Private Technology

: 873 seek everything

It stands to reason that the people here are either top-of-the-power or top-of-the-wealth. You shouldn't be so careful about an item, but only such historically valuable things are eligible. After all, there is one less brittle one.

Guan Ming didn't research the antique appraisal, but since it was sent by Mr. Ren, it must be a genuine article. Anyway, Guan Ming will surely let Double Star conduct a carbon 14 inspection afterwards.

It's not that he doubts President Ren, but that every antique in the house is this process.

Guan Ming is not a fake scientist, but he is also a local tyrant. Even the home furnishings and items used are Jiaqing, Daoguang, or old objects from the Republic of China period. In case of a counterfeit product, they will come back and point out. That hurts my face.

It does n’t matter if it ’s true or not. If you really put it on the bright surface of your home, leave it in the storage room or somewhere. If any one day comes to the door, Guan Ming can say that he really likes playing with it. Therefore, it is kept deliberately, and it is not usually seen by people.

"Mr. Ren is very polite and can't afford to give me such a big gift." Guan Ming responded with a smile.

"Big? It's not big at all. This time it's my luck to get the giant to help matchmaking. The current data of the mobile phone has been ranked first among medium mobile phones, and even several large orders have been signed. It's just an antique." Glancing at the giant, he said later.

There are a lot of cats in this phone. It can be said that Guan Ming's technology is used to achieve the country's goals, and Ren Ren is making money.

There are quite a few brands of mobile phones produced by the country, especially the management of a series of software and hardware updates, which has made development in all walks of life much more convenient. The previous 2D drawings on paper became completely AR / VR. Independently controlled 3D pictures not only reduce the scientific research cycle, but also improve the scientific research level.

"Is there an order so soon?" Guan Ming looked at the giant in surprise.

Guan Ming has been concerned about space telescopes and wars recently, and he didn't care about mobile phones at all.

"Don't we go abroad for a state visit some time ago, Mr. Ren also went out for a circle, and the phone is of good quality and price, and they have no reason to refuse." Although there were only three people, the giant still didn't say anything.

But just these few words, Guan Ming can make up for all the processes.

"Congratulations to Mr. Ren, it seems you are getting rich." Guan Ming faintly remembered that the giant once told him that there was something to subsidize when promoting mobile phones, not to mention whether this phone was a small profit, but Can definitely sell more.

"It still depends on the support of Guan Zong and the support of the state." Ren Guan still has some regrets about Guan Ming's indifference to this antique.

There are only two points for Chinese gifts. They are either the best or the most expensive.

For Guan Ming, Ren Ren couldn't think of the best, and he could only choose the most expensive one. Unfortunately, Guan Ming did not give him the opportunity to say this.

"Do n’t bother with this. I heard two days ago that when President Ren went to London last time, he paid a lot for a cultural relic, but the news did not spread widely. This bottle is the last time. Buy it. "It felt like the conversation was about to end, and the giant directed the topic to cultural relics.

"Yes, that's it. At the time when the contract was over, the agent said that there was an auction with lots of Chinese cultural relics, so I looked over and found the bottle at a glance!"

Touching the bottle, Mr. Ren continued, "The official kiln vase in the Qing Dynasty was a palace item. The time can be traced back to 1740 AD. From the perspective of selling it, it is very good."

Hearing what President Ren said, Guan Ming also focused on this bottle.

The outermost part of the middle of the bottle is hollowed out, and the middle is a round bottom. The two fat fish on the top can clearly see the protrusions. The top and bottom are yellow bottoms with flower branches.

Judging from the ease of production, this bottle is definitely five stars. After all, vases and vases can hold flowers and store water, but the outermost part of the bottle is hollow, which is difficult to obtain.

"At that time, I was worried that I didn't know what to send the tube to. It turned out that after seeing this bottle, I thought that I might as well take this picture and give it to you, whoever asks for it, who made me meet it. Mr. Ren stretched out his hand to indicate that Guan Ming should pass by.

"Everything is good? This is a very fresh and good idea." Guan Ming smiled and reached out and took the bottle over for fun.

"I don't really know about antiques, but Qianlong reigned in 1740. The Shiquan old man can be said to be a model among the emperors. Not only did he live and live long, he was born and died at the same time. It's a good time to catch up, no wonder this bottle can be hollowed out. If it was during the Qianlong period, it wouldn't be strange. "Guan Ming remembered Qianlong with emotion.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about porcelain, the Qianlong period has reached a peak in craftsmanship. Guan Ming remembers that Tang Ying, a small official who specialized in burning porcelain for the emperor, invented 57 varieties. At the same time, It can also be fully confirmed, which is very powerful, although there is Qianlong's small leather whip to pull him behind.

"People inside the head office ~ I only knew these things after asking the collectors. Afterwards, they came out to the office, great!" With a thumbs up, Mr. Ren came to a wave of business touts.

"Hey ~ Nothing ~ ~ I just read a lot of miscellaneous books." Guan Ming quickly waved his hands.

The giant also couldn't help laughing, he knew that Mu Xiaoxiao was studying history, and Guan Ming had a dark history of deliberately arranging the side of the girl by the name of a tutor, so it was not surprising to know this.

"Speaking of the Qianlong period, in fact, I always wanted to collect several pension cards from the Emperor Qianlong. At that time, the elderly people with moral virtues over the age of 70 were called Emperors to eat thousands of feasts, and then each person issued a pension card, explaining At that time, Qianlong was very concerned about the issue of old-age care, and this old-age card was a very memorable thing. "Put the bottle on the coffee table, Guan Ming talked openly.

"I really haven't heard of this, but I will check it back, and if I have the chance, I will collect a few." President Ren said quickly, but he also knew that the probability was relatively low, as Guan Ming Nothing has been collected. This thing should not be the reason for the price, but it is simply rare, or it is very rare to be complete and non-destructive.

"Elderly care is indeed a very important thing. In fact, the country is now facing an awkward situation. That is how to increase the value of pensions at the same time as the economy is rising. After all, times are different, and purchasing power will change. After working hard all my life, I won't be able to live when I get old. "The giant couldn't help but sigh.

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