One second to remember [Classic Scripture ÷ Small ☆ said ◇ net], wonderful novels without pop-ups to read for free!

There are cameras and speakers inside the car. Double Star can communicate with Guan Ming at any time. However, it knows that Guan Ming does not want Mu Xiaoxiao to know these messy things. The most tragic thing is that he found that Guan Ming was addicted to the landlord and could not extricate himself.

"... Yes, I will take over the team and open up the weapon system. You have ten seconds to communicate with other bodyguards, and I will intervene after ten seconds." Two seconds of pause, the sound of Double Star still frustrated.

"Everyone notice, there will be artificial intelligence intervention in the team after ten seconds. Don't panic." Zhou Wu didn't talk nonsense, he told everyone directly through the walkie-talkie.

These bodyguards are all following Guan Ming. Maybe they are not as close to Guan Ming as Zhou Wu, but they also know something about Guan Ming, such as artificial intelligence.

Those who can be placed next to Guan Ming are not only approved by Guan Ming, but also approved by upper management. No matter whether it is political review or other, they must not be critical.

No one raised objections. Everyone acquiesced to Zhou Wu's decision. After all, they wouldn't be so hard-headed that they could do everything.

Ten seconds later, the speed of the fleet changed immediately, from the original half-meter spacing to 5cm spacing, completely surrounding the three cars of Guan Ming's family, and even the fleet speed increased.

The car was originally shaped by Guan Ming, but later Double Star continued to develop new materials and then rectified it a little bit to ensure the safety of the car. There were even many weapon systems embedded in it. A large number of non-manually operated weapons were spliced ​​like building blocks. The inside of the car is just hidden when it is not normally used.

Like the incomplete Transformers, the headlights of the eight outermost bodyguards are retracted and replaced by barrels. The two barrels have an attack range of about 205 ° and up and down 145 °.

Similarly, the taillights are also retracted, with a range of 205 ° left and right, and 245 ° up and down.

The trunk lids of all cars are separated from the middle to form a half-meter wide crack. A one-meter-high machine gun is raised in the middle. The half-meter crack is completely filled at the bottom to prevent bouncing or grenade throwing in.

The bullet chain is sealed internally, as if it looks like a chimney, and the uppermost range of firearms is all-round.

Da da da.

The gun barrel spewed bullets wildly, hitting each gangster, and even some gangsters rushed out and were shot before they even pulled out the submachine gun!

"Husband, there seems to be some noise outside." The car sounds good, but the gun itself is fixed to the car. Perhaps the airborne sound can be isolated, but the solid sound transmission cannot be completely avoided.

"Really? I don't feel it. It's the voice of dj. If you don't like" The King of Electric Sounds ", change to something else. Is there anything you really want to hear?" Guan Ming looked at the card in his hand without turning his head to face to face Talk to his daughter-in-law, and he was considering whether to give his daughter a bomb.

"Cut ~ that" 忐忑 "okay ~" Mu Xiaoxiao said a little slyly.

Saying that everyone plays games together, but I don't like playing landlords!

Obviously you want me to be happy, but you are more excited than me, I am unwilling!

Mu Xiaoxiao's belly was vilified, but she didn't say anything. If only Guan Mingzai was in the Mu Muxiao's mouth, she might choose to play "Warm Global World" or "Same Student 2", "Swing Girl 2" together. And the like, but with parents and children, her selectivity is too small.

"Ha? Are you eating too much or are you sleepy?" Guan Ming looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with an unbelievable expression. Did she eat her shrimp with her brain as a condiment?

There is nothing wrong with thinking about it, after all, the steamed smell is earthy, and the taste of brain kernels may be better ...

"I can't carry the knife, or are you too floating?" Flat mouth, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming resentfully.

Although intentionally disguised as a hatchet girl, Guan Ming always felt that she was like a tiger in her palm and had no deterrent force at all.

"Daddy's 160 pounds, can't float!" The boring Guan Meng Xi jumped out immediately, hitting Guan Ming a wave.

Guan Ming: "..."

Mu Xiaoxiao: "..."

Outside the car, in a hotel about 5,000 meters away from the convoy, real-time reports from the team captains came from the headset.

"Waste, what special waste is waste! Didn't stop so many people? Did they sit in a tank? With so many bullets, the tank can be scrapped!" Smith shouted into the microphone.

He really can't understand what is happening now. Perhaps the bulletproof car can prevent bullets, but the bullet itself has kinetic energy. A bullet may only slightly shake the bulletproof car, but what about one hundred or one thousand?

If the **** is positive, let alone the bulletproof car, the tank can rely on this power to force the stop!

But what happened?


"The Guanming team started to fight back, our people couldn't stand it!" A white man huddled in the alley, he didn't even dare to come up!

The first batch of attacks were fatal. Guan Ming did not fight back. They could have a chance to escape after the attack, but later a large number of submachine guns appeared on the Guan Ming team. Even the people behind the team did not escape.

He watched his teammates lie in a pool of blood, his waist was interrupted by bullets, and the dying comrade jumped out just after the team passed, not even shot. In the case of being killed, Guan Ming's team responded too quickly!

"Captain, we can't hold it, let's withdraw first!" Three motorcycles were parked behind the alley, but there were only two people left in the six-person team, one was his captain and the other was an observer.

"Fuck, withdraw!" Gritted his teeth, the captain shoved his gun into his backpack and walked towards the motorcycle. A few seconds later, the two motorcycles exited from the other side of the alley and departed from Guan Ming.

And this scene also happened in other alleys.

No one wants to die quickly. If they can flee, they will flee. Even in military courts, they are not willing to perform the task of death.

"Turn left!" The soldier in a co-pilot said calmly in a car.

What he saw was not ordinary streets and panic pedestrians, but a semi-transparent map of the city overlooking the island, with red dots staggering forward the branches, all he had to do was to kill these little mice, in order to speed.

Hitting the steering wheel, the tires scratched black marks on the ground.

Opening the window, the soldier raised his hand with two shots. Two motorcycle drivers in the front of the mobile workshop were shot and killed. The high-speed running motorcycle was like a runaway wild horse. After shaking it twice, it fell to the ground and rushed forward. Metal Collided with the ground, grinding out a Mars, and finally hitting a motor vehicle on the road.

"Turn right at the intersection." Withdrawing his hands, the soldier calmly ordered.

Although the armed police in the driver's seat was silent, his eyes were full of surprise.

Isn't this person sent by the superior afraid of hitting the wrong person?

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