Private Technology

: 879 Guan Ming's Way of Donation

I don't know if it is an illusion, Guan Ming feels that people are in a hurry in Zhongnanhai today.

In the past, although these staff members were very time-conscious, they could see smiles in addition to their faces, but today, it seems that there are fewer smiles, and everyone is worried about the war.

After all, even in modern times, news on the battlefield ahead will still be delayed for various reasons.

"Giant, I'm here, and I'm sorry to trouble you this time." After knocking on the door, Guan Ming entered the office.

"If this is trouble, I really want to be troubled by you every day, come and sit down." Sitting on the sofa, the giant waved at Guan Ming.

"Looking at the news?" After Guan Ming sat down, the giant looked at Guan Ming with a gaze.

"Looked, I was busy with my work last night, but suddenly I was told about it, it scared me, and I didn't sleep well all night." Guan Ming said.

"Oh ~ I didn't tell you before, and I didn't want to scare you because of this. It didn't make sense that the news on your side was very clever." The giant knocked on the handrail and said thoughtfully.

The giant knows that Guan Ming has his own artificial intelligence. Although there is no actual data, everyone agrees that Guan Ming's artificial intelligence is stronger than the artificial intelligence he handed over to the country, even if the artificial intelligence of the country has been rewritten. , Because this rewrite is more in order to fill possible loopholes, rather than technical and functional innovation.

After all, Guan Ming belongs to a wild scientist. Even if he has been patriotic before and now, the country's artificial intelligence application is too broad and he has to guard against it.

"This war has been on TV. If I don't know, I can't justify it." Guan Ming explained.

If there was no news on TV yesterday, even if Guan Ming knew it, he would not tell his family about the war. After all, the source of information is an important topic.

"Also, but thanks to you in this battle, we achieved zero casualties in this battle, and seized a large number of advanced weapons from the US. The application of intelligent forces is also very effective ~" Guan Ming did not ask too much When talking about this battle, the giant's face was also excited.

This battle is an absolute crushing round, it is a battle between different levels.

"Zero casualties? That's great! Since last night I have been worried about whether there will be casualties among soldiers. After all, this battle was brought out from me!" Guan Ming's tight face also relaxed a lot, Pretending to be relieved.

In fact, the battle situation is clearer than everyone else.

This battle was not just about zero casualties, the seizure of US weapons, and so on.

In addition to the technology products with Guan Ming's shadow, several new high-tech weapons were put into the fighting nation this time, all of which are powerful and dark technology weapons in Guan Ming's eyes. Even he knows that the current intelligent troops have already It was advanced 200 kilometers west of the border line. At the same time, there were not only thousands of Indian army prisoners, but also hundreds of thousands of civilian prisoners.

Through internal exchanges between users of the human brain chip, Guan Ming even knew that the country was ready to negotiate next. When the other party had hesitation or resistance at the negotiation table, it would advance another 500 kilometers. The final position in the plan is the Indian capital. Come to an alliance under the city.

"You know this battle. India is just a ghost, but the country now needs time and a stable social environment. After all, fighting the United States can easily evolve into a world war, and the print will not be. The most important thing is, Although India is far from the United States in terms of commerce, it is actually also an ally of the United States. "The giant thought for a moment and said, after all, everyone knows that the attack planned by the United States was actually an attack on Guan Ming, and Guan Ming was also carried out afterwards. Counterattack.

"I understand that the country can do this for me. I am very grateful. This is also the purpose of my visit. I discussed with my family before. Although my personal strength was very small before the war, I and My family still wants to do their best. "Guan Ming said very seriously, although there was something to suggest in his words.

"Anyway, you are a local tyrant. If you donate too little this time, be careful I pack up." Hearing that Guan Ming wanted to change the subject, the giant said jokingly.

"It should be indispensable. I think so. How can we use civilian forces in this war? I donate as much as the people of the country donate. At the same time, I donate the same number to all front-line struggles. Soldiers buy insurance. Once there are any casualties, how much does the insurance company pay, and how much do I pay in the past? If there are soldiers who are too injured to continue the barracks life, then I will provide certain jobs, even if The number of posts is not enough. I will also set up other companies to expand recruitment in the future. If a soldier sacrifice, then my side is responsible for the normal life of his family for the next 20 years. "

Hearing Guan Ming's words, the giant couldn't help holding up his tea cup and taking a sip to startle.

Glancing at the almost brown tea leaves, Guan Ming knew that the giant should have never slept.

"It's a great deal, you're really paying for it this time!" The tea time was used as a buffer, the giant said slowly.

The population of a country represents its potential.

1.3 billion people, each donating 100 yuan, this is 130 billion!

In the face of war, this number will be more ~ ​​ ~, and Guan Ming actually has to double the national donation by one person. It is estimated that all the rich in the world together, only Guan Ming has this Cash flow.

"I really don't know where to start, after all, I have money left when I'm so poor." Guan Ming said something that he wanted to say long ago. This forced him to want to wear it long ago, but he didn't have underwear. ... oh no, there is no chance.

Guan Ming makes much more money than he spends, and the company has no intention to expand operations, which has led to the continuous accumulation of funds in Guan Ming's account and the company's account.

Judging from the figures currently displayed, Guan Minghua will not spend his entire life, and even he does not even spend the interest from the bank.

Rather than growing it in a bank in the form of numbers, it is better to throw it out in one breath, anyway, you can earn it later, after all, from the heart, he also wants to do more for this war, although he was afraid to go Kill the enemy in the blood on the battlefield.

"That's what makes you so embarrassing!" The giant couldn't help voicing, even if he knew Guan Ming was right, but it sounded super-level.

"But it's time to move the money in your account. The money is called money only when it is spent." Nodded, the giant said.

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