Private Technology

: 874 hate and love neutrinos

The giant said that there was nothing wrong with it, but Guan Ming and President Ren had no electricity at all, and there was no way to answer it.

At the beginning of this year, the state discussed the issue of pensions entering the market. Various controversial topics continued to flow. After all, this matter is related to the salary of the public after retirement. Even if the state can afford the bottom, it can't hold it every year.

In fact, Guan Ming knew that such a thing would definitely pass after entering the market, because after his retirement, Guan Dad deliberately looked at this, and even Guan Ming was a bit impressed with this.

But this kind of thing is not something he can intervene, especially if there are others around him, he still remembers what happened to a big guy.

"Forget it, I can't talk about anything with you. I heard that some time ago, your child secretly ran us to play?" The giant shook his head first and teased casually.

"These two little cubs, I still have a toothache when I think of it!" Guan Ming looked sore and continued to say, "No need to say, I will hang for five minutes when I come back, so that both of them will increase their memory. You also know scientific research. This thing, once inspired, it ’s all day and night. It ’s usually made by Xiaoxiao with the child. The result is like this. If she is not a pregnant woman, apart from the palm of the hand, I must be a violent meal. ! "

Anyway, the family is urging them upstairs. At this time, the bragging force is not afraid to be punctured.

"Children ca n’t fight, adults ca n’t fight, we are not Longtan Tigers, we ca n’t beat children, I can tell you, if you let me know that you beat children again, be careful that we old guys will beat you together ~” The giant fingered Knowing Guan Ming is a small threat.

If Guan Ming represents the present, Guan Mengyu represents the future. Grasping the present and focusing on the future is the best choice.

When the giant said so, Guan Mingzhang smiled and raised his tea cup to drink water.

Until President Ren left the door, he had no chance to say that the bottle cost him 62 million pounds and had to say that it was a failed gift.

After sending the two away, Guan Ming sat on the sofa and looked at the bottle. If he wanted to see if this thing was still available, he poured the water from the teapot into the bottle. As soon as he raised the teapot, the family went upstairs. Killed.

"It came down just right, and when they left, they brought a bottle." He looked up and said hello, Guan Ming continued to pour water into it.

"We all know that it is Qianlong's. We have watched it ~" With his hands on the coffee table, Guan Mengxi stood beside Guan Ming with her feet on her feet, her tender voice was adorable.

"Eh? Real-time viewing of Shuangxing Lane?" Guan Ming asked, raising his teapot.

"Yeah, I don't know. I was shocked when I saw it. He even hung me up, mom. You don't care about him, he usually likes to hang me up." Shaking his arm, Mu Xiaoxiao pulled the long voice to coquettishly.

"Okay, I'll hit him when I look back!" Clapping Mu Xiaoxiao's hand, the mother looked doted and enjoyed.

Guan Ming's eyelids jumped. Although Mu Xiaoxiao's boss is not small, but her coquetry skills are still MAX, but the problem is that some words can't be talked about. It is clear that she has taken the initiative to COS some strange characters and plots!

"How old a person is, before he has grown up, it's time to hang you up and hit him hard!" Mu's mom gave Mu Xiaoxiao a slap, somewhat jealous.

To Mu Xiaoxiao, Mu's mother is a living prince. This kind of coquettish situation can't be encountered two or three times a year, but on the other hand, on the mother's side, two or three times a week is not enough.

It was bustling, and the living room was lively again, while Guan Ming slipped away silently.

In the study, Guan Ming continued to work for his space telescope.

The construction and assembly of the telescope has always been a double-star remote control, which is processed underground in Shanghai. At present, the main part of the telescope has been handled. The most troublesome lenses have been processed. The remaining parts are relatively simple and easy to process.

In terms of the current work progress, the design part is done, but this does not mean that Guan Ming can pick and choose and let Double Star do everything.

Guan Ming also needs to develop the next generation of space telescopes. In Guan Ming's vision, the second generation of space telescopes is a detachable platform. As soon as new technologies and materials appear, Guan Ming can immediately update the hardware and put it on the sky. Replacement and diversification in collecting information are not just monotonous.

There is no need to consider how much money is involved in the middle. What he needs to consider is to get everything as soon as possible, to get more information as soon as the laser signal disappears, to develop more ways to go to the mobile Sagittarius signal as soon as possible, to decipher this information as soon as possible, That's it.

And he now puts his eyes on the neutrino!

"It's difficult!" Guan Ming rubbed his head, and then sighed.

Neutrinos are particles that carry information and are one of the most basic particles that make up nature.

Guan Ming wanted to study such particles because they could easily pass through ordinary matter without reacting.

Although there is no clear answer in the physics community as to whether neutrinos are faster than the speed of light, it is certain that neutrinos are moving very, very fast. This speed of movement represents time and efficiency.

What makes Guan Ming incomprehensible is that there are too many reasons for the generation of neutrinos, such as the Big Bang, giant celestial activity, stellar reactions like the sun, and even the human body emits neutrinos every minute, every second. At the same time, every second, the human body will be passed through astronomical neutrinos, and even in the night, they will be mad by the neutrinos from the sun!

How to accurately collect neutrinos from Sagittarius will be the key. Even if there is such a large calculation as the backing of the double star, Guan Ming has no confidence to challenge the universe!

"Then we imitate the Antarctic Ice Cube ~ ~ How about setting up an ice cube in the universe for observation? The energy level is selected," said Shuangxing.

"It's useless. This method is suitable for discovering high-energy neutrinos. This high-energy can be more violent than the sun's explosion. I can't think of a few days to detonate a sun just to convey information. Most importantly, there are other Energetic particles. "Guan Ming shrugged.

In fact, another reason Guan Ming wants to work on neutrinos is that neutrinos are neutral. Unlike charged particles that deflect after passing through a magnetic field, there is no way to track the path.

"Then we create a magnetic field in the universe, or imitate an earth, let all charged particles deflect, and then choose the neutrino we want?" Obviously, the binary star also knows the characteristics of neutrinos.

"That is also a huge amount of data. Based on your current calculations, we may need more than just network satellites."

The characteristic of neutrinos means that the number will be too large to be calculated. You must know that the distance between Sagittarius and the earth is more than 20,000 light years. Since Sagittarius can emit neutrinos, it means the middle section. Distance must be ok.

Of course, the premise is that the management has the means to monitor it.

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