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: 799 Brands and Handicrafts

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Zhongnanhai is the center of the country and the symbol and pronoun of the highest executive power. The celebrities who used to live here include Cixi, Guangxu, Grandpa Mao and Grandpa Zhou.

Regardless of working places such as the Commission, the State Council, the People ’s Congress, the Political Association, the Secretariat, the Disciplinary Inspection Committee, Zhongnanhai still has a place to live, and is also very suitable for living, and the environment is very good.

There is no need to get out of the car, the team drove directly in, and arrived in Zhongnanhai in about ten minutes.

Most of the buildings here retain the shape of the ancient buildings, but the interior must be modern. Besides, Guan Ming can hold several air conditioners.

"Hello, hello, you have been waiting for a long time." Mu Xiaoxiao first got off the train without pretension, after Guan Ming got out of the car, he quickly shook hands with the chief executive.

"It didn't take long, this time you come here to live a good time. You have gone a few times before looking at it. I don't think I feel much. This time is very rich. It doesn't matter if you stay longer." With a smile, the quasi-general giant can't see any flaws on his face, as if he didn't know the attack on Daocheng.

"It's time for dinner. Let's go to dinner first and get the wind and dust for you. I heard that Xiao Guan doesn't like to eat roast duck. I deliberately asked the back chef to make braised pork. The chef came from Shanghai. The taste is very good." The giant tilted his head and motioned everyone to keep up.

Although Guan Ming, Guan Dao, and Guan Ma came from Daocheng, they have lived in Shanghai for several years. Although the taste is still north, they have long been accustomed to the local dishes of Shanghai. The most important thing is that the Mu Xiaoxiao family is A native of Shanghai, and Mu Xiaoxiao is a big belly.

Eat above, still have to take care of the mood and taste of pregnant women.

In a private room in the cafeteria, the giant sat on the main seat and looked around at Mu Xiaoxiao after a lap. He said very kindly: "The Shanghai market is currently in the rainy day, and it really makes people a lot of boredom. I was in Shanghai that year. When working in the city, I always want to jump out. In the north, it ’s not bad. Although the air humidity is not high, there are the China Sea and the South China Sea. When nothing is wrong, let the small tube take you to rowing and fishing. There are many fish and shrimp in the lake. Are natural and pollution-free, and the water quality is very good. "

"Thank you for the giants. I turned back and asked my husband to take me and the children to play in the sea." Some restraints and a little nervousness, the giants clearly said it was a lake. As a result, Mu Xiaoxiao came to the sea with a mouth, probably from the Zhonghai or South China Sea. The name is too tempting.

With a smile, the giant didn't care about Mu Xiaoxiao's wrong name, but turned to look at the twins and said, "Do you remember grandpa? When you were young, grandpa, I still hugged you."

"Remember." He nodded strongly, probably affected by Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Mengxi was also a little nervous, and his little hand holding Guan Mengyu was a little pale.

Fortunately, Guan Mengyu was not pinched or crying, but just kept his head silent.

tension? Admit it?

The giants also don't care about the two little ones. After all, in the eyes of the giants, even the children who are early can be children, maybe the family members warn the two little ones in advance.

"I heard that you went to Daocheng for fun, so we invited your family to come and stay for a while. Xiaoxiao Antai is one aspect. In fact, we also have some work content on the small tube side. We want to communicate face to face, so You can live here with peace of mind during this time, but we wo n’t delay how long the small tube is. After all, Xiaoxiao is pregnant. The small tube still has to take care of him. A very official explanation.

Guan Ming had said that Mu Xiaoxiao had no knowledge. Since this is the case, the giants always have to find a better excuse, and they must always invite others to come to live unclearly.

This world has no hate for no reason, and no love for no reason.

In the name of work, no one can fault it.

"It's okay, work matters, work matters, anyway, Minger has nothing to do every day, Xiaoxiao, we take care of it, work first." After hearing Guan Ming's guess on the next giant, Guan Dad will naturally be nervous These, after all, this unsurprising word in front is the total giant in the next 10 years, the power in power.

On the pessimistic point of view, this may be the last Supreme Leader Guan Dian has ever seen before, and the necessary respect is still there.

"Hehe, there is not so much work, but it will occasionally take up a little tube time, and the dishes come up, everyone eats first." The giant greeted him first, and took a chopstick dish first, so that the people on the table could not let go.

The braised pork is very characteristic of Shanghai, with a sweet taste, which can reflect the characteristics of thick oil and red sauce, and it is not worse than the company kitchen.

Based on this braised pork, Guan Ming thinks that the giant is also very interested in the Guan Ming family. He deliberately looks for such a skilled chef, of course ~ ~ Maybe there is such a master in Shanghai Featured cook.

After dinner, the giant did not stay much, and arranged for a person from the Secretariat to arrange the housekeeper's residence. At the same time, this person was also the 'big steward' who was responsible for the housekeeper's time and was responsible for all matters during the housekeeper's time.

Zhongnanhai is not a restaurant, and the restaurant is not just a customer who can enter the kitchen.

For the steward as a whole, Guan Ming has the greatest degree of freedom. Except for some core work places that need to be greeted in advance to enter, the remaining places can basically go in and out, while others in the steward have much less freedom. Most workplaces are not accessible, non-workplaces are casual, but the scope of activities is limited to Zhongnanhai.

After all, as the center of administrative power, too much information is confidential. Leaking it out early will have a very bad impact. At the same time, if you go out, you need to prepare in advance for security.

"This bed ... It's too soft, I don't feel comfortable sleeping." Sitting on the bed with one butt, and playing twice, Mu Xiaoxiao said that he was not comfortable.

"It's a bit late today. Let's change another tomorrow. This is ... Simmons?" Guan Ming asked uncertainly.

The butler's bed is stacked with layers of mattresses, soft and hard, and the bones of the mattresses that are too soft are easy to fall off and make people uncomfortable.

"Probably, it should be a brand, at least I think it's new." Zha pulled open the sheets and stunned, Mu Xiaoxiao did not show a one, two or three.

Mu Xiaoxiao rarely used brand goods. She even sewed her underwear for Guan Ming and Guan Ming a little bit. In the past, Guan Ming was not awakened by the so-called 'lace edge'. Xiaoxiao became a light-skinned pig. Later, after Mu Xiaoxiao's craftsmanship was much better, Guan Ming allowed her to wear a pair of underwear while sleeping. There was only one underwear under her body ...

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