Private Technology

: 794 Love is deep!

No financial loss was asked, because this thing is not under his control.

"Transfer a team of doctors to the airport and wait. Although Guan Ming is okay now, they are not allowed to bump into each other. At the same time, psychological intervention is performed to prevent them from having nightmares at night. Right, bring a doctor in obstetrics and gynecology. Madam is pregnant now. "Thinking for a few seconds, the chief said.

"Yes!" Despite taking the task, the colonel did nothing, and the chief had no complaints about it.

The connections between human brain chips are much faster than telephone calls and errands. At the same time, the amount of information transmitted is too large. At present, there are not many leaders who are qualified to be equipped with dedicated brain chip users as secretaries, even this chief is no exception. .

In the car, Guan Ming was overjoyed watching the projection in front of him.

"Airplane with wings ~" Like a chick, Guan Mengxi leaned forward with her buttocks leaning her hands on her side, her little hands swinging up and down like small wings, fully showing what is called "airplane with wings".

"Haha, the king is fried!" After the game had no father and daughter, Guan Ming mocked the other side fiercely, and also mercilessly sold his card to kill his own daughter.

With a flat mouth, Guan Mengxi made a face at Guan Ming, then sat on the seat and pulled her sister over, hugging her sister as if holding Da Mao.

Although Guan Mengyu's face was about to die, even though she had lived for four or five years, she still felt so embarrassing, bored, and sore.

Relying on Guan Ming's shoulders boringly, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the projection in front of her with a smile, but her eyes were absent. It was obvious that she was thinking of something, but her vision was a problem. Guan Ming did not notice.

The car is dim and the world outside the car window cannot be seen, but as a woman who has seen hundreds of Korean dramas and hundreds of small movies, she knows what must have happened.

Knowing that Guan Ming was taking care of herself, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't ask anything, but faintly, she thought there should be a gun battle outside.

Although the car was shockproof and soundproof, she felt that she heard the sound of firearms, especially the rhythmic shaking, like a pile driver in a small movie. The frequency is fast, and it is particularly durable.

"Haha, Xiao Xi Xiaoyu lost again. What show is going to be performed this time?" Guan Ming, the landlord, took the lead to play the cards clean. Of course, the other two were caught. Guan Ming asked expectantly.

Compared with the four old people's programs, Guan Ming prefers to watch Meng Xi's performance.

"Yeah, yeah, what is Xiao Xi going to perform?" It was probably waken by Guan Ming's words, and Mu Xiaoxiao's face also smiled and coaxed.

"I ... I act ... feed my sister to eat." Scratching his head, Guan Mengxi said for a long time.

Guan Mengyu looked desperate.

"No, my sister has been fed 3 times ~" Maybe Guan Mengyu thought that eating too much was not good, Mu Xiaoxiao first objected.

"So ... then I ... act to feed my sister to drink water?" Scratched his face, Guan Mengxi said with a dilemma.

"Sister, I will vomit again if I drink it. I have already drank 4 glasses of water!" Guan Mengyu's voice went down.

Why are tears always in my eyes, because you love me so much!

After hearing Guan Mengyu's words, the adults laughed indifferently.

However, the laughter and laughter inside the car does not mean that the singing and dancing outside the car is leveled up. The irritable is definitely not just the people at home. The foreign forces are also irritable.

"Damn! They can't find us! Someone must have leaked a secret!" Shot in the thigh, Smith sat weakly at the foot of the wall away from the window.

The single transparent glass guarantees that the interior cannot be seen from the outside, but this does not mean that it is absolutely safe to stand by the window.

A bullet that came suddenly almost killed Smith. Fortunately, it did not break the artery, but it hurt the bone.

"Leaking a secret? It should not be possible. They didn't have any arrests in this operation. Even if they wanted to leak it, they couldn't leak it." In the room, another white man slumped his back to Smith while packing his equipment quickly. Said.

Judging from time, he has at most 3 minutes to waste.

"Yeah, there was no arrest." Smith's voice was frustrated, struggling to get up and leaning against the wall.

"Don't worry, we still have time, I'll help you." Carry the packed backpack back, and the white man came over and held Smith's shoulder with one hand.

"No, there's no time." The voice was a little calm, and Smith turned to look at his partner. This was his partner who had worked together for 8 years. They knew each other so well that their wives were good friends and even their children read them. The same elementary school.

"There is still time to hurry up, and the expression will be natural for a while." The white man didn't notice anything, he said eagerly, holding Smith towards the door.

"I don't have time. I think you have time. Since you decided to kill yourself, why didn't you kill me just now? Or do you plan to throw me out as a cover when you escape?" The muzzle arrived in the white left atrium. ~ ~ Smith looked at his old friend, his voice was flat, as if the pain in his legs had disappeared.

"Hey! Dude! What are you doing! What a mouthful? You can't run away if you don't run anymore!" The white man was startled, and said angrily, as if greeting an old friend, raising his hand and trying to push Deadly threat on open chest.

Slap ~

A cloud of smoke erupted in front of the muffler, and the white man looked at Smith with a miserable look, but this was the last scene in his life.

Ding ~

The hidden dagger in the cuff fell to the toilet tile next to the door and made a crisp noise.

Taking a look at the falling dagger, Smith took a deep breath, then put his pistol in his arms, took off the blood-stained jacket, opened the trunk, and put on clean clothes with pain.

"Police, take me to the monitoring room!" The glass door was pushed open, and the front desk froze for a moment, because she knew that an unprecedented gun battle was happening in Daocheng, but she saw that the Chinese were in the same configuration as the army and police. Relieved.

"Okay, please come with me." Nodded again and again, and the front desk immediately took the armed police to the monitoring room. Although curious as to why the soldiers didn't follow, they were just curious.

In the safe passage, the soldiers quickly went upstairs one step at a time, and the intercom on his shoulder heard the sound of the armed police.

"Goal on the 8th floor. Leave the room 3 minutes ago. You are now on the 7th floor through the safe passage on the north side. Your leg is suspected to be injured. You were black backpacked and suspected to be carrying a weapon. Please be careful."

"Receive it." The soldiers paused for a second, and the soldier thought about it for a second. Combining the distance calculation, it was the best plan to walk directly to the 6th floor and go to another safe passage.

However, he needs to penetrate the hotel's monitoring equipment, which is the most intuitive and safest.

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