Private Technology

: 811 Specific requirements

"I don't even know what kind of reward can make me feel right now." Shaking his head, Guan Ming opened the file bag.

After seeing Guan Ming's behavior, the giant said nothing and let Guan Ming watch slowly.

Good steel is used on the blade. How to use Guan Ming has been a problem that has been studied in the past few years.

Guan Ming counseled, but he was able to withstand loneliness, and he could even describe it with a dwelling, and he never caused trouble.

Without the lack of money, Guan Ming can only work for national justice and affection, but these things are more frequent, it will definitely make Guan Ming offensive, and it is exactly the same. Only careful arrangements will be made. After a few years, it is the first time for such a task to be forcibly assigned.

"At the moment, I have no idea. To be honest, I really haven't researched the mobile phone. Now that I'm working on it, I'm not sure when it will be ready. It's better to give me a prototype and special experimental equipment so I can disassemble the experiment. "After looking at the information and thinking for a moment, Guan Ming looked at the giant and said.

The technology contained in different industries is different. In particular, the requirement of 'hidden' above is a test of the layout and update of Guan Ming on hardware.

It can be seen that on the premise that the mobile phone is turned on and there is no operation, I hope to be able to locate all users of this mobile phone in real time, and at the same time can use the mobile phone to detect the quantity and name of all software inside the mobile phone, as well as the account number and password.

Since all users of this phone are covered, it cannot be controlled by a single software, and even the internally implanted virus will be detected with a high probability. At present, what Guan Ming can think of is to redesign an important module that a mobile phone must bring. This requirement can only be completed if the hardware and software are updated to a certain degree.

The important thing is that this update is not too cross-generational, otherwise everyone knows that this phone has Guan Mingyu in it.

"Prototype is okay, but can time be faster? I don't know the specific process of mobile phone development, but at present we need to quickly lay out and strive for this phone to occupy more than 50% of the market share of Polar Bear. Now we do n’t have much time. "The giant heard Fang Guan say this, and asked subconsciously frowning.

"I'm really not sure about the time. After all, I didn't pay attention to mobile phones before, but if the country needs it, I can actually promote products such as electronic glasses. At least for myself, it is rarely used now. Mobile phones are all using electronic glasses, and there is no market competition for electronic glasses. The layout will be faster. "It's not Guan Ming's evasion, but he really can't determine the time.

"E-glasses don't make much sense. If they fight with polar bears in the future, they may be forced to recycle and destroy them in the early stages of the war."

"The most important significance of this phone is positioning, which allows us to see rough information such as the movement direction, range and number of people, so this phone has very important strategic significance." The giant looked at Guan Ming seriously.

Probably feel this ... sincere?

Guan Ming tapped on the document on hand and thought for a moment and said, "I'll try my best, but for such a short time, can this phone be laid out quickly?"

Guan Ming still remembers the meeting and the time of prophecy.

"Tax rebate, let them sell their mobile phones cheaper, and then we will pay a little bit more for tax rebates, maybe we can grab market share in Europe and the United States." The document did not write about the promotion of mobile phones, and the giants also briefly introduced it, plainly It is still the state that compensates the mobile phone companies with money to ensure that the mobile phone companies still have sufficient profits after the price reduction.

"Okay, then I'll go back and study this thing first. I'll try my best here, and try to get it within 1 month." Guan Ming figured out his own scientific research speed and the speed of double star calculation, and finally gave this in conclusion.

"Okay! Then wait for you for a month!" The giant heard a smile on his face.

At home, the whole family waited for Guan Ming to come back for dinner, and after talking to the giant, Guan Ming followed his secretary to get the prototype and code, experimental equipment, etc. The whole afternoon was busy.

"What is the giant looking for you?" Looking around the door with his neck around, Mu Xiaoxiao saw that the robot was moving a pile of boxes and transported it to the study.

"I was asked to arrange a task above, this time may not have much time to accompany you." Apologized, Guan Mingshun scratched her head.

"Xiaoxiao, we can take care of it. You can do your work first, Xiaoxiao, listen to Dad, don't ask blindly. We don't understand things at work. I want to waste more brain cells. Understand that the mood is not good, affecting the fetus. "When seeing Mu Xiaoxiao what to ask, Mu's father quickly interrupted, for fear that she asked Guan Ming to get stuck.

After the island city attack, family members can also guess what the current state of the country is, allowing them to personally arrange Guanming work, presumably the content of the work must be very thrilling ~ ~ even Mu Da murmured some complaints why Let Guan Ming work at home. If he develops weapons and other things, if he is seen by children at home and young children, it is estimated that he can lose sleep for several days!

"Just, don't ask Dongxixi without that ability. It's like you are a civilized person. Xiaoxi, Xiaoyu, don't disturb Dad's work during this time." Mu's side stubble, cautioning herself Two granddaughters.

"Well? I haven't said anything yet, how can I have enough IQ!" Mu Xiaoxiao raised his cheek and looked at Mu's father.

"My dad just said that you waste your brain cells, but you can understand that your IQ is owed, indicating that your IQ is still at a certain level. Don't be afraid, so many people around the world who are not as high as you are, have no heart or lungs. Old. "Smiling at the four old men, Guan Ming sat beside Mu Xiaoxiao and teased.

The corner of his mouth was twitching, and he could see the bright white teeth, Guan Ming felt that this was a very subtle threat from his wife!

"How can you say that your daughter-in-law like this, the whole family is a smart egg? Xiao Xi Xiaoyu is so smart, indicating that Xiao Xiao is also smart! Xiao Xiao, eat fish!" Guan Ma saw this scene and quickly said something good for her daughter-in-law.

"Well, this reverse push has been used on Xiao Xi Xiaoyu, probably no evidence on Xiao Xiao ~" Wei Ran sighed, Guan Ming picked up a slippery fat intestine, and ate it with joy.

Hearing Guan Ming's words, the four old men couldn't help laughing.

It ’s not Mu Xiaoxiao ’s mental retardation, but in contrast to Guan Mingyi, using mental retardation to describe Mu Xiaoxiao ’s really saying “mentally retarded” is sorry.

"Bite you!" Taking a bite at Guan Mingxu, Mu Xiaoxiao turned abruptly and did not look at him.

At the same time, on the other side of the globe, a young white man raised his hand to signal to the waiter in a cafe near the White House.

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