Private Technology

: 942 Will of the Skin vs. Will of Persuasion

"At present, the structure of anti-gravity equipment still has the possibility to change, so the battery can not determine the specifications, but after using the battery, the ratio of self-weight and load-bearing will be reduced. At present, the maximum weight of the equipment is only 2 tons, and the minimum weight is not less than 5okg, all the above data need to be connected to an external power supply. "Shuangxing added one last sentence.

Hearing the words of Double Star, Guan Ming had no regrets, but continued to ask with interest: "What is the specification of this 1oo catty?"

The size of anti-gravity equipment is not simply enlarged or reduced in proportion, the internal structure will inevitably change, as if the pistol is enlarged, the lethality is still not as good as cannons of the same specification.

"... According to the deduction, the maximum diameter is about 0.6 m and the height is 0.5 m. I don't recommend turning this semi-finished product into a home, because the drawing has a certain optimization space, and there is currently no preparation for safety. Choose a solution. "After a few seconds of silence, the double star gave her answer.

It knows Guan Ming's spleen, so he can guess what Guan Ming wants to do. However, once the anti-gravity equipment fails, it is directly on the pia ground. If Guan Mengxi is sitting on it, the possibility of injury is not low. .

And the current maximum diameter refers to the ground contact area. Although there is an application space of 0.6 meters indoors, taking off and landing will be relatively troublesome when flying outdoors, and cluttered wires are also a safety hazard.

"Well," Guan Ming said with regret, when he said that he really wanted to take this thing back to coax the children to play, whether it is the big baby or little baby at home, he should like this kind of thing.

"Well, the anti-gravity equipment should be arranged according to the original plan." Guan Ming of the word generation can still listen to other suggestions.

"By the way, how's your research on my genetics?" Guan Ming suddenly remembered something, so he asked.

On the first night back, with the help of Mu Xiaoxiao, Double Star obtained the experimental materials.

Although the giant has told Guan Ming about his genetics, Guan Ming knows that the giant will not tell him all the data, and even Guan Ming does not know why his genetic genes will be compared with the mother's genetic genes, and then choose the best inheritance.

Isn't this kind of thing showing double, showing and faint and showing faintly, besides, is this so-called 'selection of superiority', in the end is it to turn the advantages into dominant and present, or eliminate the inferior genetic genes and present them? Out.

If it is the former, it means that Guan Ming's descendants may be genetically stronger than others, but it will definitely be weaker than Guan Ming. If it is the latter, it is really very leathery!

Finally, what kind of research data did the research team obtain in order to conclude that the offspring of Guan Ming have a high probability of completely inheriting the IQ of Guan Ming?

You know, Guan Ming is still very vague about the concept of 'IQ', especially on specific things like genetics.

"Sorry boss, because you are not good at this issue, so I can only deduct on a large scale, and I have not got any valid data at present, unless the boss, Miss Er or other talents in this area provide reliable suggestions or inspiration. Otherwise, there should be no progress within three to five years. "The two stars, which have always been very precise in numbers, use the word 'three or five years', indicating that it also believes that there is too much uncertainty in this research.

As for why it wasn't three or fifty years ago, Guan Ming felt that this should be the performance of waiting for Guan Ming's son. By comparing the genetic comparison between Guan Ming and the three children, it would lead to interesting things.

"It's really troublesome. Try your best. There are too many things on my side. I don't have the time or energy to focus on this." Scratching his head, Guan Ming said anxiously.

Regardless of the final result of the genetic gene, Guan Ming is very sure that this change is benign, that it has advantages, and it is also the least useful. At least for Guan Ming, the physical person, this thing is really sincere. use.

After listening to Shuangxing's introduction of the new materials developed in the recent period, Guan Ming did not stay in the company and went straight home.

At home, although the mother was eating durian, and the mother didn't say anything, Mu Xiaoxiao was still afraid of plugging the toilet in her head, so she persuaded for several days.

However, Mu Xiaoxiao's skin is not a toilet that can be cured. Mu's tickling tickled her for more than 20 years, and she still hasn't penetrated that layer of skin.

Therefore, the skin is one of Mu Xiaoxiao's ontology.

"Walk, walk, I want to be the greatest photographer in the world!" A pregnant woman in a long skirt with a creamy white sun hat on her head, Mu Xiaoxiao stood up in the living room, talking arrogantly, looking particularly stupid and childish.

Saying this, have you ever thought of Mr. Chen with a silver gun wax head?

But the parents are in front of them, and Guan Ming can only vomit in his heart.

"Yes, yes, because the mother is going to shoot the most beautiful little fairy in the world!" Guan Mengxi, who inherited Mu Xiaoxiao's "will of the skin," nodded her side by side, and her unique honey-confidence was also revealed on her face .

"Don't make a mess, if you want to go, first put the life jacket on, just like you!" Guan Ming picked up a large and small life jacket from the sand and stuffed it directly into the arms of these two Pikachus.

It may be that there are no skins or projects in the past. Grand Pikachu Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered that there was a yacht that he had never sat in once. There are still cold winters, and it is now October. If we do n’t go to sea again, the climate will really limit Mu Xiaoxiao's brain.

"唉" The mother and daughter looked at each other and sighed together. The reason why these two guys were so busy just now was to divert everyone's attention.

"Sister, you traitor!" Guan Mengxi said bitterly, looking at the younger sister wearing the ugly yellow life jacket.

"No sister, I'm afraid you will push me into the sea." Guan Mengyu retorted solemnly.

"... you are my favorite sister, how can I push you to the sea!" Anxiously, Guan Mengxi wanted to explain.

"In the past, you have been pitted too many times. Even if I do n’t wear it, my grandparents and grandpa wo n’t rest assured." Regarding this weak rebuttal, Guan Mengyu said that there was not much pressure, and he knew that he was going to sea At that moment, she was thinking about her safety. After all, Guan Ming's "will to counsel" was inherited by Guan Mengyu, at least from now on.

"Mom, look at my sister, I hate it." Holding Mu Xiaoxiao's thigh, shaking her body like a sieve, coquettishly.

"Xiao Xibei, after you get on the boat, don't do anything to your sister." While holding her chest, Mu Xiaoxiao bent down, while whispering softly, holding her little head.

Guan Mengxi settled down for a moment, with a ridiculous expression, as if to say, ‘Piru, how can you say that’.

ps: The match between Croatia and Nigeria is too late. It's too late. I don't have much impression of these two national teams. After all, I'm a pseudo fan, but Maxim's "Croatian Rhapsody" is very good. I remember that I liked it for a while. Listen to this.

Genius remember the address of this site in a second :. Mobile website reading URL:

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