Private Technology

: Eight hundred signs of war

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"Smoking?" Pushed the cigarette to Guan Ming.

"Thanks, I don't smoke." He waved again and again, Guan Ming said he didn't smoke.

Guan Ming used to smoke in his last life. Even when Mu Xiaoxiao was pregnant, Guan Ming ran to the toilet to smoke. At the same time, Mu Xiaoxiao, who knew about this, said nothing, but gave Guan Ming an urgent support syrup. Lest he cough.

However, Guan Ming refused the temptation of cigarettes in this life. Although he didn't have a long-lived mind, he didn't want to die early. Sleeping Xiaoxiao was a life-testing job. He could sleep one more day.

"Yes, Xiaoxiao is pregnant. Forget it, I won't smoke." After seeing Guan Ming's attitude, the giant then remembered Mu Xiaoxiao's pregnancy.

With a smile, Guan Ming didn't say anything, he couldn't say something like "you can smoke", after all, Mu Xiaoxiao still valued this pregnancy very much. According to Mu Xiaoxiao's personality, if Guan Ming really had The smell of smoke, it is estimated that Guan Ming could only sleep with the toilet at night.

"What do you want to do in this incident?" Putting up the cigarettes, the giant looked at Guan Ming seriously and asked.

It is said that honest people are bullying, but if an honest person really breaks out, he will dare to use a knife to stab people.

In the eyes of the giants, Guan Ming is an honest man, and this time Guan Ming clearly wanted to break out.

"Yesterday, when you talked about the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, I was going to stare at the Republican Party. After all, the incident of the island city attack is violent in any way. The Republican Party is hawkish. If you stare at the Republican Party, it ’s estimated The black side will also be very troublesome. If you operate it better, you can throw the pot to the Republican Party. "This is the result of Guan Ming thinking for a night.

Guan Ming was not impressed by the disputes between the US parties. He was only familiar with two US leaders, one was Austrian Hei, the other was Trump, and the content that Guan Ming knew was also thanks to the prosperity of the Internet.

Guan Ming could not distinguish the difference between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party before, but if you look back carefully, you can feel that, as the old Bush of the United States, he has had Libyan War, Iraq War, Afghanistan War, the fight against the Taliban, and so on. And the Austrian Hei this year is much more peaceful.

In the next Trump, the whole person is like a neurosis. Even diplomacy is given to his scandalous and big-breasted damsel. Even Trump said in public that he had yy his own damsel. What a heavy fatherly love this is!

Staring at the Republican Party, then throwing the pot roughly to Okui, this is Guan Ming's punishment for Okui, allowing him to concentrate most of his energy at home, not having time to do things outside.

"Republican? Uh ... good, is there a goal?" After thinking about it, the giant nodded and agreed with Guan Ming's idea.

After all, compared to the Democratic Party, the Republican Party is not easy to get along with. The US arms order is given to a weapon tycoon in the United States. To feed these guys, war is the best choice, and the Democratic Party is a representative of the middle class and the poor. The economy is the focus of the Democratic Party.

"Yes, Trump, a large real estate businessman in the United States, I think he may be the one who reached the top after the Austrian and Black, and then stinks him first." Guan Ming planned to take a long-term revenge, and naturally he must first hit his elders. Trump, already president.

"Businessman? Are you sure?" The giant face was incredible. After all, politicians and businessmen are two parallel lines, at least at home, and in many influential countries.

"I'm sure that I checked last night. Trump's determination to be president is very strong. The most important thing is that Trump himself has money. His election funds are obviously much more than other candidates, and there are a lot of them in the middle. Somewhere, it is likely to be president. "Nodded, Guan Ming said irresponsibly.

Last night, how could he have time to check Trump ’s information, he concentrated his energy on washing hands for Mu Xiaoxiao. After all, such a soft palm, it ’s okay to wash it ...

"It's okay ... You can just look at it. After all, time is enough, but you must be careful not to get yourself trapped in it." The giant nodded, but also worried.

Guan Ming's ability in science and technology is undoubtedly strong, and his ability in interpersonal communication is also undoubtedly scum. It belongs to the typical existence of high IQ and low emotional intelligence. The giant is not worried that Guan Ming can't find black materials, but Afraid that he would take himself in.

"Haha, rest assured, I will be careful, after all, I am so enthusiastic!" Patted his knees, and Guan smiled brightly, full of confidence and pride in his tone.

Giant: "..."


"Are there any recent developments regarding the May 29 incident in your country? Will it affect your entry conditions?" A foreign journalist stood up to ask questions.

"First of all, we strongly condemn the leader of the May 29 incident. We have formed a special investigation team to investigate the incident. This is an unprecedented terrorist operation after the founding of our country, which we must not tolerate."

"Second, we will conduct a census on foreigners in China ~ ~ We are banned from guns in this country. We have reason to believe that this is a long-term lurking and planned act by a foreign organization. At the same time, we will raise the eligibility criteria for future entry applications and scrutinize the source of firearms in this incident. "

"Finally, we will immediately update the latest batch of armaments to deal with possible future wars." A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the first time used the word 'war' in official responses, rather than 'not to be foresee'. To go further.

And "not to be foreseeable" has only appeared twice in diplomatic history, once in India in 62 years and once in Vietnam in 78 years.

In the foreign war after the founding of the country, there were 62 years of China-India border counterattacks and 78 years of China-Vietnam border self-defense counterattacks.

"Excuse me, is China going to start a war? Have you considered whether it will evolve into World War III? After all, from the information disclosed so far, this time the gangsters are all Westerners." A black female reporter quickly got up and asked .

"World War III? Sorry, I don't know for the time being, I haven't received any information about the identity of the attacker. Is this terrorist attack initiated by a certain country instead of a terrorist organization?" Ministry of Foreign Affairs The spokesperson's counter-question left the black reporter wondering how to answer.

Ignoring black journalists, the spokesman continued: "We are temporarily unsure of the identity of the attacker, but once we verify the identity of the other party, we do not mind launching a war. I am not living in a peaceful world, I am living in a peace In this country, if anyone wants to make our country not peaceful, even I am willing to take up arms and serve the motherland on the battlefield. "

ps: Ah, 800 chapters, so handsome I actually updated 800 chapters, the next goal is 900 chapters!

After all I owe more 40 + ...

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