Private Technology

: 730 "Nuclear Powered" Rockets

"Professor, when are we going to start the experiment, I mean further experiments." Although there is no third person in the office, the voice of this beautiful young woman is very low, probably a guilty conscience.

"Further? No further, we can only analyze to this extent." Shaking his head, the old professor knew what the other party meant, so he refused decisively.

Scientists in life sciences all over the world want artificial geniuses, natural human geniuses, but the problem is that geniuses have no obvious other characteristics before they are outstanding.

There is no direct relationship between family, gender, appearance, place of birth, education, height, weight, etc., and even the indirect relationship is quite subtle.

Contrast with Guan Mingxi ’s younger sister Guan Mengxi. She hopes to decode the genetic information of Guan Ming. It is not to say that he is copying an artificial person, but to explore the difference in genetic information between Guan Ming and ordinary people. After decrypting this differentiation, related technologies may be launched in the future, which can artificially produce / create geniuses in large quantities.

"It's not going to try, anyway, Guan Ming will hand in the inventory on time every month ~" The young woman tapped the throttle and the speed increased.

The old professor looked at the guy in front of him silently. The other party was his own student. He had absolutely no problems with his professional skills, but he had many problems with his personality.

"It's not going to try, but I'm afraid of trying out children!" Someone who is not an ordinary person, and some joke old professors are not good at opening their mouths.

After all, he is a real old professor, not an old beast.

Some people attach great importance to teachers' morality, and others take it very lightly. Obviously, the old professor in front of him pays more attention to morality.

"How is it! I just want to try the sperm-oval combination in vitro, mainly to see the performance." I wanted to describe it in more detail, but I looked at the old professor and stared at him severely. This woman was also decisive. The ground counseled.

"Don't come here. When Guan Ming promised this, he said it very clearly. He didn't agree with this kind of experiment, and he didn't allow such experiment." The old professor said to be vaccinated.

"Cut ~ just talk ~" Shrugged, the woman said stunnedly, but she squinted slightly and had her own intention in her heart.

The old professor is not clear about this. Perhaps women are born to act, even if the other party is their own student, the old professor can't recognize it.

Guan Ming doesn't know what tragic fate his millions of children and grandchildren are in. He is now in the rocket launch base and listening to people's reports.

"I feel that the amount of rocket transportation this time is a little small, so it takes at least three trips to see it." After listening to the contents of the other party's restatement, Guan Mingdian, after thinking in mind, said.

To build a processing plant on the moon, even if it does not involve the construction of a simulated ecosystem, the materials required are also diverse, and there are requirements for the weight and form of the materials.

Based on the data just stated by the other party, Guan Ming feels that this rocket launch is a matter of stability, not to mention touching the upper limit of the rocket's carrying capacity, or even connecting to the near limit.

"There is no way, it is still difficult to handle the space and structure. Without a weight, the center of gravity is unstable. With the weight, the available space will be reduced." The person opposite said.

Unlike Guan Ming, in the eyes of others, the construction of this extraterrestrial planet platform, let alone a rocket, if it can be successfully established, even ten trips are worth it.

Everything has its own price, but not everything can be bought with money.

"It's good if you're happy," Guan shrugged, Guan Ming said indifferently.

Subsequently, under the leadership of this person, the Guan Ming couple visited the scene of the nth comprehensive inspection of the rocket again.

"Husband, this is the rocket to be launched this time?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the big guy in front of him in amazement.

"Yeah, this thing will go to heaven in two days." Guan Ming nodded and responded casually.

With the passage of time, it will soon be New Year's Day in 12 years. At the same time, on the New Year's Day, it is also the date of the launch of the rocket. The treatment is the same as that of Chang'e 2. At least, according to the information obtained by Guan Ming, the news Hookup is absolutely okay, or the kind of live broadcast.

As for whether the launch time between 7pm and 7:30 pm is the best time period, Guan Ming believes that everyone can overcome it and use technology to overcome it.

"Xiao Xiao rarely sees this thing. Speaking of which, quite a few of the rockets are completed by small tubes, he is very powerful ~" Zhou Wanli didn't know where it came from, came over and joked.

"Zhou Lao, you're welcome ~" Holding Guan Ming's arm, Mu Xiaoxiao went to playfully jump off, smiling and looking at Zhou Wanli.

"You're welcome. It's all true. If all goes well, probably nuclear-powered rockets and even nuclear-powered spacecraft can be realized in my lifetime." Zhou Wanli sneered.

At present, nuclear power is the best one. None of them. Maybe when people make rapid progress in dark matter research, they will get other more convenient and powerful kinetic energy, but Guan Ming doesn't care about it.

"Isn't there any nuclear-powered rocket in the world before?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked curiously when he heard Zhou Wanli's words.

In World War II, the US nuclear level Japan was used as the node. It has been decades since this node was reached. From the perspective of Mu Xiaoxiao, 'nuclear power' should not be a problem. At least she has heard of nuclear submarines, but she is not sure if it is Refers to a nuclear-powered submarine or a nuclear-powered submarine.

"You can't say that. If I remember correctly, the Orion plan in the United States seems to be using nuclear power." Guan Ming thought for a while, and did not take Zhou Wanli too much, and said directly.

"Let ’s forget it, the one in Orion used the atomic bomb to crash into the sky ~ ~ using the atomic bomb as a driving force, let alone balance and other issues, nuclear radiation alone is going to die, If you have to speak, this is also a nuclear-powered rocket. "After hearing Guan Ming's words, Zhou Wanli waved his hands with a disdainful expression on his face, but considering Guan Ming's face, he was considered to be any euphemistically in the end. Speech.

The use of atomic bombing as a motive force is a very magical idea, but it was in 1965. In fact, except for the motive force, there were no technical defects in other aspects of the Orion plan.

However, taking a look at the rocket that crashed into the sky, in fact, it is incredible to think about it. After all, the power provided by the explosion is the largest, and then the speed of upward flight naturally decreases under the action of gravity, and then it continues to explode.

Constantly exploding, constantly accelerating and decelerating, the stability of this rocket is very poor.

ps: Thanks to the three-year-old young classmate for giving a reward, thank you for your support! Every time I see the id, I think of the anchor, but unfortunately, a few of the music anchors that I paid attention to are gone, and the music loop, at that time I was listening to the song code words ...

Yesterday was really sleepy. I had some instant noodles for dinner and fell asleep with the code, probably it was too late the day before yesterday ...

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