. I was thinking about wanting Oda to speed up the teaching progress. After all, I am very optimistic about them. Wake up a few words casually, Guan Mingxin suddenly lifted a big stone.

Regardless, whether or not they are cross-goers, in this life, the two children are still the biological flesh and blood of Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao.

Instead of delving into some headaches, why not let go of your burden.

Guan Ming is a relatively ideal person. He always believes that one soul can move another soul, and a big tree can shake another big tree.

There are too many unsatisfactory things in life. Excessive pursuit of perfection and unknown will make people passive.

Willing to give up, not giving up, where can I get it?

What's more, now he's not sure if Guan Mengxi is a traversal like her sister.

"Ah? But they are under four years old. Isn't it too early? Actually, I think both of them are early in elementary school now." Mu Xiaoxiao said with a embarrassment on her face.

When Xiaoxiao Mu took the Fudan exam, she gave a lot of energy and even gave Guan Ming a chance. This shows that there is still some difficulty in Chinese education. She doesn't want her children to fall into this system so early. Education, childhood, isn't it better to be happier?

"It's not too early, you think, after finishing college early, they will have more time to do what they want to do in a better age, and when they are 18, they can do their own things and own I think it should be a very good choice for work. "Guan Ming comforted his wife, Guan Ming said.

"Then waiting to be bubbled by the little boy outside?" Mu Xiaoxiao's voice was a bit resentful.

As a person, Mu Xiaoxiao was 18 years old ...

"Uh ..." Guan Ming was stunned all of a sudden and didn't know what to say. It took a long time to slow down. He said in a bad voice: "What a joke! Lao Tzu's daughter is the one that bears can get to." If you want to marry my daughter, step over my body first! "

Guan Ming threw a sound and said relentlessly.

"Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu are so miserable. What can we do with a ghost father? Or else they will be renamed as Zhennai and Aili ~" Mu Xiaoxiao said pretentiously.

"Good name, how do you say if you regenerate a girl?" Holding her slender waist, she can feel the other party's fluctuations due to breathing.

"Then regenerate one, make up Yao, jujube, crystal, winter ~" He smiled, and Mu Xiaoxiao didn't have a door on his mouth.

Hearing this, Guan Ming rolled his eyes and made a ghost father 2. This is really ...


"Professor, in a sense, Guan Ming's chromosome is really good ~" A young woman in the office reported her work.

The meaning of time is important and not important to scientific researchers.

It is important to grasp every minute and every second. What is not important is the change of the four seasons and the sun and the moon.

"Both can be matched. It can be said that the probability of genetic diseases is minimized. Not to mention anything else, at least on the body, there should be absolutely no problems." The person called the professor, after seeing this document, also Sorry.

Kim Nasmyth, a chromosome researcher at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom, has strong opinions on cell division. He has published many papers on cell division. Among them, with regard to DNA sequence pairing, he believes that if the pairing is not successful, it will cause a variety of genetic diseases. At the same time, this theory has also been recognized by industry insiders ~ ~ From this theory, when looking at Guan Ming's chromosome, the conclusion drawn is very frightening, which means that Guan Ming's side will not produce heredity disease.

This means that Guan Ming's body is very good, and his direct descendants will be very good!

PS: Every month owes more money and collapses. The monthly ticket for next month is 100 / more, otherwise I really ca n’t afford it. The statistics at the end of each month is 20+. I do n’t see the end at all, but this month is still 50. / More calculations.

This month's monthly ticket is 416, owing more 8.

Historical legacy owes more 19.

Total 19 + 8 = 27!

I really don't move, please let it go ~

I went home one day in February and came back one day. This is not yet the Spring Festival ...

Breaking the network is so ecstatic! The attendance is gone, I knew that I was a little stable yesterday and changed 2 ~~

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