Private Technology

: 875 The war begins in the West!

It was in Guan Ming that neutrinos were detained. The country is the westernmost. Dozens of missiles have risen into the sky, and the fire broke through the night!

Somewhere in the eastern part of the country, an electromagnetic plasma beam weapon burst out of the air and instantly vaporized a dozen satellites above the sky. The behemoth disappeared into the night as if it never appeared.

"Boss, the war has begun!" Double Star interrupted Guan Ming, who was immersed in research.

"What?" Guan Ming looked up erroneously, as if seeing through the ceiling.

Although there was already a hunch, Guan Ming was still a bit unbearable when the war came.

"How could it be us! Are they not in the South China Sea!" In New Delhi, the president of India faced with shock and panic.

In modern society, wars mostly occur with or without nuclear weapons, or with or without nuclear weapons.

Because of the existence of nuclear weapons, wars are not equal, and wars are also eliminated.

There are large cracks between China and India, and there are many reasons in the middle, but no matter how you say, the cracks still exist.

The Indian President had never expected that China would use India for surgery, because India has a nuclear bomb!

But the existence of a nuclear bomb does not mean that we can win modern warfare. It still depends on the level of the nuclear bomb!

A total of nine countries in the world possess nuclear weapons. In addition to the five permanent members, there are four countries: India, Pakistan, Israel and North Korea.

However, no matter in terms of the level or quantity of nuclear bombs, the latter four countries are completely inferior to the five largest permanent members.

Judging from China's current level of science and technology and military strength, even bombing nuclear weapons can kill India, and its own loss is not great!

Judging from China's current economic level, even if India is struggling with injuries and death, China can recover to the pre-war level in a short period of time, and even at the international level, it can improve a lot.

More importantly, since China chose to go to war with India, it means that China has leveled the US side, or that China has the confidence to face the US-India coalition!

What a powerful force this will be!

"Before, we always thought that they would print Nepal, the Philippines, or Vietnam and Japan, but now it looks like a scam. Ten minutes ago, China ’s military satellites suddenly disappeared. At the same time, the radar on the border line and the nearby runway were bombed Destroyed, the last news I received was that the other party sent a flying group to attack our military stationed at the border military area. "The speed of speech was rapid, and the people in front of him reported quickly.

"How's the situation now? What about the casualties?" The Indian President heard a twitch in his heart.

India has a large population, and the corresponding number of soldiers and armaments is also large, but the number is not quality.

India has a feeling of competing with China in military development. However, India's independent development capability is poor, and more of it is to purchase equipment. In order to install facades, the armaments deployed in the military zone on the China-India border are relatively new. Bought from the US side.

But the Indian army's learning ability is low!

Bought is always bought, and the conversion rate from novice to veteran is very low, which means that those border military areas with bright appearance actually have very limited combat effectiveness.

In this way, in the face of a sudden attack, let alone counterattack, it is estimated that very few people can survive!

"It's not clear for the time being, the border line signal has been cut off. You now need to hold a press conference to condemn China. This is entirely a unilateral provocation by the Chinese side!" He couldn't bear to see his president still tangled in casualties Stay reminder.

"It's too late to invite all the generals, then the people from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the domestic police to block the Chinese embassy in India. I need to call now." This president does not have Shi Lezhi, the most important thing now It is to find allies, and then to find the reason.

In the face of war, maybe 'justice and evil' can boost morale, but it cannot determine the victory or defeat of war.

Just like fights, the stage of 'scolding' has now passed, and now the competition is courage, equipment and number.

"Okay, Mr. President!" The man realized something, and then decisively turned away.

The Indian President took a deep breath, and after thinking about it for two minutes, he picked up the phone and started making calls. He needed to ask the United States for help, and also needed a polar bear for help.

At this end of the China-India border, in a large green tent, the quasi-general giant sits on the main seat, listening to his men reporting the wave of blows just now.

The sky, destroying all Indian military satellites and a small number of corporate satellites, making India a blind man.

Near the border, a wave of radars lurking nearby has turned India into a deaf.

Far from the border, a wave of military targets such as the nearby civilian airport runways, a small number of military airport runways, and missile bases left India without air defense forces.

Subsequently, two flight groups were dispatched, with the goal of destroying the air force in the enemy's military area. However, compared to missiles, the speed of the aircraft was slower, and no news was passed back.

But judging from the current actions, the problem is not big.

"How is the signal interference doing?" Turning his head, the giant asked the army general next to him.

"The first missiles were interspersed with jammers, and they have now covered a diameter of 500 kilometers west. Except for us, the enemy cannot receive any real-time news. We are ready here, as long as it appears over this range. Non-our satellites will be destroyed within the first time of discovery, "said the admiral with full confidence.

There are double stars for monitoring, and coupled with an electromagnetic plasma beam weapon, it is impossible for even a fly to leak, let alone a satellite!

"Well, do a good job of monitoring in this regard, one to the other, don't hesitate." Nodded, the giant said flatly.

This is not the first time to play satellite!

Don't look at the fact that there were no major wars in the past ten or twenty years ~ ~ But small-scale confrontations have never stopped. Such confrontations are not verbal warnings, but real actions.

"Yes!" The General replied loudly.

"Where has the intelligent force gone?" The giant asked.

"We have already come here, and we are expected to reach the other military zone in 23 minutes." The person standing in front stepped forward and pointed, the holographic projection on the table suddenly turned on, and the ground made of grass green and brown, and The so-called intelligent troops are a red square array of red dots.

This unit is fully controlled by Double Star (Artificial Intelligence), which represents high efficiency, high speed, precision and zero casualties.

War is the best place to test military strength.

Regarding the existence of this country, which is likely to become the mainstream military force of the future, both the giants and the military are looking forward to it.

"Very good, follow-up troops followed, and attacked enemy targets in accordance with the plan. This time, they went deep into enemy operations. Remember to pay attention to all possible dangers around them. Don't take it lightly." Smoke, said.

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