Private Technology

: 880 decisions

Hearing the words of the giant, Guan Ming's first reaction was that someone wanted to move his money, so his face became bad, "Should someone hit me?"

Money is in Guanming's mind, and everything is in Guanming's thoughts. No matter which country it is placed in, personal assets are always protected by law and there is no crime.

"You think too much, no one dares to move your money, and we won't let the people below move." After seeing Guan Ming's face change, the giant appeased.

Banks have a loan business, which is an investment. Even if there are bad debts and dead debts, the overall profit is considered healthy and belongs to the type of money.

But Guan Ming and Guan Ming's accounts have been ordered by the giants long ago. Unless Guan Ming releases words, no one can move.

As long as it is Guanming's money, it will be transferred to the head office as soon as it is entered into the account, and it will not give anyone below the opportunity to operate.

"I was scared when I was young, and I saw that Xiaoxiao was about to have a baby again. I always want to leave something for my family." Hearing the giant's statement, Guan Ming didn't want to be stiff, but also explained it.

"I know that Wanjia is a country, and no one has jumped out of the crack of the stone. It is also natural to take care of the family within a reasonable and legal scope, understandable." The giant was not angry, and Guan Ming's idea was very reasonable and reasonable, after all He was so special, his house was so thorough ...

Guan Ming's three views have long been established. The giants have completely hoped that Guan Ming could not be homeless and discouraged. They only hope that the next generation of Guan Ming should not be the same as Guan Ming. After all, the giants are very optimistic about the twins and have not been born. Little future.

Xiaoxiao didn't speak, and Guan Ming didn't know what to say at this time.

"... You just came here. In this battle, we also put on a few new weapons. I will let the following people give you specific parameters and combat performance. Take it back and see if there is any improvement. Space. ”Considering Guan Ming's personal ability, the giant thought about it and said.

Originally, this kind of thing was to go to the meeting of the giants, and then gave it to Guan Ming, but Guan Ming was right, strong and trustworthy, and the giants did not mind a small violation.

"This ... I am not very familiar with weapons, and if fighting, it is estimated that India can't even delay the time. Even if there is room for improvement, there is no time for improvement." Guan Ming said reluctantly.

Although the optical space telescope has been finalized, Guan Ming is now fiercely attacking neutrinos. If the second-generation telescope was made one day earlier, he could collect more data one day earlier.

"I've been busy lately? Still working as your space telescope?" The giant asked, raising his eyebrows, and he could hear Guan Ming's meaning.

"The first generation of space telescopes has been made, and the second generation of space telescopes is currently being worked on. They are studying how to observe neutrinos in the universe." Guan Ming said honestly, after all, the telescope was shot to the sky, relying on it National rocket, there is no meaning in lying about this.

"Very important?" The giant asked, looking at Guan Ming's face.

Before the country arranged the task for Guan Ming, Guan Ming did not have to say whether it was the attitude or the quality of the completion, but now Guan Ming has the meaning of resignation, so that the giant realized what.

"... personally feels very important." Guan Ming hesitated.

"What could be more important than the war now? I know you, this space telescope should be more than just your hobbies." The giant raised his glasses and looked at Guan Ming seriously.

Dumbfounded, Guan Ming wondered if he wanted to say something about Sagittarius.

Speaking out, Guan Ming will have the full support of the country, but whether Sagittarius will be leaked to the whole world and then everyone will observe Sagittarius collectively, and even the active contact of Sagittarius in "Three Body" will appear, and then lead to the annihilation of the earth .

If you do n’t say it, Guan Ming still observes with his own strength, but the two space telescopes in front and back and the direction of collecting information invariably will also attract the attention of people around the world. In the end, Sagittarius may also be known by the world. Observation, the current amount of idle calculation of network satellites is far from enough. He needs to have better reasons to get N times the number of network satellites now, which has been delayed for too long.

Guan Ming doesn't think he will see the Sagittarius invasion alive, because in addition to positioning in the vast starry sea, it also involves more than 20,000 light-years of travel. Even if someone sells the earth, it will take 20,000 years for the news to arrive. The premise is that a certain area inside Sagittarius outside the 20,000 light-years is precisely aligned, and the other party can decipher the news.

"It's like this ..." After a few minutes of silence, Guan Ming slowly spoke.

In the office, the giant listened sideways.

The country is extremely west, and the chief executive frowns, saying, "It's all this time, why haven't you come online yet?"

In front of the holographic projection, in addition to the giants in charge of technology, the projections of other giants have appeared.

The chief giant looked down at the mobile phone and said, "I won't wait for him first. Guan Ming has gone to him. There should be something important."

"Since it is Guan Ming, it is estimated that there is any important technology that may make us play a bit easier." In the projection, the smile on the face of the other giant was a little stiff.

It's not a bad mood, but a serious face that keeps him from adapting to smiles. However, when it comes to Guan Ming, even him, he will become more at ease.

"Easy? I can't think of how easy it can be. If it weren't for my speed, I would be able to go to New Delhi for curry at night." The chief executive giant shook his head with a smile.

I don't know if it was because the battle was easy, or because the giants in charge of technology did not come to the meeting and laughed for no reason.

"Even if the curry is not good, the original curry is not suitable for us. It is easy to diarrhea after eating." The chief giant said in a pun.

Killing New Delhi in one go is easy, but it can have a very bad impact.

War is an extension of politics ~ ~ To achieve more predetermined goals, we must first give each other a certain depth to contrast ourselves, especially this asymmetric war.

After all, the giants don't just want India to trade a wave of ZF.

"Is there any change in the world?" The quasi-giant knew that something had happened.

"Sure, in addition to looking for the United States and Russia, the Indian side is also trying to pull in the United Nations and denounce the war for causing irreparable losses to their country and people." The general giant said with a smile.

"It is less than 24 hours since the war. The United States, Russia and the United Nations cannot respond so quickly. Did India talk to us? What is their attitude?" The chief executive asked.

No human brain chip is installed, and the energy of the quasi-general giants is all on the front line, and they don't know much about other things.

"It's very tough. I think I still have the power to fight it. It doesn't seem to hurt." The chief giant did not say anything else. After all, some Indian folk voices are no longer on the hearts of the giants.

"Then hit them until they hurt!" The chief executive took a deep breath and said with a domineering tone.

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