Private Technology

: 793 Hunting and Death

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If you mark the gangster who attacked Guan Ming on the map, you can see that the fleeing gangster spreads outward like a spider web, but it will always be wiped out after a certain distance.

"Huh! There are so many gunmen in our country. What are you doing for food!" Patting the table hard, the giant looked angrily at Secretary Mo in front of him.

Since the first shot of the island city, according to artificial intelligence statistics, there have been more than 343 gangsters. At the same time, each of these people is equipped with firearms, mainly submachine guns, and most of them are two motorcycles, or 3-4. The most important thing about a car configuration is that the number of gangsters is still rising.

In front of the giant, Secretary Mo is the secretary of the Ministry of National Security. This is a unit established by the country in more than eight years. It is the national anti-espionage agency and the political security agency. It has the authority to investigate detention, pre-trial and arrest.

"It was my work mistake, I'm sorry!" Secretary Mo was full of cold sweat on his forehead, and he had been trained for ten minutes!

With regard to permissions, he knew about artificial intelligence and human brain chips. He even had a team of human brain chip users specializing in counter-espionage under his hands, so he knew the value of Guan Ming's existence.

It is not polite to say that even if the entire Department of Homeland Security is annihilated, the housekeeper cannot have any casualties, and even Guan Ming cannot drop even a hair!

The rise of the country lies in the contribution of people's efforts, but the contribution of ordinary people and genius is different. Looking back five hundred years before and after, Secretary Mo can't find anyone who can be as beautiful as Guan Ming!

"I need to check all foreigners in the country at once. I need to know all the news from them. I will take this opportunity to find out the private spies for me!" Although the giant is angry, no matter how the other party is also his own faction, he can mix in Regardless of the position of the head of the security department, he must try to protect the other party. If it is not Guan Ming, it should be described as "death insurance".

"Yes, you are guaranteed to complete the task!" Raising his chest, Secretary Mo quickly issued a military order.

"As soon as the spies of the non-functional department are investigated and punished, they will be arrested and interrogated immediately. If the level of the spies of the functional department is too high, you should go to the recently established Discipline Inspection Commission review team to report. Remember, no matter who this time is, Do n’t talk about any emotions, even if your son or your son has committed a crime, you must catch it, dare to reach out and cut your head! ”The giant thought for a moment, and specifically ordered him to say something.

The establishment of the review team was expected, and the choice of the leader of the team was also expected. The giant has heard that the leader of the team is selfless and the market of the next standing committee is optimistic.

"Yes, I will guarantee discipline and not let the party and zf be disappointed!" Hearing the giant said, Secretary Mo was talking, thinking about the origin of the team leader.


"Hello everyone, I'm" News **** "and it's 16:37 in the Imperial City. My location is Beizhong Road, Daocheng. At present, a group of crazy gunmen are committing crimes in Daocheng. I hope the people of Daocheng can see Immediately hid in a safe building and try not to go out. "On the street, a hostess with a hard hat and body armor stood on the street and said with a microphone.

Behind her is the crossroad of Beizhong Road, but the crossroads are very chaotic at present, and the traffic lights can't stop the flustered citizens at the same time. While the traffic is congested, the horn sounds endlessly, and the sidewalks are scarce. Everyone hurries into the nearby Stores, supermarkets, and even some stores have locked their doors to prevent people from entering. When life is threatened, not everyone is the Virgin, and not everyone is kind.

"The information I have at hand proves that this is a group of organized and premeditated overseas forces. At present, no country or organization has expressed responsibility for the incident. It can be found from the killed gangsters that these gangsters are extremely large. Most are Westerners, mostly Caucasians, and a few Asians. "

"But do n’t worry, the country has dispatched armed police and troops to carry out bandits. The situation has now been effectively controlled. According to identification, most of these bandits have entered the country in the name of tourism. At the same time, we are reminding you to be careful of the Westerners around you. If possible, please evade and report to the police immediately! "In order to facilitate the video, the hostess spoke slowly while walking along the street.

At this time, a motorcycle was roaring from a distance, and the road was blocked, but the people who drive the motorcycle are very skilled and can shuttle freely and at high speed within a distance of less than one meter.

I looked back in surprise, but the hostess didn't take it seriously. Although this behavior was very unsafe and also violated the traffic rules, it was normal in the current chaotic situation.

However, before she turned around, she rushed out of a car in the alley across the street, but only the car came out of the alley and stopped in the alley in the second half.

The car window rolled down and a hand holding a pistol stretched out ~ ~

With a gunshot, the original motorcycle driver, such as Qiu Mingshan, was hit in the head, and the blood-stained helmet fragments shot in the air. The crooked body of the bullet and the motorcycle were planted directly on the motor vehicle around .

The inertia brought by the high speed is powerful. The corpse soared to fly three or four meters high, then fell to the ground, rolled a few times, rolled under the hostess's feet, and the car in the alley slowly reversed.

It may be that the situation is developing too fast, and even the cameraman is holding back, the camera is always pointing at the hidden car.

The windshield is double-permeable, and you can see the green military uniform.

"Ah!" The bright voice of the dolphin, the hostess's expression was twisted and the beast rose, and she could feel her weeping mentality.

The camera is pulled down, the dead body a on the ground is facing up, and the blood on the ground quickly accumulates to form a pool of red blood. Caucasians have whiter skin due to excessive blood loss. The wide eyes and the corners of their lips are as if they can be seen. The concentration and tension he drove before his death.

"Head, at present, a total of 407 gangsters have been killed, 391 have been killed, and the remaining 16 are currently being hunted down. It is expected that all of them will be resolved within 17 minutes." In the military camp, a large colonel stood behind a star and reported to work.

This time, the army and the armed police jointly launched a shot, but most of the armed police were mainly driving, and most of the people who actually shot at the bandits were soldiers.

"How about Guan Ming? Ordinary people's casualties?" Without looking back, the chief looked at the huge display screen in front. The display screen was a flat map of the island city. Red dots appeared or fled wildly. The net is as dense as the island city.

"There is no damage to Guan Ming. At present, there are 29 deaths, more than 400 injured people, and 3 of the dead are armed police." The colonel said without any hesitation.

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