Private Technology

: 731 rocket launch

"Husband, I suddenly feel like I'm a bit redundant here ~" Mu Guanxiao said absently after walking around Guan Ming for a day, after washing at night.

Although Guan Ming became a dog this day, Mu Xiaoxiao is much stronger from a physical point of view, but this is only from a physical level.

Without Guan Ming imagining a thin, white finger on his Acup, he pinched Guan Ming's voluminous belly with her little white hand ...

"Excuse me? How come, you are the shareholder of Zhong Qiming ~" Guan Ming took a fool to reassure her.

With Guan Ming, no one will look down on Mu Xiaoxiao, and no one will despise Mu Xiaoxiao, but Guan Ming can still feel these people's alienation from Mu Xiaoxiao, which comes from the pride of technical staff.

Probably it is the kind of genius who sees mental retardation, with a touch of pride.

Let your family be wealthy, have a beautiful skin, look beautiful, and have a Guan Yanzu as your husband, but the problem is that the I / Mr's IQ is higher than you.

You ca n’t catch up with what I ’m talking about, and it ’s hard to say even if you ca n’t understand it. Are you angry?

"But today I ’m like a goose. I do n’t understand what you are talking about. I am so boring that I want to breathe, but I ca n’t. It ’s better to watch Xiao Xi and Drizzle at home.” Mo Xiaoxiao's morale was low.

"My daughter-in-law, what bike do you want? If you do n’t understand, you ca n’t understand me, and it will delay our lives ~" Guan Ming always feels that his daughter-in-law views her too much in the world of accidents, even to the point of suffering. Years passed and she still couldn't improve the situation.

"Okay, but this time I'm going to follow the TV?" Mu Xiaoxiao could hear Guan Ming's concern, and simply left the topic, not talking about these things that destroy the atmosphere.

"Well, it is definitely going to go this time, and it will be covered in a long story afterwards. After all, the establishment of a mining point on the moon is the only one in the world," Guan Ming said.

"Then I'll go back and prepare some lines, so as not to be asked by reporters at the time, it's not good for me to say nothing." Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a moment and said.

"You don't need to be so serious. The reporters will have a good grasp. Even if you make a mistake, it doesn't matter. They are all official media. They will deal with it." Guan Ming was not worried about it at all.

In this case, Guan Ming can be interviewed. That is the official media. The biggest advantage of the official media is that the time is right. After so many years, the front of Guan Ming's **** is basically sent in to pick up soap.

A little bit of time passed, and soon it was New Year's Day.

The weather conditions on New Year's Day have been calculated before. From a practical point of view, today's best launch time is not between 19:30 and 19:30, but around 9:41 in the morning. However, to support publicity, only The staff can be aggrieved to recalculate the variables to ensure that the rocket is fired at exactly 19:00.

"Time is passing slowly, I can't wait until the evening." Standing next to Guan Ming, the giant looked at the spacious launch site.

On New Year's Day, the temperature is very low and the wind is a bit strong. It is not clear whether there is less snow here. Anyway, in the past few days, Guan Ming had not seen any snowflakes.

"It's already early for you. I didn't expect you to come and see the launch this time." Guan Ming caught the stubble.

Guan Ming doesn't know the game between the high-level officials, but he knows that before the general election, the future general giant should be very busy.

In this world, nothing is absolute, and Guan Mingke doesn't think that the position of chief executive will not be seen.

"As one of the driving forces for the country to take off, it is my luck to see this rocket launch with my own eyes." With the hands in his pockets, the giant turned his head and looked at the Guan Ming couple with a smile.

Looking at this big-backed giant, Guan Ming didn't know what to say. He used ‘lucky’ to make a note. It seems that Guan Ming ’s statement has a display element.

Fortunately, the giant did not plan to let Guan Ming make any remarks on this. He continued to say, "I heard that your child's teaching progress has improved again. You parents, aren't you afraid that the seedlings will help? They are still less than four years old. Ah ~ "

"The giants are also concerned about this?" Guan Ming asked in a slightly surprised tone.

In fact, after constructing such an experimental small, middle, and high school, Guan Ming knew that his two children had already entered the eyes of senior management. Even Guan Ming felt that the construction of this school was largely to Guan Meng. Little Sister Xi provides space for school, and further determines the IQ and performance of the little sisters, otherwise it is impossible for all faculty and staff to install human brain chips.

"This school can be said to be one of the templates for future national schools, not just my attention, all the giants will pay attention." The giant explained.

It doesn't take much to pay attention to a school, because the school has less than 200 students.

And there are less than three students worthy of attention by the giant alone. Two of them are the sisters of Guan Mengxi ~ ~ I have discussed with Xiaoxiao before, considering the acceptability of children, I I think it is better to increase the speed of teaching properly. While young, let them quickly learn the basics, so that they can quickly develop according to the set goals. "In two sentences, Guan Ming organized the language and said.

"Well, you and your husband are just looking at it, but it's too late, don't you exhaust our future genius ~" the giant joked.

"Rest assured, we will keep staring in this regard." Guan Ming nodded and said.


"Audience friends ..." The sound of the word rounded out from the television, just like Chang'e II. The treatment of the picture-in-picture made many people see the rocket take off.

"No mother!" Guan Mengxi lay on Rhubarb's ribs, his face turned into a ball.

"Wait a minute, Mom will show up." Guan Ma carefully peeled the orange, said.

Lying on the sofa, Rhubarb couldn't help but open his dog's mouth and scratched his dog's teeth. Its tuft of hair was pinched by Guan Meng Xi. Guan Meng Xi hadn't grasped the distance just now, and it wanted it all. Speak loudly.

"Look! Mom is here!" The tube mother who was trying to say something was interrupted by the tube father, who pointed at the TV and said quickly.

I saw that the picture-in-picture became a full screen, and the control center of the launch base was broadcast in real time. The staff inside were cheering, and Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao were standing beside the giant with a smile.

"... Guan Ming, the chief scientist of Zhong Qiming, and Mu Xiaoxiao, the individual shareholder of Zhong Qiming, participated in this rocket launch. The goal of this rocket launch is ..." On television, the announcer Barabara kept talking, but due to the limited space The report is not detailed, and it is a kind of consciousness to spit out foreign aquatic fiery fever every day.

PS: sleepy, forced to sleep

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