Private Technology

: Seemingly acquainted

Guan Ming's yacht was made a long time ago, but he has been useless. Although he has also taken a boat to the sea, there is no seasickness, but Guan Ming does not think it is good to go to the sea. Let ’s go down to the sea.

Let ’s go, let ’s say first, everyone is not allowed to approach the ship's rail today, especially the three of you. Guan Ma clapped her hands and greeted everyone to prepare.

Mu Xiaoxiao Guan Meng Xi nodded again and again to show obedience, only Guan Mengyu pouted, but it doesn't matter anyway, anyway, everyone's trust in Guan Mengyu must pass the other two goods.

The weather is really good today. When I deliberately went out to test in the morning, the wind was still strong. Now it is much better. Big Pikachu was holding Pikachu, and Xiaoxiao Mu commented on today's weather.

In Shanghai's stock market in October, the outdoor temperature will be higher than the north, about 2o °.

It makes sense that since going to sea today, wearing a skirt is not a good choice. If you fall or fall into the sea, it is a big problem, but Mu Xiaoxiao is now a big belly, and her pants can be put on, but definitely No skirt is comfortable.

Today, the whole family is mobilized, and Mu Xiaoxiao can be seen dead. By the way, the double star also assists.

Walking a few tens of meters northwest is a private pier built near the Huangpu River. The purpose is definitely not a boat or a beach, but a building similar to a garage, but the length, height and width are much larger than the villa garage. This thing doesn't understand much, probably it should be called the dock.

The road to the building is paved with cobblestones and is three people wide.

The first two Pikachus are holding hands. Like Ye You, the breeze blows, and the large and small skirts flutter in the wind, looking very loving.

The second column is Guan Ming and Guan Mengyu.

Guan Ming looked down at his little girl and asked: Why don't you wear the same skirt as your sister? I remember Xiao Xi didn't wear your skirt to rhubarb.

May be hearing Guan Ming's call, the rhubarb rolling along the road rushed over, hairless and plump body, wrapped in a child's underwear with fat buttocks, is sticking his tongue to look up Guan Ming.

Wearing skirts will impress action, and I don't like the feeling of air leakage below. Relying on his young age, control what Meng Yu has to say.

But looking down at her suspender denim shorts, she also felt that her dress was slightly masculine.

It may be the residual memory and the lessons learned. When faced with a crisis, flexibility is most important.

Well, you're right. Guan Ming shrugged, without passing through the skirt, he naturally did not know what was called the leak below, as if someone always said that having a child is a tenth pain, but Guan Ming did not know the true meaning of the tenth pain.

Wang ~ yelled at Guan Ming, and Rhubarb rushed forward with his short legs, and rushed to Guan Mengxi's feet.

This may be the meaning of greetings or reminders. Guan Ming does not have electronic glasses, so it is not clear what it means. However, the thought of Guan Mengyu and Rhubarb's gender made him feel awkward.

From an age point of view, rhubarb has matured long ago, and Guan Ming has not physically cut it, but in recent years, it has behaved quietly?

Guan Ming didn't see Rhubarb looking for bitches. Could it be said that after owning the human brain chip, its aesthetic view also changed?

Like humans?

Thinking of Da Huang's usual performance, I don't feel right, because it prefers Guan Ming to Mu Xiaoxiao, and it usually sticks to two small dots whenever there is time.

If you think about it, Guan Ming thinks that this should have nothing to do with aesthetics, and IQ.

If everyone in the world is a fool, are you willing to marry someone, or leave offspring with someone? In completely strange situations.

Maybe, this is the state of rhubarb. Maybe it is more afraid that its child is still a fool.

However, as the host, Guan Ming felt that he should allow Rhubarb to enjoy its due benefits, but these things need to be postponed, and today came out to play with the boat, not play with Rhubarb.

Skui ~ Looking at the big yacht, Mu Xiaoxiao looks surprised, and spit out a sentence she often hears in Japanese, although it is a transliteration.

Lady, lady, please get on the boat this way. Wearing a suit, Zhou Wu was waiting here long ago.

Looking at the big guy in front of him, both Mu Xiaoxiao and Guan Mengxi have open mouths.

Guan Ming's yacht is very large and of course very new. The upper and lower buildings are divided into several floors. Except for the underwater part, Mu Xiaoxiao can count two and a half floors. The half floor is the top of the boat. It should be casual The relaxed open terrace is just unsure whether there is a talking terrace such as a sand tea table or a dining-style terrace such as a built-in barbecue.

Hurry up and don't stop here. After Mu Mu approached, now Mu Xiaoxiao is looking up at the yacht stupidly, and she slaps her back, letting her hurry up ~ ~ Don't make it look like the countryside, especially This thing is still its own.

Zhou Wu stood aside as if he hadn't heard it, still with a smile on his face, waiting for everyone to get on board.

But it looks really luxurious, it feels like a lot of money. Mu Xiaoxiao scratched his back with his hands, but did not care about the crisp sound, but said in fuss.

As for money, Mu Xiaoxiao has no concept for a long time. You said how much money a Qing Dynasty vase and a copybook in the Tang Dynasty had at home, she might just say oh, then go back and eat watermelon. Different from now.

Although it is impossible for the yacht in front to be expensive together with antiques at home, for Mu Xiaoxiao, the ornamental playability and aesthetics of this yacht are far from antiques at home.

Not much, there are a lot of interesting things on it, let's go to play. The management mother was a little distressed by this idiot.

They have been stabbed a bit. Do n’t you know where to run? Do you still want to be stabbed in a series?

For more than two decades, have your skill points been added to the yellow dots?

How did you live to this day?

Okay mom. After hearing Guan Ma's words, Sunflower Mu Xiaoxiao put away a funny expression on her face and looked at Guan Ma's face with a sweet smile.

Xiaoxi, come, get on the boat with your mother, Xiaoyu, you have to keep up, hold your father's hand ~ Before leaving, Mu Xiaoxiao did not forget that he was a professional nurse, and asked her second daughter.

Looking at the back of her biological daughter, and then looking at the satisfied smile of her own mother, Mu Mu suddenly felt tired.

Mu Mu didn't even understand what kind of fat was used then, so she raised such a thing!

: The tooth hurts so much. The innermost part should be an impacted wisdom tooth. It hurts me!

Tooth extraction, tomorrow! !!

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