Private Technology

: 812 in action

Cobos thinks he's been lucky recently, maybe God forbid, or some other god.

I watched the scene in my brother's bar last night. When I went home and walked through the alley at two o'clock in the morning, suddenly a person with a peaked cap stopped him. In the wide alley of the two, this person was standing in the center, and his attitude was very obvious.

This is the old town, and the hutongs are dimly lit.

Although you can't see the other person's appearance, you can see that the other person is a white man, carrying a schoolbag, and a burly figure.

"Who's over there!" Swallowing subconsciously, Cobos felt that he had thin arms and legs, and although the surface was a confusing, but the actual number of fights was not high, and he must not be able to do it.

The reason why he became foolish at first was because of the rebellion caused by the locker in school many times during the school. In essence, he was not a fierce person.

"Cobos Smith, son of a Montana cowboy, right." The person hidden in the dark, without a name, casually called Cobos' origin.

"Who are you? Lance? Kevin? Or Gavin? I'm not the same kid now, my brother is walking down this street, and if I want to be beaten, I will say straight, I will satisfy you!" Face The pretense was fierce, Cobos said, but was always ready to flee backwards.

Cobos does have a lot of brothers, but it is outside the three streets. If the other party really wants to beat him, with his somewhat imaginary body, he can probably be hit on the ground, provided that the other party does not have a gun.

At this time and on such occasions, it doesn't look like a meeting between friends, which is one of his most concerns.

"Oh, very exciting young man, this is why I'm looking for you." The other side smiled a little, ignoring the other's threat, it should be a bluff.

"I ’m very short of money recently. The farm where your parents worked was sold and you dismissed those older employees, but you have a younger sister who is about to drop out of school because of insufficient tuition fees. I heard that you like your lovely younger sister very much. I've seen the photos and it looks really cute and I like it too, although she has a little freckles on her face. "

He could hold each other's relaxed tone, as if explaining the same topic at noon, but Cobos was cold, his face sank immediately, and said ruthlessly, "I think you must not know, my father has hunted Bear permits, the bears who died under his Thunder Brothers can't be counted, and he certainly won't mind aiming his muzzle at an idiot's head and shooting him! "

Cobos only has a younger sister. Although she only attended high school, unlike Cobos, his younger sister is not only good at school, but also very good in character and appearance. He is regarded as the jewel of the family, threatening his younger sister than threatening him. To his life is still serious!

"Boy, don't get excited. It's time to make money. Do you want to make 100,000 dollars at a stretch? It won't be just high school tuition, but even your sister's college tuition will be earned back. How?" The man in the shadow asked softly The Word is like Satan who seduces a fallen man.


"Sir, what coffee do you want?" The waiter's voice interrupted Cobos' memories.

"A cup of decaffeinated coffee, thank you." Looking up, a crooked smile appeared on his face. He was not GAY, he was nervous.

"Okay sir, please wait a moment." Without paying attention to Cobos's expression, the waiter took the order and turned away.

Cobos was sitting in the corner of the shop, as long as he looked up, he could see the entire coffee shop without even turning his head. Now he is holding his side with one hand, looking at the floor-to-ceiling window, and watching the pedestrians on the street. With vehicle.

However, Yu Guang has always paid attention to the middle-aged man sitting next to the floor-to-ceiling window, and at the same time pondered whether there were any loopholes in the entire process.

"Sir, your coffee." About five minutes later, the waiter brought the coffee.

"This is coffee money, but there are two tips here, do you want that?" Cobos said in a low voice.

Cobos put a Franklin on the outside of the coffee cup and a small sealed bag on the inside. There are two Franklin rolled up in the sealed bag. According to custom, the total value of each cylinder is Ten thousand dollars.

"Uh ... sir, what do you want to do?" The waiter opened his mouth to make a whistle, but after seeing Cobos staring at him fiercely, he could only shrug his shoulders to express his surprise.

"The man by the window fell asleep with my girlfriend last night, why did he shoot a video? I have news that the video is now lying in his current notebook, and you will get a glass of water or coffee later What, I want to see that the notebook is not usable because of water, do you know what I mean? "Cobos slightly raised his chin and signaled that the guy by the window.

Cobos didn't know the name, age, or even the appearance of the man last night, but he thought it was better not to stick to this kind of thing, otherwise it would be easy.

If he didn't consider that the waiter might turn around, he would even like to block the waiter in the corner of no one like the man last night.

But it's a pity ~ ~ Cobos doesn't have that ability.

"Are you sure? But if I break the customer's valuables, I may face resignation and loss of money. You know I have been in this store for a long time. I am also an old employee and customers are used to me." That being said, the waiter looked greedily at the twenty thousand dollars.

How much is a laptop and how much is a month's salary? 20,000 dollars is more than enough, but he doesn't mind earning more. After all, this guy is a ‘rich and stupid green hat man’.

Girlfriend was slept by a middle-aged person, and she also took a video. You actually only spent $ 20,000 to sprinkle water? Shouldn't he just stab him with a gun at this time, or find a squat squatting at the door?

Get drunk? Or did you cuck him while you were awake? video? I'm afraid it was taken voluntarily!

"My patience is very limited, you are not my only choice!" Cobos was unhappy, trying to put away the twenty thousand dollars.

"As a man, I understand your mood at the moment. I just want to change my job recently. Maybe this is a good opportunity. Just wait for the show." The waiter quickly put away the twenty thousand dollars. Of course, the Franklin also Did not miss it.

With a coffee mug, Cobos breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the waiter could successfully complete the task, he was relieved.

An accident of 20,000 US dollars caused him to divest himself. In his opinion, he did not lose money. At least he still had 80,000 US dollars in the account. However, he did not notice that the cafe had a camera and was still working. .

A moment later, the hustle and bustle awakened this cafe, as well as this charming morning.

Looking at the yelling Zhongnan man, Cobos smiled at the corner of his mouth, took his hat on, and strode out of the cafe.

PS: Ah, blocked again, this ...

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